90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, July 10, 2017

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

CNN Host gets Destroyed By John Sununu For Russia Fake News

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Girls With Guns

Hillary Cheering On Her Supporters...

The Clearest (No Spin) Summary of FBI Report on Hillary Clinton Email

Democrat Lobbying Group Created Fake Meeting Between Russian Lawyer And Donald Trump Jr.

Shortly before his father was formally nominated for president last summer, Donald Trump Jr. was approached by a Russian lawyer who set up a meeting to discuss a Russian policy, according to interviews with Trump family lawyers.

President Trump’s eldest son briefly gathered others for the meeting, including his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, as well as then-presidential campaign manager Paul Manafort for the meeting at Trump Tower in New York City with the lawyer, identified by Trump family lawyers as Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya used the meeting in June 2016 to have a conversation about a U.S. law called the Magnitsky Act that Russia leader Vladimir Putin reviles and has retaliated against by blocking U.S. adoptions of Russian children.

Donald Trump Jr. gathered members of campaign for meeting with Russian lawyer

The encounter was short and the Trump team had no further contact with the woman or the policy issue, lawyers said.

The meeting was recently disclosed to congressional investigators by one of the attendees, according to sources directly familiar with the disclosure.

President Trump was not aware of the meeting and did not attend it, according to the lawyers. A translator and an American businessman working for a pro-Russian business lobby also attended the meeting, which lasted about 20 minutes, according to the interviews.

The president’s legal team said Saturday they believe the entire meeting may have been part of a larger election-year opposition effort aimed at creating the appearance of improper connections between Trump family members and Russia that also included a now-discredited intelligence dossier produced by a former British intelligence agent named Christopher Steele who worked for a U.S. political firm known as Fusion GPS.

Did the FBI retaliate against Michael Flynn by launching a Russia probe?

“We have learned from both our own investigation and public reports that the participants in the meeting misrepresented who they were and who they worked for,” said Mark Corallo, a spokesman for President Trump’s legal team. “Specifically, we have learned that the person who sought the meeting is associated with Fusion GPS, a firm which according to public reports, was retained by Democratic operatives to develop opposition research on the President and which commissioned the phony...

Illegal Alien Smuggled Cuban Women Into Florida And Then Enslaved Them Into Sex Work...

Once Silvio “Jander” Morales smuggled six women from Camaguey, Cuba into Miami, he shed any niceties like a moulting anaconda losing skin. Morales constricted the women into prostitution by mushrooming their debt, threatening their families’ lives and even threatening to feed one woman to alligators in the Everglades.

Morales virtually imprisoned the women in a Miami apartment complex. Friday, he learned he’ll be imprisoned 30 years in a federal facility after pleading guilty to six counts of sex trafficking by force, threats of force, fraud, and coercion and one count of conspiracy to encourage and induce aliens to unlawfully come to and enter the United States.

After his sentence, Morales likely will be deported, as he’s not a U.S. citizen.

As part of his plea deal, Morales admitted he and his cronies lured five of the women in Cuba with this deal: He gets them into the United States via Mexico and, once in their furnished apartment, they work as dancers to pay him $100 per day until their $20,000 debt is paid. Through an underling, Morales extended the same offer to a Camaguey woman in Honduras.

This is the first known criminal case involving Cuban women brought to the United States for sexual exploitation.

All six accepted. None of the six, the statement says, would have done so if they knew the dancing would involve stripping. Or, that they would be sold as sexual commodities.

But the first surprise came when Morales unilaterally raised the amount each owed him from $20,000 to $55,000. To service the debt, they’d service paying men.

Fear for their families, one of which Morales personally threatened, moored them to Morales and the apartment complex. Morales’ minions or Morales himself drove the women to strip clubs around the county. Morales prohibited any of the women leaving the complex without his permission.

When one woman did so, he made an example of her. Morales drove her to the edge of the Everglades, punching her on the way. Upon reaching a bridge near the Everglades, he told her he was going to throw her into the alligators’ domain. Instead, after making sure she understood not to defy him again, he tossed her into the trunk and drove back to the complex.

When one woman became pregnant after unprotected sex with...

