90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, April 1, 2022

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The Kid Lived But Who Died?

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Animated Gif Collection #3
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Animated Gif Collection #5 -OR- Motorcycles And Bulls Don't Mix..
Animated Gif Collection #6 or Bet She Lost Some Teeth...
Animated Gif Collection #7 -OR- This Is What Happens When You Fall Asleep While Driving...
Animated Gif Collection #8 -OR- Fish: 1, Dog: 0
Animated Gif Collection #9 -OR-Out Of Control Bus -OR- 
Animated Gif Collection #10 -OR- How To Launch An Oil Truck Into The Air 
Animated Gif Collection #11 -OR- Man That Must Have Hurt 
Animated GIF Collection #12 -OR- This Is Brutal 
Animated Gif Collection #13 -OR- This Guy Was Inches From DEATH!
Animated Gif Collection #14
Animated Gif Collection #15
Animated Gif Collection #16 -OR- Make It Rain!

NYC man who was stabbed saving woman being robbed goes off on ‘completely insane’ crime

New York City’s bail reform initiative continues to foster more violent crime in the city, despite consistently obtuse denials from city leaders that releasing violent criminals back into the streets with no bail might actually contribute to rising crime.

Now more than ever, citizens are forced to protect themselves and their property without the assistance of police forces which are now hamstrung by Democrat policies and understaffing.

Louie Suljovic, owner of Louie’s Pizzeria in Queens along with his father, were both stabbed a collective 10 times as they intervened to rescue a woman from an armed robber outside their pizzeria.

Hailed as heroes in the community, military veteran Louis Suljovic told Fox News Thursday that his father, Cazim, is still hospitalized but his condition appears to be improving.

“Fox and Friends First” co-host Ashley Strohmier recalled that the Suljovic’s kept their business open during the pandemic and made a practice of donating food to local people in need. She wondered rhetorically if Suljovic thought the city was showing the same kind of generosity and goodwill towards business owners like himself who provided so much but are now suffering as a result of policies that favor criminals over victims.

He responded, “You’ve had the change of the bail reform, which has now created a new breed of criminals that know they can do whatever they want and get...

Joe Biden Is The Best President Ever!!!!


GOP Sen. Cramer Calls Out NBC’s Chuck Todd for Media’s Hunter Biden Double Standard

Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) called out NBC’s Chuck Todd Thursday on MSNBC’s “MTP Daily” for downplaying questions regarding Hunter Biden’s financial ties and accusing former President Donald Trump of “playing footsie” with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Todd was discussing Trump publicly calling on Putin to release any dirt he might have on Hunter Biden in an interview with “Just the News.”

Todd asked, “Why would you want to trust anything Putin had to say about Hunter Biden?”

Cramer said, “Sort of interesting because Russian collusion, if we were to believe everything out of Russia, a few years ago, when it was Donald Trump.”

Todd said, “I’m sorry, it comes across as almost a bit unpatriotic to ask literally the enemy of the free world right now for propaganda for a political opponent. I mean, it just seemed like a horrendous thing to do by the former president. No?”

Cramer said, “Chuck, hear’s the reality, if Hunter Biden’s name were Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, they’d be treating the war in Ukraine like a Boy Scout — ”

Todd shot back, “Enough of this, Senator. That is the laziest attack. It’s not about the media.”

Cramer said, “It’s also honest.”

Todd said, “I’m not going to debate you about whether Trump gets too much coverage or not enough, but he is the leader of your party, sir. At the end of the day, whether you like it or not, he’s the leader of your party. Are you comfortable with leader of your party playing footsie with Vladimir Putin?”

Cramer said, “We have a current president who’s called for regime changes in Russia. That’s dangerous. ”

He added, “I’m way for concerned, and I think the American people are with the current president and his behavior and really the lack of scrutiny compared to a former president who has a long history of saying...

Visage à trois #153

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Report: Biden Administration Considering Pulling Health Care from Veterans to Treat Illegal Aliens

Did you, or a family member, serve your country with the expectation of receiving the health care benefits you were promised?

Sorry, illegal aliens apparently come first in President Joe Biden’s America.

