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Friday, November 4, 2022

The Democrats -- Mass Psychosis or Pathological Lying?

Many news stories recently have led me to believe that Democrats are suffering either from mass psychoses or mass pathological lying.

Someone please explain how Kathy Hochul doesn't think she's got a crime problem. Or how Newsom thinks he doesn't have a crime/homeless problem. Or how Lightfoot doesn't think she needs to do anything about her over-the-top murder rate among blacks. Or how Biden thinks the economy is strong. Or how Kamala thinks the border is secure.

Charles C. W. Cooke of National Review has this to say about Democrat lying:

About everything, that’s what. They’re lying about inflation -- which first wasn’t going to happen at all, which then wasn’t going to happen for very long, and which is now being blamed on a Russian invasion of Ukraine that started a year after prices started to rise. They’re lying about their agenda -- which began as a New Deal–sized transformation of America, which was then transmuted into an “infrastructure” package that for a brief moment was sold as a $0-in-cost unicorn, and which has finally and ridiculously been recast as a means of fighting the inflation that, as of this week, the White House is calling “Putin’s price hike.” They’re lying about gas prices, for which Joe Biden is or isn’t responsible depending on the day you ask them, and which have inspired the most incoherent set of policy answers in recent memory. They’re lying about Afghanistan -- which was definitely not going to be a catastrophe, until it was a catastrophe, at which point a catastrophe had been the plan all along. They’re lying about Florida’s education policy, and about the nature and scope of science, and about the motivations of the Supreme Court, and about American gun law, and about anything else they can think of that might distract the public from the mess over which they currently preside.

Are the Democrats experiencing mass hallucinations? Mass psychoses? What is happening? Is their media bubble so air-tight that truth never gets in? How does it happen that an entire political party's hierarchy and much of its rank-and-file cannot discern what is true from what is demonstrably false? Or is it that the Democrats know precisely what the truth is and have made the corporate decision to lie, lie, lie all the way to pathology?

Little of what they say in their "news" broadcasts, their social media, their newspapers, or their online blogs is true. Biden said that the economy is "strong as hell." On what planet? Real people are suffering real hardships. In a sense, he's right. Hell is very strong, but no one with a lick of sense wants to live there. Biden has made the economy a living hell for many Americans who believe Democrat lies and continue to vote for them.

Oliver North had some choice words about Democrat lies and the people who tell them. Visit the site linked here to see the truth to each of these lies:

Lie Number 1: America is a systemically racist nation where White people are oppressors and people of color are victims.

Lie Number 2: America’s capitalist economy is based on greed and is inherently unfair to poor and middle-income citizens.

Lie Number 3: The rich keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer because of corrupt, wealthy and heartless business leaders.

Lie Number 4: Federal funding should be redirected from the military and law enforcement and channeled into social welfare benefits for illegal immigrants.

Lie Number 5: Parents have no say concerning what their children are taught in public schools and are “domestic terrorists” if they speak out.

It seems the Democrats cannot tell the truth. While Republicans have their share of liars, they have not made lying the strongest plank of their agenda. When Republicans lose, they blame themselves, or when elections are tainted, they rightly blame the election apparatus. But Democrats lie as their agenda. They must. Their agenda is so repressive, so unjust, so repulsive, that they must disguise it to be palatable to their voters. Lying is essential to the Democrat politician and media sources so that no truth regarding their aspirations to totalitarianism will be revealed. It is necessary for Democrats to lie and obfuscate. It is the only way they can win.

But something is happening out there. Because the last two years have offered a crash course to all voters in what the Democrat agenda really is -- sexual perversity, anti-white and anti-Asian racism, anti-Semitism, environmental extremism, higher taxes, oppressive regulations, an ignorance-based school curriculum, a hatred for Christians, and a reduced standard of living for everyone -- voters have wised up. Not all of them, but far more than Democrats imagined in their worst nightmares.

It seems that even minorities don't want what Democrats are selling. If only they were selling instead of mandating, though, because the mandates are what are sticking in voters' collective craws. Their we-know-what's-best-for-you modus operandi is causing a collective bilious nausea among...

Visage à trois #572

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Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #753


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #751

Greta Thunberg Calls For “Overthrow of Whole Capitalist System”

Mask off moment.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has gone fully mask off and is now calling for the overthrow of “the whole capitalist system.”

Thunberg made the extremist comments during an appearance on Sunday night at London’s Royal Festival Hall to promote her new ‘Climate Book’.

Nicholas Harris from UnHerd was there to watch Thunberg outline her demented manifesto.

