90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Morning Mistress


The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1373

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #2068

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Monday, May 1, 2023

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links


The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Paige Spiranac
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

How Ayn Rand Predicted Dylan Mulvaney

Most of her fans – and probably her detractors as well – know Ayn Rand primarily through her four great novels. She also wrote essays, philosophy books, screenplays, and Broadway dramas… but we remember her for her novels.

We fear that the dystopian world of Anthem will come true someday, but not soon. We fear that the totalitarian tyranny of We the Living is approaching, any day now. And we know full well that the mindless, vicious, destructive bureaucratic rule of Atlas Shrugged is in some ways upon us already.

But the shocker is realizing that her most specific, dead-on prediction, the one we never saw coming, was in The Fountainhead, and it is all around us today.

A few years ago, a confused teenaged actor, much like tens of thousands of other teenaged actors, was hoping for a career in the theatre, and meeting with the minor success so common in youth: a role in a local professional play, perhaps even a part in the chorus line of a musical’s touring company. Then in 2021, following the strange year known as “the pandemic,” this young person decided to become “trans,” and to report on his “transition” on the Chinese online platform TikTok.

Soon, Dylan Mulvaney was being represented by Creative Artists Agency – not for acting, dancing, or singing ability but for “being” a trans activist and online influencer. Soon, as he began wearing the hair, makeup, and wardrobe of a woman, he was getting promoted by the Trevor Project.

In the spring of 2023, an American public that had never heard of this young man was suddenly seeing him everywhere -- in dresses, hats and pearls -- in print ads, on television and online commercials, even on the packaging of America’s most popular brands.

Consider: how did people become spokesmen in the old days? A television or film actor or singer, already famous, would sign an endorsement deal. An Olympic or sports team star, already famous, would appear on a cereal box or television commercial. They were always famous first, and an advertising executive thought their image might be a good fit for their product.

There have also been unknown actors who directly became famous from a commercial, but that was always one specific, memorable commercial character in a very creative, well-written sketch. For such commercial appearances to strike gold and launch an actor’s broader endorsement career is rare indeed.

Dylan Mulvaney is a new case, and possibly a prototype for a new way: he is suddenly ubiquitous, simultaneously hired by Anheuser Busch and Kate Spade, Nike and Ulta Beauty, CeraVe and Crest, InstaCart and Haus Labs. What a client list for a fringe, unknown actor!

Note that key word: simultaneously. One producer, one manufacturer, one ad agency didn’t come up with an idea, launch it, see how it went, and then, on the strength of a year’s increased sales due to his ads, leverage that success into more and more bookings.

No. All these companies joined the bandwagon together, practically overnight, without waiting for any other campaign’s results.

These businesses were sold on this young man as a concept, before there was any data available to objectively demonstrate that it would be a good marketing decision for them.

This just doesn’t happen. This never happens. While I am not an expert in the history of advertising, Gentle Reader, I am certain that this has not happened before.

All of a sudden, this skinny young man in a dress, looking like a Halloween party Audrey Hepburn impersonator, is popping up everywhere, like the Gallant Gallstone… and for exactly the same reason.

Ayn Rand’s fans will remember a character in The Fountainhead named Ellsworth Toohey, a newspaper columnist who spent years and years planting Marxists in every industry and association, spreading them throughout the country as sleeper cells, ready to be activated on his word.

One day, perhaps to test his approach, perhaps to gauge his influence, Ellsworth Toohey puts out the word to his army of plants that they should advertise a book by poet Lois Cook, a talentless hack who has written about a sentient gallstone making its courageous path through a human body. It’s outrageous, of course, sheer theatre of the absurd, but his plan works, as the character of the Gallant Gallstone is suddenly ubiquitous, seemingly overnight.

Only then are the eyes of other characters opened, and they begin to realize how dangerous, how powerful, this Ellsworth Toohey character has become.

By the same token, we Americans have watched for years as corporations big and small have added new jobs, even new board roles, and signed on to new corporate commitments, seemingly as a harmless sop to one interest group or another, unthinkingly, much like a political machine that creates a no-show patronage job for some party boss’s kid.

Our companies have appointed a “Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Officer” or an “Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Vice President.” Stockholders were happy to do it because Blackrock and other huge funds advocate it… and if you make them happy, it’ll count toward your Corporate Equality Index (CEI). These giant pool investing houses will buy your stock and push up your perceived market value.

What they didn’t know, what they never dreamed, was that these useless officers weren’t just no-show placeholders to satisfy a demand for a bribe. They would have actual power. They would sit at every board meeting; they would run a department. They would have a vote on company decisions, big and small, just like all the other board members.