Inventor Of Fraudulent Temperature ‘Hockey Stick’ Is Humiliated In Canadian Court

Michael Mann is an unrepentant and belligerent  Technocrat who deceived the whole world with his so-called ‘hockey stick’ temperature model. His humiliation in a Canadian court should be a fatal blow to the entire climate change scam. Defying a judges direct order, Mann has refused to provide his data for public scrutiny.  TN Editor
Penn State climate scientist, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann commits contempt of court in the ‘climate science trial of the century.’ Prominent alarmist shockingly defies judge and refuses to surrender data for open court examination. Only possible outcome: Mann’s humiliation, defeat and likely criminal investigation in the U.S.

The defendant in the libel trial, the 79-year-old Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball (above, right) is expected to instruct his British Columbia attorneys to trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data fraud. Mann’s imminent defeat is set to send shock waves worldwide within the climate science community as the outcome will be both a legal and scientific vindication of U.S. President Donald Trump’s claims that climate scare stories are a “hoax.”

As can be seen from the graphs below; Mann’s cherry-picked version of science makes the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) disappear and shows a pronounced upward ‘tick’ in the late 20th century (the blade of his ‘hockey stick’). But below that, Ball’s graph, using more reliable and widely available...

A Real And Heartfelt Apology To The Honorable And Real News CNN...

Deutsch Douche Bag...

Commie Mayor Flees his responsibility for dead police in New York City....

De Blasio skips slain NYPD cop’s vigil to praise police in Germany

Mayor de Blasio flew all the way to Hamburg, Germany, to praise that city’s police in a speech — while cops back home continued to mourn, without him, the assassination of one of their own in The Bronx.

“Our right to protest is directly related to the fact that our police protect us,” Hizzoner told a crowd of thousands at the outdoor Hamburg Shows Attitude rally protesting the G-20 summit Saturday. “So help me by joining in applause and...

CNN is Breaking Down #CNNBlackmail

Morning Mistress

Donald Trump vs CNN Best Memes Montage

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Trump vs. CNN - #CNNBlackmail Meme Compilation

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Deadly Consequences Of Illegal Immigration...

History Being Made: The Great CNN MEME WARS OF 2017

To enter for your chance to win $20,000, send your submissions here:

That's All Folks!

The Clown News Network...

Delingpole: #CNNBlackmail Is the Best Thing Since Trump Got Elected

#CNNBlackmail is the best thing to have happened to the world since the election of Donald Trump. Indeed, it may be one of the greatest moments in the history of the internet.

Sure, on one level it resulted in weapons-grade trolling and a few deliciously funny memes; but in bigger picture terms it was something much more significant than that – a pivotal moment in the Culture Wars akin to the Persian defeat at Salamis or the German defeat at Stalingrad or the French defeat at Trafalgar.

Or maybe a better analogy would be the one I used on Sirius XM: the moment during the Second World War when, under the command of the brilliant Bill Slim, the ill-equipped, neglected British Fourteenth Army realized that the only way to beat the Japanese was to fight with the same aggression, cunning, and mobility of the Japanese. In other words, to use the enemy’s tactics against them.

Just like CNN, just like Antifa, just like the left generally, the Japanese were a horrible enemy to fight: utterly without scruples, fanatically convinced of the justice of their wicked...

Families Living In Fear of Fake News....


Morning Mistress

Devastating: Trump Responds To The Great CNN Meme War!

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Remy: Fake News

Friday, July 7, 2017

Girls With Guns

For The First Time In American History, They Are Outlawing American History...

Socialist Democrats Embrace A Racist Civil War, Their Tool To Fundamental Transformation

Never Satirize The Totalitarian CNN...

Looks Like She Changed Her Mind Too Late...

More Great Gifs!

Bet She Broke A Rib...


Biting Off More Than You Can Chew...

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE

Officer wounded in deadly ambush sues Black Lives Matter


A federal lawsuit accuses Black Lives Matter and several movement leaders of inciting violence that led to a gunman's deadly ambush of law enforcement officers in Baton Rouge last summer.

DeRay Mckesson of Baltimore and four other Black Lives Matter leaders are named as defendants in the suit filed Friday on behalf of one of the officers wounded in the July 17 attack by a black military veteran, who killed three other officers before he was shot dead.

The suit doesn't name the officer, but its description of the plaintiff matches...

Journalism: CNN Style...

America First Baby!

How To Animate The Democrat Party....

Woman, 25, convicted for making up fake rape claims against 15 innocent men

A British woman who repeatedly claimed of being sexually assaulted and raped by 15 different men – leading one to be wrongly imprisoned – is now facing jail time of her own after she was convicted Thursday of lying about her claims.

