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Monday, April 10, 2017

Social Justice Warriors Are The Perfect Antidote To Zombies...

They will be safe in the Zombie Apocalypse...

More On Zombies:

How To Kill A Zombie..

A Wasp That Creates Zombie Cockroaches...

Just Say NO - To Government "Help"

WINNING: China Offers Concessions to Avert Trade War with U.S.

Report states that China will offer two small economic concessions to President Donald Trump’s administration in the hope of maintaining friendly relations with the United States.

From the Financial Times:

China will offer the Trump administration better market access for financial sector investments and US beef exports to help avert a trade war, according to Chinese and US officials involved in talks between the two governments.

US President Donald Trump and Xi Jinping, his Chinese counterpart, decided at their first meeting in Florida last week that they needed rushed trade negotiations to produce results within 100 days. The two concessions on finance and beef are relatively easy for...

ESPN Demote Black Female Host Over ‘Conservative Comments’

“Conservative” has become a dirty word in American mainstream media. ESPN are the latest media outlet to destroy the career of a star who dares to express conservative values, demoting Sage Steele from her position as host after a series of comments critical of leftists.

MSN report: Veteran basketball analyst Sage Steele, who has courted controversy with her conservative comments on social media, will be replaced by Michelle Beadle as host of “NBA Countdown” on both ESPN and ABC, the networks announced Tuesday.

Steele, 44, has been with the “Worldwide Leader in Sports” for a decade, but found herself in hot water recently as she weighed in on some hot button issues.

She took to Instagram in January to complain about crowds protesting President Trump’s travel ban.

“So THIS is why thousands of us dragged luggage nearly 2 miles to get to LAX, but still missed our flights,” she captioned a photo of a demonstrators at Los Angeles International Airport.

She also blasted NFL players who chose to kneel during the national anthem and cut short an interview with Arcade Fire’s Win Butler when he began to voice his political opinion after last year’s celebrity All-Star game.

In February, Steele, who is biracial, caused another stir when she shared her experiences with racism at a...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Introducing Google No

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Girls With Guns

Boyfriend forced to watch as refugee rapes his girlfriend at knife-point during camping trip in Germany

  • Woman, 23, raped at Siegaue Nature Reserve campsite, near Bonn in Germany 
  • The refugee rapist had a machete and threatened her partner, 26, with violence
  • Arrested yesterday after walker recognised him from a police photofit picture
  • Flung rucksack he had stolen from BBQ party at police in failed attempt to flee
A refugee from Ghana has been arrested for dragging a young woman from her tent and raping her while she was on a camping holiday with her boyfriend.

The young couple were on a camping trip in the Siegaue Nature Reserve, north of the former German capital of Bonn, when they were approached by a machete-wielding man at about 12.30am on Sunday last week.

The boyfriend was forced to watch as the attacker violated his 23-year-old lover.

The boyfriend, 26, who had also been threatened by the man, contacted police and medical responders took her to hospital.

A photofit picture of the attacker led to his arrest on Saturday and DNA testing confirmed his guilt, according to police.
He tried to flee when police moved in to arrest him, flinging a rucksack at....

Breath Exercise

A slow and deep breath can warm your heart and keep you optimistic. Find more breathing exercises at aet.na/breathe

Wikileaks Releases New Evidence That DNC Staffer Seth Rich Was Murdered For Leaking DNC e-Mails...

New chat logs between alleged Democratic National Committee hacker Guccifer 2.0 and a Playboy centerfold model surfaced today via Wikileaks on Twitter, throwing more fuel on the conspiracy theories surrounding murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich. The Twitter conversation, conducted via direct messages, purports to reveal Rich as the primary leaker of the DNC e-mails that proved highly disruptive during the 2016 presidential election. There is no substantiation to these claims.

Robbin Young, who posed fully nude for Playboy in the 1980s, is the one who released the chat logs. She says on her website that she followed Guccifer 2.0 on Twitter following the DNC leaks. She considers him to be a “hero and a friend.”

(U.S. officials have alleged that Guccifer 2.0 is the creation of Russian hackers seeking to interfere with American politics. Guccifer 2.0 has denied being a Russian front).

For a period of two weeks, Young and Guccifer 2.0 shared flirty messages and “discussed” politics. The conversations, as seen in the publicized logs, are effusive, intimate and conspiratorial.

As Young talked about politics, Guccifer 2.0 inundated the model with heart emoji spam and compliments about her appearance in broken English.

“Everything i want to do now is look at u again and again,” wrote Guccifer 2.0. “I’m impressed u can combine both ur beauty and wisdom.”