We have seen this influence in recent years, as large companies, both publicly traded and privately held, have written checks, often for millions and millions of company dollars each, to hostile organizations like BLM. And now they are at the heart of the movement to put Dylan Mulvaney in front of every American’s face.

There are many imputed laws in the business world. Parkinson’s Law, that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion. The Peter Principle, that in any hierarchy, each employee will eventually rise to his level of incompetence. O’Sullivan’s Law, that any organization not explicitly founded to be conservative will eventually become left-wing.

And perhaps we now need a law that we should always have thought would go without saying: If you give someone a seat at the table, he will take full advantage of it.

We – our modern American society – have thought that we were showing tolerance, open-mindedness, liberality, when we threw the left a bone and invited people clearly hostile to the principles of Western Civilization and capitalism onto the management hierarchy and the boards of directors of our business community. They have taken this opportunity and used it to their movement’s best advantage, undermining the profitability of the very companies that pay their salaries.

They have gotten oil refiners to insanely commit to wean themselves away from oil; they have convinced energy utilities to shut down their most efficient, most productive nuclear power plants; they have convinced advertiser after advertiser to produce commercials that insult and offend their customers.

And now, in perhaps the ultimate of such suicidal campaigns, they have convinced a beer company to put a guy in a dress on the front of their beer cans. They have convinced a makeup company to make this man the face of their cosmetics. They have convinced an athletic apparel company to have a skinny, non-athletic man model their sports bras.

These brands are bleeding customers daily as a result. Whether these specific companies will ever learn their lesson or not may be beside the point. The most striking lesson for us today is the fact that it happened at all.

An association of political activists, international in scope, has proven itself to have the ability to plant destructive people in the business community’s corporate boards, and to force businesses to willingly sabotage their own sales, undermining their own shareholder value, by advancing a...

Visage à trois #1405

 Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

FOUR Additional Bonus Videos:

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1067


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1065

Visage à trois #1404

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1066


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1065

Not with a bang but a lawsuit

Is this the way the vaccines end?

Dr Barry Schultz was a highly respected paediatrician, surgeon and obstetrician in Adelaide. He was also a Covid vaccine skeptic. He was not opposed to conventional vaccines. He had immunised thousands of children and was fully vaccinated. He was concerned about the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines, so much so that when he was sent the paperwork to become eligible to administer the novel gene-based injections which were only provisionally approved he knew that if anything went wrong he was the one who could be sued. So he wrote on the back of the form ‘get stuffed’ and told his staff to send it back.

Nonetheless, he had to be vaccinated to be able to be able to treat his patients in hospitals. So on 2 October 2021 he had his first Pfizer jab. Within three days he had blood in his urine. He also suffered nose bleeds. Both are adverse events associated with Covid vaccination. He booked to see a specialist but continued to work 80 hours a week. He never got to that appointment. Two weeks after his first jab he woke at 2:30am on Tuesday 19 October haemorrhaging internally, including in his brain, and vomiting blood profusely. He was taken immediately to hospital where he was eventually pronounced dead.

It is well established in Covid medical literature that it is the spike protein – found in both vaccines and the virus – that damages blood vessels causing haemorrhaging. Given that his death occurred less than three weeks after the jab, the vaccine should be suspected of having contributed to his death. Yet his widow, a registered nurse, had to battle for over a year before the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency finally agreed to submit a report to the TGA which listed the Pfizer vaccine as being suspected of contributing to his death.

This week, his brother Phil was one of over 500 people who have joined a class action lawsuit filed in the federal court of Australia by Brisbane lawyer Natalie Strijland. All have suffered serious or life-threatening events or are the relatives of those who have died following Covid vaccination. Many have have been left with significant disabilities. As the news filters out about the class action, the first of its kind in Australia, more people are joining each day. Dr Melissa McCann, who instigated the action, is crowdfunding to assist with legal and travel costs. Any compensation awarded will be shared entirely by the injured and the bereaved.

The applicants will argue that the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) did not fulfil its duty to properly regulate the vaccines which resulted in considerable harm to Australians. The respondents are the Australian government, the Department of Health and Aged Care Secretary Dr Brendan Murphy, who announced in early April that he will retire in July, and the former head of the TGA Adjunct Professor John Skerritt who just retired from the public service in mid-April.

So far there have been 986 deaths and over 138,000 adverse events that have been reported to the TGA following Covid vaccines. That dwarfs the reports of death for all flu vaccines since records began in 1971 – only 28 deaths and 3,924 adverse events. Even so, the Covid vaccine reports are almost certainly an understatement. A Harvard study commissioned by the US Department of Health and Human Services in 2010 showed that reports to the regulator of vaccine injuries may represent only one per cent of...