90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, February 21, 2022

Armed Portland Antifa Pick Fight With Violent Biker Gang Then Blame POLICE When Things Get Violent

Gunfire erupted when violent Antifa militants appear to have picked a fight with a notorious Portland, Ore. area biker gang.

Antifa lost.

At least one person ended up dead and five others were injured in Portland Saturday night.

Portland Police are still sorting things out, but what we know is that police were called on Saturday night shortly after 8 p.m to a disturbance that quickly escalated into gunfire.

Portland Police said, “this incident started with a confrontation between an armed homeowner and armed protesters.”

As Portland Police Public Information Officer Lt. Nathan Sheppard attempted to update the media on the shooting melee in Northeast Portland, two known Antifa militants took over the news conference, commandeered the microphones, and began blaming the police for failing to do their jobs to protect them.

According to Antifa protesters who took over the presser, identified by the Post Millennial as “Hailley Nolan and Dustin Ferreira,” the previous night their comrades had gone to confront members of notorious Portland area biker gang the Gypsy Jokers. Police say at least one of the Antifa militants was armed (which they usually are).

Nolan, who appeared to have trouble breathing, said it was the Portland Police Bureau’s fault when a woman died in the shooting melee and five others were wounded.

“They are sending Gypsy Jokers to kidnap us,” she breathlessly announced. She pointed to Lt. Sheppard and accused the police of encouraging the violence against Antifa, saying “they are sanctioning this violence against us. We are dying. We are trying to peacefully protest and they are killing us. And I want to know if any of you care. I want to know if Ted Wheeler cares.” See the video below.

She indicated why they took over the news conference by admitting “we are not going to let them capture the narrative and lie,” as she pointed to the police.

We can understand why. When you’re Antifa and you pick a fight with a biker gang, Antifa looks pretty dumb.

While the media watched, the Antifa goons chased the lieutenant back to his patrol car and attempted to surround it — their favorite trick.

I grew up in Portland. Ever since I was a kid I’d heard about the Gypsy Jokers. You. Don’t. Mess. With. The. Gypsy Jokers. Capice? The Portland Gypsy Jokers are reputedly among the most violent, drug dealing, anti-social biker posses this side of the Hells Angels. They’re some bad dudes. Worse than...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #936

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1636

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Girls With Guns

If You Are Offended By This Post, You Are An Imbecile...


Visage à trois #58

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

La petite mort bonus video:

Videos That Are:
  • Usually Short.
  • Usually Timely.
  • Usually Scraped, Gleaned And Pilfered From Social Media.

Visage à trois #56

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #250

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #249

Pennsylvania school caught tossing out ‘white’ books

School students in Pennsylvania decided to stage a "public book burning" at their institution by throwing hundreds of books into rubbish tips to “decolonize” their school library - for fun.

At the North Allegheny Senior High School in Wexford, Pennsylvania. “Taking this school’s curriculum into our own hands,” the students jested while tossing a “Coach’s Bible” into the rubbish bin.

Other “offensive” titles include:
  • The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism is Harming Our Young Men by Christina Hoff Sommers
  • Stock Market Logic: A Sophisticated Approach to Profits on Wall Street by Norman G. Fosback
  • Making Democracy a Reality by Claude G. Bowers
The youngsters laughed while cleaning out the shelves: “We found so many!” Another title also raised eyebrows: Africa: Adventures in Eyewitness History by Rhoda Hoff. According to one student, Trevor Sutcliffe, who tweeted scenes from the library, it was “satire”.

The summer custodian who was allegedly asked to throw away “outdated” books, however, urged the student who had posted it on TikTok to remove the video and denied that it had been “some left-wing purge of ideas”.

An unnamed librarian had chosen the...

O'Rourke On The Philosophy Of Sniveling Brats...

More O'Rourke:

Giving Money And Power To Government Is Like...

...Those Aren't Rights, Those Are The Rations Of Slavery...

At The Core Of Liberalism Is the Spoiled Child..