The Biden administration reportedly is considering diverting doctors from the Department of Veterans Affairs to treat the massive inflow of illegal aliens expected at the southern border this spring and summer.

Hillary Vaughn of Fox Business reported on the insulting slight to American veterans on Thursday, citing a source with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

She quoted the source as saying, “We’re going to take medical services away from people that really deserve that. Who went to combat … to give free medical attention to illegal migrants.”

The Department of Veterans Affairs is already notoriously inefficient, with a shortage in personnel likely to cost American veterans the care they need.

The Biden administration would redistribute the health care resources for a surge of as many as half a million illegal immigrants, according to Vaughn.

The administration is gutting immigration enforcement and deportations in favor of a system designed to check-in and ferry illegals to...

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #327


Solomon Islands Looks Like It Will Allow China To Establish A Naval Base On The Pacific Island...

The Solomon Islands have come under harsh criticism from Australia over the Pacific island nation’s plans to sign a security pact with China.

According to a leaked draft of the agreement, which hasn’t been finalized, the Solomon Islands could "request China to send police, armed police, military personnel and other law enforcement and armed forces." China would also be able to "make ship visits, to carry out logistical replenishment in, and have stopover and transition in Solomon Islands."

The leak fueled speculation in Australia and New Zealand that China is seeking to establish a military base in the Solomon Islands, which is about 1,200 miles north of Australia’s coast. Australia Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the potential deal has caused "great concern" across the Pacific.

On Tuesday, Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare spoke out against the backlash. "We find it very insulting to be branded as unfit to manage our sovereign affairs," he said. "Our security approach is not done in a vacuum and not without due consideration to all our partners."

Sogavare also rejected the idea that the Solomon Islands was pressured by China to make the deal. "The Security Treaty is at the request of the Solomon Islands, and we have not been pressured … in any way by our new friends," he said.

The Solomon Islands has grown closer to China in recent years. In 2019, the Pacific island nation severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan and established formal relations with Beijing.

The potential deal comes after Australia has taken steps to boost military cooperation with the US and its allies in the Asia Pacific to counter China. Last year, Australia, the US, and Britain signed the AUKUS military pact that will give Canberra access to technology to build nuclear-powered submarines, which could be used to patrol waters near China.

Earlier this year, Australia and Japan inked a military pact that will allow each nation’s military to deploy to the other’s territory for drills. Australia and Japan — as well as the US and India — are members of the Quad, an informal military...

Kamala Harris Mocked For Speaking ‘Gibberish’ After Meeting With Jamaican Prime Minister

Kamala Harris is once again being widely mocked for delivering incoherent, word-salad remarks during a meeting with a world leader.

Harris met with the Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness at the White House on Wednesday to commemorate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the the United States and Jamaica.

Their discussion reportedly revolved around U.S. efforts to help Jamaica recover from the pandemic, crime prevention, the environment, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

In her remarks about the meeting with Holness, Harris offered the sort of absurd word salad she has become known for.

“We also recognize just as it’s been in the United States, for Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue, that is economic in the way of its impact, has been the pandemic,” Harris said. “So to that end, we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in COVID recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to what, I believe, is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy.”

Harris was the target of scorching criticism earlier this month when she appeared unprepared and awkward in her joint press conferences with Polish President Andrzej Duda, and Romanian President Klaus Iohannis during her trip to Europe.

Her latest botched attempt at diplomacy was quickly lambasted on social media.

One Twitter user drew on one of Harris’s past word salads to write sarcastically: “Such wasteful gibberish especially when one considers the significance of the passage of time. Time is so significant and we should recognize that gibberish is not useful when considering the significance of the passage of time.”

Another individual, Marlodella, wrote: “This reminds me of having to write a 10-page essay in high school for a 1-page topic.”

“Oh Boy,” tweeted Grace Vazquez. “Her term papers in college must have been a blast to read. ‘While the effort to assist is essential, our effort in assisting will be of the most essential!’”

“Damn! Poor Jamaica!” tweeted user Nithyanand. “After this speech, administration released a caveat that assistance will only be provided if they understood and can explain...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #975

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1675

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.