"Jemma Beale was a determined liar who repeatedly went to great lengths to fabricate evidence in an attempt to see innocent men convicted, including telling deliberate lies under oath,” London Crown Prosecution Service Lawyer Samuel Mainsaid. Beale was convicted of perjury and perverting the course of justice.

From 2010 to 2013, Beale claimed that she was sexually assaulted by six men and raped by nine -- all of them strangers – in four different...

I Can't Believe This Guy Said This About CNN....


RALEIGH, NC (The News & Observer) – A 34-year-old Raleigh man was being held without bail Monday after surrendering to face first-degree rape, first-degree kidnapping, assault on a female and other charges that Raleigh police filed in connection with an incident last week.

Mohammad Imthais Alam, who lives on Silverview Lane, turned himself in at the Wake County Detention Center on Hammond Road about 6 a.m., according to county arrest records.

The charges stem from a report that a woman was raped in the 5100 block of Hollyridge Drive on June 21, police said.

A first-degree forcible rape charge requires using or displaying a dangerous weapon, “inflicting serious personal injury” on the...

Man with bulletproof vest, knives busted trying to get into Trump Tower

A 52-year-old man wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying two throwing knives was busted last night trying to get into Trump Tower.

Adames Benitez, of The Bronx, said he was a US Senator and wanted to see President Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who is traveling with her father and the rest of his presidential party in Europe, authorities said.

He was carrying a forged ID, authorities said.

Benitez was taken into custody by the NYPD and Secret Service agents and charged with criminal possession of a forged instrument and criminal possession of weapons. He was then...

Deep State Begins Anti-Russia Media Blitz Ahead Of Trump-Putin Meeting

Update: We have a fourth Trump attack story as MSNBC's Rachel Maddow claims that "someone is shopping a carefully forged, fairly convincing fake NSA document" to news organizations pointing to Trump campaign collusion with Russia... "we don't know who is doing it but we're wroking on it."

It's been relatively quiet in the last few weeks on the "the Russians did it, and Trump's Putin's best-buddy" propaganda-fest, but it appears the Deep State had three stories tonight - just hours ahead of Trump's face-to-face with Putin - claim Russian hackers are targeting US nuclear facilities, the Russians are nonchalantly stepping up their spying, and that Russia alone interfered with the US election.
With all eyes on the 'handshake' as Putin and Trump come face-to-face for the first time as world leaders, it seems the Deep State is desperately fearful of some rapprochement, crushing the need for NATO, and destroying the excuses for massive, unprecedented military-industrial complex spending.

And so, three stories (2 anonymously sourced and one with no facts behind it) in The New York Times (who recently retracted their "17 intelligence agencies" lie) and CNN (where do we start with these guys? let's just go with full retraction of an anonymously sourced lie about Scaramucci and Kushner and the Russians) should stir up enough angst to ensure the meeting is at best awkward and at worst a lose-lose for Trump (at least in the eyes of the media).

First off we have the 'news' that hackers have reportedly been breaking into computer networks of companies operating....

Morning Mistress

Remy: This is CNN

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

#CNNBlackmail Goes Viral After Veritas Videos & Trump Shitpost

Thursday, July 6, 2017

NBC’s Katy Tur embarrasses herself and tweets debunked claim on Russian meddling, even copies POTUS

NBC News correspondent Katy Tur tweeted Thursday that 17 intelligence agencies agree Russia meddled in the U.S. election, reiterating a liberal talking point so blatantly false that even The New York Times and the Associated Press have issued corrections.

“Here is a list of the 17 US intel agencies/offices that have said Russia meddled in our election,” Tur tweeted.

While an October intelligence report expressed high confidence that Russia meddled with the election to undermine Hillary Clinton’s campaign, that confidence only represents the views of the FBI, NSA and CIA — not the consensus of 17 intelligence agencies. The Daily Caller News Foundation found the claim totally false in an early June fact check.

The New York Times issued a correction to a June 25 story repeating the claim that 17 intelligence agencies, including the Coast Guard, have formed a consensus that Russia engaged in election interference.

“The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the...

CNN Humor...


Will They Defend This MEME?

Girls With Guns

CNN: Trying To Hit A Moving Target - Themselves...

Who Is Worse: CNN Or ISIS?


CNN Goes For A Bike Ride..


The Bar Fight...