“I wish we could have a date,” wrote the seemingly lovestruck hacker.

“I’m single and don’t date anyone, so I pray that someday we WILL enjoy a date. I would love to talk to you, kiss you passionately, make love to...

Swedish anti-terror police pelted with STONES while arresting Stockholm jihad attack suspects near Muslim migrant district Trump called a “no-go zone”

Trump was right. Sweden is in free-fall. And it’s only going to get worse.

“Swedish anti-terror police – including a Muslim officer praised by colleagues – are pelted with STONES while arresting Stockholm attack suspects near migrant district Trump called a ‘no-go zone,'” by Jake Wallis Simons and Paul Thompson, Mailonline, April 8, 2017:
Police officers responding to the Stockholm terror atrocity were attacked by a gang of youths who pelted them with stones last night, Swedish policemen have said.
The attack happened last night near Rinkeby, part of the ‘immigrant no-go zone’ that gained notoriety when President Trump referred to it in a controversial speech in February.
It is thought that the officers were taking part in an operation to arrest a...

The Puppet Master...

ISIS Militants Hide Bombs In TVs, Fridges & Teddy Bears To Hit Civilians In Syria

Doctors and medical staff located in hospitals and other facilities across northern Syria have been reporting an increase in patients maimed or injured in blasts from bombs placed in homes and common objects. According to reports, doctors and aid workers said the improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were placed in objects such as TVs, refrigerators and teddy bears to kill people who were returning back to their homes after they had fled.

Doctors with Medecins Sans Frontieres, known as MSF, operate six medical facilities in Syria. They say they have treated well over 190 patients who were injured by objects left around homes by fleeing...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Girls With Guns

Retardo Dog Comments About Susan Rice....

The REAL Unmasking...

This Is Why Obama Hates Trump...

Get Out Of The Way Chucky...

Immigration Should Serve Only The Current Citizens Of America...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Morning Mistress - Espresso And Lingerie...

The Real Reason Why Youtube Is Demonetizing Conservative Channels

Friday, April 7, 2017

Girls With Guns - Uma Thurman In Pulp Fiction

Investigation Finds George Soros Financing Human Trafficking & Terrorism Organizations

Italian investigators have found evidence that links a human trafficking organisation and a terrorist group to billionaire George Soros.

According to a March 5 investigation, authorities found links to NGO’s financed by Soros, which are involved in both human trafficking and helping ISIS militants to infiltrate the European continent.

Thedailyeconomist.com reports:

Using the guise of ‘aiding’ Syrian refugees to get into European countries, these Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) are actually shipping non-refugees from North Africa who are part of an ISIS run smuggling operation.

Investigations by Italian authorities and others have found that NGOs funded by among others George Soros, are actively financing private ships to smuggle tens of thousands of illegal North African refugees into the EU via Southern Italy. The human trafficking is reportedly linked to ISIS smuggling networks. If confirmed by authorities, it could potentially open the NGOs to criminal charges .

Carmelo Zuccaro, the Chief Prosecutor of Catania, Sicily, has testified to a committee of the Italian Parliament in March that an official investigation into the funding of a fleet of modern refugee boats in the Mediterranean by private NGOs is warranted. He cited evidence that the human traffic smugglers in Libya and other North African coastal states, often reportedly linked to ISIS or...

When Will The Deceitful Media Finally Admit That Their Russia Strategy Has Died...

The Entire Russia-Trump Story Was A Team Obama Operation

The Entire Russia, Russia, Russia Lie Was An Obama Administration False Flag To Cover Up Their Crimes Against The 4th Amendment....

Ok, that has got to hurt...

Animated Gif Collection #5

Bet You've Never Had A Day This Bad...

The Maoist Great Leap Forward Special...

Future News: The Failure Of Hillary Clinton's Great Leap Forward - 2017-2020

Bless You!

Hu's On First With Two Idiots...

Gun Control Weakens The Individual And Empowers The State...

Mostly At The Hands Of Communists And Socialists...

The Left Slays Me...

‘Homeland’ Actor: The Real ‘Guilty Ones’ This Season Are White Men, Not Islamic Terrorists

‘Homeland’ has taken such a sudden turn toward political preaching and progressive tut-tutting that its story and characters barely resemble those of the previous five seasons.

“Homeland’s” season six finale will air on Sunday night. If you’re like me, at this point you couldn’t care less. That’s because the show has taken such a sudden turn toward political preaching and progressive tut-tutting that its story and characters barely resemble those of the previous five seasons. If you’ve been wondering what on earth happened, wonder no more.