Enormous Effort And Elaborate Planning..

I'm a bad, bad, boy
And I'm gonna steal your love
Said I'm a bad, bad, boy
And I'm gonna steal your love

Come take me to your house
Then I'm gonna rip you off
Well I made my first kill
With the old town girl

She was the apple of her daddy's eye
Well that woman looked up at me
And I said honey we'll be
Together 'till the day I die

But I lied

Justin Trudeau and the Alchemy of Irony

Canada’s prime minister won a skirmish but lost his credibility, which means that he has also lost legitimacy and will lose the war.

s the philosopher Bertie Wooster was wont to observe, “it’s always just when a fellow is feeling particularly braced with things in general that Fate sneaks up behind him with a bit of lead piping.” Authorities are divided on whether Bertie was correct in attributing the observation to Shakespeare. Perhaps it has its origin in the reflections of some other sage. But regarding the pertinence of the phenomenon to the conduct of human affairs there seems to be general agreement. The Greek tragedians analyzed it as a cosmic interplay of ὕβρις and ἄτη, arrogance followed by infatuation and ruin. I am not sure whether little Justin Trudeau, prime minister pro tem of Canada, has given much thought to the operation of this awful (in the old sense) dialectic, but I suspect that he is about to make its close and palpable acquaintance.

Trudeau—or, as the great Sarah Hoyt denominates him, “Trudescu” or “Castreau”—initially responded to Canada’s “Revolt of the Masses,” a.k.a. the truckers’ Freedom Convoy, by skedaddling out of town and cowering in some presumably secure and definitely unidentified place.

A couple of days later, Trudeau popped his head up over the top of the fox hole and nothing happened. So he climbed out, shook his soft and tiny fists, and plumped his hairdo. “I’m in charge here,” he shouted, and the truckers nodded and kept dancing and singing their songs about peace, love, and freedom. They also kept blocking little Justin’s roadways. This made him very angry. He couldn’t drop those thousands of truckers and their many supporters, children, and pets, into a tank full of piranhas, as he remembered someone he admired once doing. So he invoked the Emergencies Act, a law framed in the 1980s to provide the government of Canada with extraordinary powers to deal with extraordinary situations: wars, invasions, massive terrorist attacks, that sort of thing.

Trudeau is the first prime minister to invoke that law. That must have put mousse in his coiffure. At last he was first. Legislation such as the Emergencies Act is seldom hauled out and implemented in pacific Canada. Its predecessor, the War Measures Act, was invoked three times. Once for World War I. Once for World War II. Once for the so-called October Crisis in 1970, when a separatist group called Front de libération du Québec kidnapped a couple of diplomats, including a Quebec provincial cabinet minister who was later murdered.

You might think that a convoy of truckers protesting Canada’s soon-to-be-revoked vaccine mandate did not rise to the level of a world war or even to the level of a terrorist incident. You would be right about that. But to understand what just happened in Canada, it is important to keep two things in mind.

First, the vaccine mandates, which, as I just said, are just about to be revoked, were never more than the pretext for the truckers’ revolt. The real casus belli was the highhandedness of the government in imposing the mandates, along with all the other COVID theater we’ve been treated to: the shutdowns, the masks, the “social (i.e., anti-social) distancing,” the ubiquitous swabs, sanitizers, hand wipes, and general atmosphere of hysteria.

These expedients don’t actually do anything to contain the virus, which is now endemic and markedly less potent than it was when China first shipped it out to the world. On the contrary, they are predominantly ritualistic, almost religious, gestures. The little paper masks, for example, do nothing to “slow the spread” of a virus that can leak like James Comey’s FBI through those porous and baggy fibers.

No, the masks served different functions. Like the yellow stars worn by certain populations in an earlier age, they were in part badges of submission and compliance. Unlike the yellow stars, however, they also have a virtue-signaling function. They say to the world, “See! I declare my greater virtue by wearing this pointless mask, which, among other things, certifies my appreciation of the unprecedented health threat we face and the fact that I care enough about...