90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, March 9, 2023

New Mexico Soros-Backed Secretary of State, Maggie Toulouse-Oliver, Used Illegal Software to Combine Election Results and Tried to Cover It Up, Breaking Several State and Local Laws in the Process


Guest post by the Editor of the Estancia News

As the Democrat-controlled New Mexico legislature barrels ahead with legislation that would put the nail in the coffin of honesty and transparency in New Mexico’s elections, the corruption of the Secretary of State (SOS), Maggie Toulouse Oliver, continues to be exposed.

After hearing public testimony during a November Torrance County public meeting, the Estancia News has done a deep dive on how election results in New Mexico are finalized, or “canvassed.” It turns out the SOS has illegally centralized this process, cutting out the clerks, and breaking multiple state and federal laws in the process.

This series of articles will outline the framework put in place by Toulouse-Oliver and corrupt Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto that could be the mechanism used to illegally undermine elections in New Mexico.


During the canvass, each of the county clerks are to create a “report of the canvass” which gives detailed election results by ballot type and precinct for all the races on the ballot. State law explicitly states that the canvass report is the sole responsibility of the county clerk: “The county clerk shall: prepare the report of the canvass of the election returns by carefully examining the returns of each precinct to ascertain if they contain the properly executed certificates required by the Election Code and to ascertain whether any discrepancy, omission or error appears on the face of the election returns.” (NMSA 1-2-31.F).

Next, the County Commission must review the canvass report and other election documents and accept them if they find no errors, thus certifying the election in the county. Only after this process has been completed within the county are the canvass reports to be sent up to the SOS for the completion of the state canvass, which combines the individual county’s canvass reports into the official election results for the state.


A “canvass” takes place immediately after the election and is the process of consolidating election results, dealing with provisional ballots, and ensuring that all the paperwork reconciles with the digital result. According to the Federal Election Assistance Commission: (https://www.eac.gov/sites/default/files/electionofficials/postelection/Guide_to_the_Canvass_EAC.pdf) “A thorough canvass must look beyond the ballots. Election officials examine the work of office staff and poll workers, including the completion of chain of custody forms, reconciliation paperwork, and all forms comprising the audit trail for ballots, equipment, and supplies.”

The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) also regulates the hardware and software used to create the canvass through the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines.

Section 1.1 lists the parts of the system that must be tested and certified by an accredited lab (the bolded portions refer to the parts of the system that touch the canvass): “all system hardware, software, telecommunications, and documentation intended for use to: prepare the voting system for use in an election, produce appropriate ballot formats, test that the voting system and ballot materials have been properly prepared and are ready for use, record and count votes, consolidate and report election results, display results on-site or remotely, produce and maintain comprehensive audit trail.”


We know that the county clerks are responsible for creating the canvass report according to state law and we know that the hardware and software used to create the canvass must be done on certified software according to federal law. However, after a thorough review of internal communications and training documents, Estancia News can confirm that these laws are being blatantly violated by...

Morning Mistress


The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #2016

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

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How Should We Regard the President’s Treason?

As an unmentionable subject or an existential threat?

In the four years of World War II, 300,000 American soldiers lost their lives, or 75,000 per year. In the last four years, the number of Americans poisoned by fentanyl, has approached that number. These poisons, deliberately designed to kill Americans and especially young Americans, are supplied by China and smuggled across our open southern border by Mexican drug cartels. These attacks have taken place without America’s commander-in-chief issuing a single protest or threat against the governments of Mexico and China, even though his primary responsibility is the protection of American lives.

Nor is this the first deadly assault on American citizens by the Chinese Communist Party – or enabling response by the Biden administration. Over one million Americans were killed by the coronavirus, a biological weapon funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci and America’s Centers for Disease Control, and created in a Chinese military lab in Wuhan. The Chinese government lied about the contagious and deadly nature of the virus, and permitted millions of Wuhan inhabitants to travel abroad for the Lunar New Year and infect the globe. Immediately after the World Health Organization formally declared the spread a “pandemic,” President Trump barred Chinese travel to America, an act for which he was viciously attacked by the leaders of the Democrat Party including Joe Biden who described Trump’s precautionary travel ban as “hysterical and xenophobic,” “fear mongering” and “racist.”

The list of such cover-ups to protect the Chinese Communist dictatorship is long and depressing. It includes the White House’s stone-walling of congressional efforts to investigate the origins of the pandemic that killed 9 million people globally. It includes similar stone-walling on otherwise inexplicable blunders that turned Afghanistan and its hapless citizens over to the Taliban and China, along with seven multi-billion-dollar air bases and tens of thousands of advanced weapons, and that made hostages of those who helped us during the 20-year war.

Who is Joe Biden? The language we have been using to describe what has been happening to our country is so sanitized that the most fearless of our politicians and news commentators will go no further than wondering aloud whether Joe Biden might be “compromised” by his influence-peddling side businesses with our enemies, China and Russia. Here is the blunt and clarifying way to put his activities of the last several decades: “Joe Biden and his family have made themselves wealthy beyond their dreams by taking millions of dollars in bribes from foreign powers, chief among them our mortal enemy...

Visage à trois #1321

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

January 6th Political Prisoners

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #981


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #980

Southern Poverty Law Center Attorney Charged With Domestic Terrorism

Tom Jurgens participated in attack that damaged proposed police training center in Atlanta

A staff attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center, a left-wing organization that publishes a "hate map" targeting conservative groups, is among the agitators arrested on domestic terrorism charges for rioting at a proposed police training center in Atlanta.

Authorities arrested Tom Jurgens after the attorney joined more than 30 other black-clad activists who used Molotov cocktails to destroy construction equipment at the construction site of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center. The FBI has used the SPLC as a resource in identifying domestic terrorists.

Jurgens's full name on the arrest notice matches information on the State Bar of Georgia site, which confirms his position at the SPLC. The attorney joined the left-wing group in September 2021, reported the Daily Mail, which reviewed his now-deleted LinkedIn profile. Jurgens also studied at the University of Oxford and earned his law degree from the University of Georgia.

The riot was a "very violent attack" for the purpose of "anarchy" and "the attempt to destabilize," Atlanta police chief Darin Schierbaum told the press. Republican Georgia governor Brian Kemp called the attack "domestic terrorism."

The SPLC's targeting of conservative groups with "hate" labels has proved dangerous. In 2012, a gunman entered the Family Research Council, a pro-family-values group, to conduct a mass shooting. He said he was inspired by the SPLC's labeling the council "anti-gay." The left-wing group also listed Ben Carson on an "extremist" watch list but...

Morning Mistress


The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1311

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