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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Cover-Up Artists for Undercover Operatives

Prosecutors say defense lawyers representing five Oath Keepers in their seditious conspiracy trial should be barred from asking any FBI informant about their participation in investigations.

Hot off falsely claiming Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was bludgeoned to death by “insurrectionists” on January 6, 2021, Representative Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) last week identified another faux victim of Trump supporters: Ray Epps.

The infamous red-hatted man seen on video numerous times urging people to “go into the Capitol” remains free despite engaging in conduct far more disruptive than many who face charges for their behavior that day. Jones, however, describes Epps as a “scapegoat” and “bogeyman” of his Republican colleagues; commended Epps for turning himself into the FBI (as did many protesters later charged with crimes); and claimed Epps tried to calm the crowd as the chaos unfolded.

“There is nothing unusual about a guy who didn’t actually go into the Capitol on January 6 and who did not actually incite violence not being indicted,” Jones said during last week’s House Judiciary Committee meeting to debate a bill demanding that the Department of Justice turn over all records related to Epps. “Mr. Epps and his wife have had their lives threatened. And they’ve had to go into hiding because of this latest conspiracy theory by MAGA Republicans to distract from the existential threat that Donald Trump and the Republican Party pose to our democracy.”

Jones was the latest member of Congress to come to Epps’ rescue, an inexplicable defense of someone who took part in what the Biden regime considers an act of terror comparable to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 that left nearly 3,000 people dead. Despite promises by the January 6 select committee that Epps’ sworn interview would be released to the public, his testimony remains under wraps nearly nine months later.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a member of the committee, called unanswered questions about Epps a “conspiracy theory” and begged Republicans to leave Epps alone. “He’s just trying to survive and he’s on your side!” Raskin yelled during the same House Judiciary committee meeting. Claiming without evidence that Republicans “don’t have many voters left,” Raskin suggested Republicans should stop “vilifying” Epps, an alleged Trump supporter.

So everyone else is an insurrectionist and terrorist but Ray Epps is just a “schmuck?”


In fact Epps is one of many instigators caught on film who somehow still manages to evade brutal FBI raids and bogus charges just as the Justice Department closes in on 1,000 total January 6 defendants with new arrests announced each week. And prosecutors are attempting to conceal information about other individuals tied to the events of that day—FBI informants embedded in the Oath Keepers, the so-called militia group accused of attempting to overthrow the government on January 6.

In a last-minute motion filed by prosecutors last week, six days shy of the start of the Oath Keepers first trial, the Justice Department asked D.C. District Court Judge Amit Mehta for a protective order to prevent defense attorneys from asking questions about...

Deadly Democrats: The Crime Wave No One’s Talking About

The left-wing killing spree is out of control

Violent crime continues to rise across the United States, and Democratic politicians are struggling to defend their anti-law enforcement policies that have in some cases resulted in preventable deaths. This alarming crime wave has coincided with a marked increase in the number of Democratic donors, operatives, and elected officials (and other left-wing maniacs) arrested and charged with violent crimes.

Here are a few of the most notable Democratic Party officials and associates to be charged, prosecuted, or sentenced for violent crimes in 2022:

Sean Caddle, a longtime Democratic consultant in New Jersey, pleaded guilty in January to hiring two people to murder a former associate, Michael Galdieri, who was found stabbed to death in his apartment in May 2014. Caddle, a former aide to Democratic state senator Ray Lesniak, operated a network of shady super PACs that poured money into local races throughout New Jersey. He was also implicated in an ACORN-linked voter fraud scandal in Texas. Caddle was scheduled to be sentenced in June, but that hearing was postponed until December amid reports that the Democratic operative was cooperating with federal authorities.

Ed Buck received a 30-year sentence in April after the Democratic megadonor and prominent California activist was found guilty of luring two men to his home and injecting them with fatal doses of methamphetamine. Federal authorities alleged that Buck engaged in a "lethal and unchecked pattern of reckless disregard for human life" by soliciting victims for sex by promising to provide them with drugs. During the trial, Buck's victims described being administered a variety of drugs until they lost consciousness, at which point Buck sexually assaulted them. U.S. Attorney Tracy L. Wilkison applauded the sentence, noting that the Democratic donor "preyed upon vulnerable victims—men who were drug-dependent and often without homes—to feed an obsession that led to death and misery."

Ghislaine Maxwell, a longtime associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton who attended former first daughter Chelsea Clinton's wedding in 2010, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for sex-trafficking underage girls. Authorities alleged that Maxwell played an "instrumental" role in helping another Clinton associate, the late multimillionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, to acquire and abuse young girls for at least a decade. Epstein's former pilot testified at trial that former president Clinton made several trips on the pedophile's private jet, often referred to as the "Lolita Express."

