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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Swiss Face Up to 3 Years in Prison For Violating Heating Rules

New mandate forbids setting temperature above 19°C (66.2F).

People in Switzerland who violate the country’s new heating rules which forbid setting the temperature above 19°C (66.2F) in the colder months will face up to three years in prison.

Yes, really.

Under the new rules, buildings that use gas heating systems are restricted to 19°C, while hot water can only be heated up to 60°C and radiant heaters are banned entirely.

It will also be forbidden to heat swimming polls and saunas.

Depending on the severity of the violation and the individual’s economic situation, fines will range from 30 to 3,000 Swiss francs ($30 to $3,050), while people could also be imprisoned for up to three years.

Utility companies and larger businesses would face even more severe penalties for breaking the energy rationing rules.

Despite the brazenly authoritarian restrictions, Economy Minister Guy Parmelin asserted, “We are not a police state,” although he acknowledged police would perform “spot checks” to try to catch violators.

Many would suggest this is just a taste of a dystopian ‘net zero’ future where people who defy climate change ‘energy lockdowns’ face arrest and prison time.

As we previously highlighted, numerous other European countries are introducing similar restrictions in the face of a worsening energy crisis following the shut down of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline.

In Spain, businesses that use air conditioning units to keep temperatures at anything below 27°C in summer or above 19°C in winter face onerous fines of up to €600,000 for “serious violations.”

As we highlighted yesterday, predicting that cost of living protests in the Czech Republic and Germany will spread around the continent, a prominent economist warned that European citizens are “mad with anger and it will worsen.”

French economist Charles Gave said many more people aren’t buying the narrative that Vladimir Putin is solely to blame for the crisis.

“For the last 15 years, our European leaders have gone into a climate craze, promoting magic mirrors and windmills as the solution. It does not work. These solutions demand the same capacity in....

UK Announces it Will No Longer Offer COVID Jabs to Children Under 12 Amid New Data That Shows Risks Outweigh Benefits

Children under 12-years-old in the United Kingdom will no longer be offered COVID injections, except for those in clinical risk groups, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) confirmed this week. The agency said the offer of COVID shots to healthy 5 to 11-year-olds was always meant to be temporary.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said children who had not turned five by the end of last month would not be offered a vaccination, in line with advice published by the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) in February 2022. UKHSA said the offer of Covid jabs to healthy five to 11-year-olds was always meant to be temporary.

The risks of the COVID “vaccines” have always outweighed the benefits, especially when it comes to children. According to the Guardian, the JCVI has acknowledged that young children are at very low risk of developing severe disease from COVID, and most will gain natural immunity from infections.

Adam Finn, professor of pediatrics at the University of Bristol, and a member of the JCVI, pointed out that in the UK, the number of parents who had chosen to have their young children immunized has been small, despite the offer being open.

“The main policy focus right now though … is to try to immunize those who are at highest risk of severe acute COVID as per the recent announcement on the autumn booster program,” said Finn.

In the United States, only seven percent of parents of 6 months to 4-year-olds have had their tots injected with a single dose or more.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) own VAERS data, 19 serious adverse events have been identified in vaccinated babies and toddlers. Those adverse events include “death, life-threatening illness, hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization, permanent disability, congenital anomaly or birth defect.”

In children ages 6 months to 17 years, 54,697 adverse events have been reported through August 26, 2022, including 1,902 cases of myocarditis, 658 life-threatening conditions, 507 permanently disabled, and 149 deaths, according to Open VAERS. A total of 4,299 children in that age cohort required hospitalization, and another 5,140 had to visit the emergency room, the data show.

Of babies and toddlers enrolled in the CDC’s “V-safe” monitoring system, more than half of parents reported a “systemic reaction” and about 10 percent reported a “health impact” to the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines.”

A “systemic reaction” is a response beyond the injection site that includes fever, headache, body aches, and fatigue. “Health impacts” are changes in health resulting from exposure to the injection. Parents of more than 6 percent of these children said their child was unable to...

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