On Thursday, the actor who plays Saul Berenson, Mandy Patinkin, explained everything on NPR. In an interview with “Here & Now’s” Jeremy Hobson, Patinkin discusses past accusations that the show is Islamophobic. He says that although the “Homeland” crew never meant to be Islamophobic, and certainly didn’t expect that kind of criticism, it is nevertheless true. According to him, the show became “part of the problem of the Islamophobia.”

He goes on to explain that the whole point of this season was to stop being the problem and start “trying to be part of the cure,” something Patinkin feels they were “tremendously successful” in doing. Patinkin, who is active in assisting with the Syrian refugee crisis in Greece, added that the “guilty ones” are “certainly not the Muslim community, certainly not the refugees or the immigrants that have come here, but the white male membership of, even members of the intelligence community and other parts of our government.”

So, there it is. “Homeland’s” monumental shift in narrative and tone this season wasn’t an accident. It was a 100 percent intentional effort to atone for the show’s previous sins. But the self-flagellation is so heavy handed, and such a departure from...

Another Dan Rather Scandal

Ever since his forced resignation in disgrace, Dan Rather has continued on a downward spiral. His career, such as it is, has been kept alive by appearances on the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC, where he takes potshots at his former employer and President Donald Trump. It is a sad spectacle.

Rather has now suffered another major embarrassment. The former anchorman of the CBS Evening News has been accused by a website devoted to exposing military corruption of falsely claiming to have been a member of the U.S. Marine Corps.

The editor-in-chief of the website www.MilitaryCorruption.com, retired U.S. Army Major Glenn MacDonald, says he stumbled across a published photo of Rather in a dress blue Marine Corps uniform in his book Rather Outspoken and decided to investigate the claim. The photo caption, “as a young Marine,” clearly indicates Rather had been a member in good standing of the Marine Corps.

Rather left the Marines before completing boot camp and the photo was obtained under...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

How To Avoid Getting Sucker Punched...

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Girls With Guns

Weapons Of Mass Deception...

All of the lying and left wing advocacy the leftist media is doing now to attempt to destroy President Donald Trump has got to have implications for their very future.  It seems to me, people will become red-pilled simply from the vicious and obvious, relentless lies and propaganda that is being spewed from their wretched ilk on a daily basis.

It feels like they know they're on their last stand and they have to keep attacking until the end and hope against hope that their lies and deceit will prevail.

They will not.

Graphic Art: I Robot - Respect For The Father...

My Logic Is Undeniable

In The Muslim World....

Gender Neutral Bathrooms? Pee On The Toilet Seats To Protect Your Daughters

The Syrian Gas Attack Persuasion

According to the mainstream media – that has been wrong about almost everything for a solid 18 months in a row – the Syrian government allegedly bombed its own people with a nerve agent.

The reason the Assad government would bomb its own people with a nerve agent right now is obvious. Syrian President Assad – who has been fighting for his life for several years, and is only lately feeling safer – suddenly decided to commit suicide-by-Trump. Because the best way to make that happen is to commit a war crime against your own people in exactly the way that would force President Trump to respond or else suffer humiliation at the hands of the mainstream media.

And how about those pictures coming in about the tragedy. Lots of visual imagery. Dead babies. It is almost as if someone designed this “tragedy” to be camera-ready for...

Plato On Bad People...

Quotes From Plato:

You Have To Teach Them To Think Back-Asswards...

So they vote for the welfare state.

Shia Sells Two More Tickets...

The film [Man Down]… made headlines Tuesday after it was found have opened in the U.K. with just one solitary person buying a cinema ticket…
However, speaking to the cinema manager, The Hollywood Reporter has learned that the film has since tripled its box-office takings.
“I think we’ve sold three tickets in total,” she revealed, adding that she hadn’t “experienced anything like it before.”

I don’t think Shia took my advice and put up a He Will Not Divide Us flag in the theater, because the HWNDU live feed is still dark and nobody has sent me any video of an autistic 4chan kid playing Capture the Flag. It would appear that Shia LaBeouf managed to sell two more tickets based solely on the strength of his performance.

Here’s the trailer:

Useful Facts - Chew Aspirin For A Heart Attack....

More Interesting Facts, Amazing Facts And Just Plain Crazy Facts:

The Time Traveling Twins

Interesting Facts... There Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of Human Slaves Today...

Amazing Facts - The Dog Who Could Hear Enemy Aircraft...

Amazing Facts: Mosquitoes Are The Only Creature Responsible For More Human Deaths Than Humans Themselves...

Interesting Facts - Dead Shark Carcass...

Interesting Facts: Double Your Money?

Interesting Facts - Grand Central Station Is A Radiation Hazard!

Interesting Facts... There Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of Human Slaves Today...