Jerry Harris, the former Biden campaign surrogate and star of the Netflix documentary series Cheer, was sentenced in June to 12 years in federal prison for sex crimes involving minors. Several months after taking part in an Instagram Live discussion with Biden in June 2020, Harris was arrested for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy at a cheer competition and paying another underaged victim to send him sexually explicit photos and videos on Snapchat.

Alex Murdaugh was charged in July with killing his wife and son. The South Carolina attorney, who donated $2,800 to Joe Biden's presidential campaign in 2020, was already facing an array of charges involving financial fraud, money laundering, and drug trafficking. He has already admitted to stealing more than $4 million of settlement funds owed to the family of Gloria Satterfield, who worked as Murdaugh's housekeeper until her mysterious death in 2018. Murdaugh, who is being represented by fellow Biden supporter Dick Harpootlian, is also accused of hiring his cousin to kill him in a botched murder-for-hire scheme to ensure his surviving son Buster would collect on the family life insurance policy.

Nicholas Roske was charged in July for attempting to murder Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh after being arrested outside the justice's home in Maryland with a knife, pepper spray, and burglary tools, as well as a handgun and 37 rounds of ammunition. Roske told authorities he was motivated in part by the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning the landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade. Additional evidence suggested Roske sought to murder two other conservative justices in a bid to alter the High Court "for decades." The incident occurred several weeks after a New York Times opinion writer urged pro-abortion activists to escalate their efforts to intimidate Kavanaugh in public.

Robert Telles, a local Democratic official in Las Vegas, was charged earlier this month with the murder of investigative journalist Jeff German. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter was found stabbed to death outside his home on Sept. 3. German had written a series of stories about Telles's conduct in office—including allegations of corruption, bullying, and an extramarital affair—that resulted in Telles losing the Democratic primary for Clark County public administrator in June. Prosecutors have described the crime as "willful, deliberate, and premeditated," accusing Telles of "lying in wait" outside German's home before stabbing the 69-year-old journalist at least seven times and leaving him to die.

Shannon Brandt, a deranged liberal from...

Visage à trois #495

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Report: FBI Raided Catholic Activist Mark Houck Even After He Agreed to Surrender Peacefully

The FBI reportedly sent 25-30 armed agents to apprehend pro-life Catholic activist Mark Houck at his rural Pennsylvania home in the early morning last week even after he had agreed to surrender peacefully.

According to attorney Peter Breen, Thomas More Society Vice President and Senior Counsel, Houck agreed to turn himself over to authorities voluntarily three months ago.

“Rather than accepting Mark Houck’s offer to appear voluntarily, the Biden Department of Justice chose to make an unnecessary show of potentially deadly force, sending twenty heavily armed federal agents to the Houck residence at dawn this past Friday,” Breen told Breitbart News. “In threatening form, after nearly breaking down the family’s front door, at least five agents pointed guns at Mark’s head and arrested him in front of his wife and seven young children, who were terrified that their husband and father would be shot dead before their eyes.”

“This case is being brought solely to intimidate people of faith and pro-life Americans,” he added. “Mark Houck is innocent of these lawless charges, and we intend to prove that in court.”

Mark Houck, the founder and president of The King’s Men — a group dedicated to helping men become better husbands, fathers, and leaders — was arrested at his rural Pennsylvania home last Friday for allegedly violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act during his regular sidewalk counseling outside of an abortion clinic in 2021. Speaking with LifeSiteNews, Houck’s wife, Ryan-Marie, said that around 25 to 30 fully armored FBI agents stormed their property early Friday morning, aiming their rifles as the children screamed in horror.

The FACE Act violation allegedly stems from an incident in which Houck shoved a 72-year-old abortion activist escorting women into a Planned Parenthood clinic. Houck’s family maintains that the man had been harassing his 12-year-old son.

Though media reports that the escort required “medical attention” after Houck shoved him, Brian Middleton, a spokesman for the Houck family, told Catholic News Agency (CNA) that the escort needed little more than a band-aid and sustained no serious injury. The spokesman also said that the Houck family is now seeking to obtain video evidence of the incident. Both Philadelphia police and the district attorney declined to...

January 6 Pipe Bombs Get Curiouser and Curiouser

Pipe bombs were planted on the night of January 5, at the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), according to the FBI.

Or were they?

As evidence this occurred, the FBI released surveillance videos showing a suspect, a man wearing a hoodie, carrying a backpack, walking by the RNC bomb site and sitting on a bench next to the DNC, between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. the night of January 5.