Previously, she’d sold herself as a five-foot human alarm bell, a climate Cassandra. Her role was to warn, not to instruct: her most viral moments involved her scolding political leaders, not trying to supplant them. She strenuously avoided programmatic detail, saying such things were “nothing to do with me”. But now, on stage and in this book, she has found her political feet, specifically the Left-wing ideology of anti-capitalism and de-growth.

Interspersed among the usual directives about the need to pressure political leaders, her message was more radical and more militant than it has been in the past. There is no “back to normal”, she told us. “Normal” was the “system” which gave us the climate crisis, a system of “colonialism, imperialism, oppression, genocide”, of “racist, oppressive extractionism”. Climate justice is part of all justice; you can’t have one without the others. We can’t trust the elites produced by this system to confront its flaws – that’s why she, much like Rishi Sunak, won’t be bothering with the COP meeting this year. COP itself is little more than a “scam” which facilitates “greenwashing, lying and cheating”. Only overthrow of “the whole capitalist system” will suffice.

So now we are finally seeing the contours of Thunbergism. Run your eye down the contributors to The Climate Book and you can see who she’s been reading: Jason Hickel, Kate Raworth, Naomi Klein. For these people the climate crisis isn’t man-made. It’s made by capitalism, as are the other forms of social injustice which plague society. There’s no GDP growth – especially of the capitalist sort – without increasing carbon emissions. The only solution to this state of emergency is for rich countries to immediately abandon economic expansion as a social goal.

As we have previously documented, the climate change agenda is merely radical leftism dressed up in a more palatable format.

The co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, the offshoot of which, Just Stop Oil, is currently engaged in blocking roads across London, admitted in his own words that his movement “isn’t about the climate.”

In 2019, Stuart Basden revealed the true goals of the far-left environmentalist action group in a lengthy article posted on Medium.

Basden asserted that whatever climate problems exist can’t be fixed and that the movement should instead be focused on tearing down the entire system of western capitalism (China, the world’s biggest polluter, isn’t mentioned once).

He claimed that “European civilisation” is to blame for spreading “cruelty” and “violence” throughout the globe for the last 600 years and bringing “torture, genocide, carnage and...

Morning Mistress


The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1192

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1892

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Thursday, November 3, 2022

Girls With Guns

Visage à trois #571

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Four Additional Bonus Videos:

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #752

Amazon Fascists Ban Another Book That Leftists Hate

The choking grip on freedom of speech tightens.

The battle for the freedom of speech is heating up this week, with Elon Musk chasing out the Twitter fascists and beginning to open up the platform for free discussion and dissent (amid howls of rage from the Left), but the other social media giants are showing no signs of retreating from their fascism. New English Review Press announced Sunday that a book it published back in 2017, The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology by the renowned ex-Muslim scholar Ibn Warraq, has been pulled for sale from Amazon without explanation or the possibility of appeal.

It’s a strange move. I have the privilege and honor of having known Ibn Warraq for many years and calling him my friend. I’ve also read The Islam in Islamic Terrorism. Before I met him, his groundbreaking and courageous work Why I Am Not A Muslim was a powerful influence on me in the 1990s and had a great deal to do with my beginning to write about jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women myself. Ibn Warraq is a gentle soul, a careful scholar, a superb writer, and a profound and original thinker. The Islam in Islamic Terrorism is not some flame-throwing hate screed but a carefully documented exploration of the elements of Islam that jihad terrorists use in order to justify violence and make recruits among peaceful Muslims.

Amazon, however, is run by Leftists, and for Leftists, any criticism of Islam, including any hint that it may have some connection to Islamic terrorism, is “Islamophobic” and thus to be rejected out of hand without any discussion of the actual evidence. For years now, the notorious far-Left smear machine, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), has defamed opponents of jihad violence and Sharia oppression as “hate group leaders,” and Amazon has banned counter-jihad 501c3 charitable organizations from its Amazon Smile charity program on the basis of the SPLC’s “hate” listings.

Amazon has also shown a readiness to ban books that counter the Left’s nonsense. A few years back, the Leftist behemoth banned Ryan Anderson’s When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment. It has also banned other books that jihadis and their allies would find offensive, such as Peter McLoughlin’s Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal, and Mohammed’s Koran by McLoughlin and British activist Tommy Robinson.

Leftists will say, as they always say to criticism of the social media giants, that Amazon is a private company that can do what it wants and that if patriots don’t like it, they can start their own bookstore. Remember bookstores? There used to be many in every American city. They all had different selections, based on the owners’ perspectives and interests. But now they are almost all gone. Amazon dominates the book market, and...