The pipe bombs had 60-minute kitchen timers, which means had they been armed and viable they would have detonated before 9:30 p.m. on January 5. But they didn’t. Both could have been duds. Or they could have been constructed for other purposes.

Here’s what we know. The first bomb was discovered on January 6 by Karlin Younger, who lives next to the RNC, which lies a couple blocks from the Capitol. After placing a load of laundry in a dryer, she exited the back of her building and, while making her way to the front, she saw what she believed might be a pipe bomb at 12:40 p.m.

Kalin alerted a guard at the front of the RNC. He verified the device was likely a bomb and then alerted authorities.

Information about the explosive device reached the Capitol Police (the law enforcement department that protects members of Congress) at 12:52 p.m. It “responded immediately to coordinate and send resources to the bomb site, including a number of officers, officials, and a bomb squad,” according to Congressional testimony by then Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund.

A Capitol Police statement said the department also dispatched three Counter-Surveillance Units (CSUs), two-man teams, to the area to search for other explosive devices.

At least one CSU went to the RNC, apparently to gather information about the pipe bomb. It then drove to the DNC, according to the Capitol Police.

And here’s where things get weird.

About an hour before Karlin found the pipe bomb, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris traveled to the DNC to use its recording studio to tape messages to send to political supporters. Prior to her arrival, the Secret Service conducted a security sweep and did not find a bomb. Had they done so, Harris never would have been brought to the DNC and word of the explosive device would have been made public.

The Capitol Police counter-surveillance team showed up at the DNC, which would have had a perimeter defense set up by the Secret Service. The counter-surveillance team would have had to have explain why they were there and what their business was.

Imagine the astonishment of Secret Service agents when they learned the CSU had traveled to the DNC to search the grounds for a possible pipe bomb.

Knowing the DNC grounds were clean, the Secret Service gave a green light to the CSU to search for an explosive device. Just minutes after they began to investigate at 1:07 pm, lo and behold, the CSU “found” a pipe bomb that was in plain sight at the base of a bench, alongside the building. At 1:14 pm, Vice President-elect Harris was evacuated from the DNC.

How could this have happened? It’s inexplicable the Secret Service would have failed to find the pipe bomb during its security sweep.

One possible explanation is that the pipe bomb never was planted at the DNC the night of January 5. The device was placed near the bench sometime after the security sweep.

When the CSU “found” a pipe bomb, the Secret Service agents must have been thunderstruck.

Or maybe not.

That the Secret Service had conducted a comprehensive security sweep of the DNC and failed to find a readily visible bomb should have sent alarm bells ringing. But the agency said nothing.

Did the Secret Service knowingly turn a blind eye to the pipe bomb? Did it allow the CSU to search the DNC premises knowing the counter-surveillance team would “find” an explosive device by the bench?

There’s a simple way to answer these and other questions about suspicious activities at the DNC.

The DNC has two CCTV cameras that surveil the area where the pipe bomb was planted. Making the recordings public from these cameras on January 5 and 6 would make clear what actually happened.

Surveillance Recordings Not Made Public

The FBI could have released video from one of the CCTV cameras at the DNC, showing whether or not the alleged bomber had placed an explosive device by a bench on the night of January 5. But it didn’t.

Instead, it distributed video from the camera that has an obstructed view of the alleged bomber. The man’s lower body is not visible due to a bush, which makes it impossible to determine if he placed anything near the base of a bench.

Coordinated Attack

The pipe bombs caused several things to occur. They siphoned away security resources from the Capitol, and increased the security issues that had to be handled, distracting the police from managing events on the Capitol grounds. In the escalating mayhem, the weakened police force could not contain the unruly protestors, who broke into the Capitol and entered the building.

Democrats contend the riot at the Capitol was an insurrection. But in a real insurrection, the invaders seek to ignite a political rebellion and take control of a government.

The Trump supporters who went into the Capitol were unarmed and exhibited no interest in overthrowing the government. It’s nonsensical to believe they would have planted the pipe bombs to make it easier to gain entrance into the building, so they could stroll around for a few hours, and then leave.

Alternatively, the pipe bombs could have been integral to a political sting designed to counter the massive pro-Trump rally by turning it into a debacle.

The plan? Plant undercover activists to incite the crowd of Trump supporters, place pipe bombs at nearby venues to draw security forces away from the Capitol, revealing their presence at the same time protestors begin to push down police barriers, creating an atmosphere of pandemonium and panic, making it possible for...

Morning Mistress


The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1154

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1854

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Monday, September 26, 2022

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links


The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Seltin Sweet
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup