90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, September 29, 2017

This Is What Happens When You Date A Clumsy Idiot...

More Animated Gifs:

New NSA Anti Tea Party Weapon...

Wrong Wire Faisel

That's Gotta Hurt...

Can You Say, Adrenaline Rush?

I Know There Is A Sun Tzu Quote In Here Somewhere..

It's A Drive Thru Now..

Roof Surfing Fail..

..and don't miss:

Mark Zuckerberg Tours The Nation And Shares His Insights On Meeting Humans On This Planet...

Is Mark Zuckerberg Prepping For A Run For President?

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is ready to provide evidence the Russian collusion narrative is false

The Root Of The Problem...

Occasionally Flushing Is Required!

Governor of Puerto Rico Praises Trump and FEMA Response, Need More Truck Drivers To Get Aid To People

The devastation from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico was vast.

By some assessments, including that of the Governor of Puerto Rico, it was the worst disaster to hit the island ever.

It laid waste to the infrastructure knocking out the roads and power and leaving people in a critical situation.

The Governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rossello appear on The View on Tuesday to explain where the situation was at and what they still needed in order to be able to help people.

The hosts of the view had attacked President Donald Trump the day before for not going to Puerto Rico, forgetting of course, that in a still critical stage when there’s completely blown out infrastructure, that having to deal with a visit from the president and all the security and disruption that would entail would be the last thing you would want.

They asked the governor about Trump’s response to the disaster, Sara Haines question seemed to assume an answer, that Trump wasn’t doing enough. But Rossello crossed her up.

Haines: We saw a clip of President Trump saying the White House is doing a great job. How do you think they’re doing in terms of response and do you...

She Cheated On The Election And Still Lost..

She And The DNC Cheated To Win Her The Nomination
Media Outlets Gave Her The Debate Questions
Hollywood Went All Out To Support Her With Social Media, Money, Movies And Public Statements
The Media Attack Donald Trump For Her Nonstop
The Obama Administration, The FBI, And The CIA All Spied On The Trump Team And Conspired To Discredit Him
Twitter, Facebook, Google All Supported And Promoted Hillary Over Trump

All This And The Left Still Lost. 

Watch This Sewer-Mouthed Student Steal A Guy’s MAGA Hat And Then Utterly Lose Her Mind [VIDEO]

A tremendously angry student at the taxpayer-funded University of California, Riverside stole another student’s “Make America Great Again” hat. Then, she marched to a campus office and demanded that administrators outlaw “Make America Great Again” hats because they represent “genocide.”

The date when the MAGA hat thievery occurred is unclear but Campus Reform has obtained video of the incident from the victim, UC Riverside student Matthew Vitale. And it’s amazing.

The video begins with Vitale walking beside the woman, recording her as she walks. She is holding a red hat with the white words “Make America Great Again” printed across the front.

The woman walks into the office of student life at UC Riverside.

“So this guy thought it would be a good idea to go into a conference wearing this fucking hat,” the hat bandit explains to administrators.

“Look at the kind of shit he’s wearing,” the angry woman says. “You know what this represents? This represents genocide — genocide of a bunch of...

New Report Details Stunning Cost of Illegal Immigration

An investigation by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) found that illegal immigration costs American taxpayers nearly $135 billion each year.

The recently released report, The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2017), found that the cost of illegal immigration is too monumental to ignore. The U.S. needs immigration reform.

From FAIR’s report:

At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member. These figures are before taxes paid by illegal aliens are factored in.

The standard answer from the left concerning illegal immigration’s cost to taxpayers is that illegal aliens pay some taxes.

FAIR found that even factoring in taxes paid by illegal aliens, the total fiscal cost of illegal immigration on taxpayers stands at nearly $116 billion.

That’s $116 billion that state and local taxpayers are stuck with, all because of a failure to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #29

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Thursday, September 28, 2017

How late night comedians hurt America

Girls With Guns

Colin Makes An Ass Of Himself...

Colin = Colon

Mueller: Looking For Corrupt Gov In All The Wrong Places...

Representative Franks Calls on Mueller to Resign

Occasionally Flushing Is Required!


Director Removes Anti-Trump Material From Film, Wins Box Office

“If movies get political when they’re meant to be fun, then it weighs everything down a bit too much.”

We don't want to shock any of our readers, but a major Hollywood director actually did something praiseworthy. He made a choice that put the audience (and, yes, ticket sales) ahead of scoring a few cheap political points.

Matthew Vaughn, director of the new movie Kingsman: The Golden Circle, told Entertainment Weekly that he actually “toned down” some of the more political comments in the editing process before the film was released.

The script originally featured at least two references to Trump, one in the dialogue when the film’s villain, played by Julianne Moore, expresses her desire to host Trump's former show, NBC’s The Apprentice.

“We actually took out the Apprentice line,” said Vaughn, “because we felt it was too close to the bone. I think America’s going through a pretty interesting and rough ride at the moment and I wanted this movie to be escapism. And that means not suddenly have half the audience going, ‘That’s not cool, that’s not funny!’ as the other half is cheering.”

That same impulse control also led to one of the film’s pivotal sets being redesigned:


History: Graphic Photo Of President Trump Battling Against The Swamp..

Globalism: What It Really Is...

South Park exposes everything wrong with social justice warriors [VIDEO]

At first glance, it appeared that South Park creators Matt Stone & Trey Parker were just going to lampoon victimhood culture and identity politics in their third episode “Holiday Special,” but they went several steps ahead and completely ripped social justice warriors altogether.

It can be argued that they exposed the entire social justice warrior movement as a bunch of white people who use virtue signaling and call people “racists” in order to gain power and attention.

In the lead-up to the episode, Stone and Parker hilariously mocked white people, who through DNA swab tests, get to claim the privileges and victimhood of another ethnic group because they turned out to be either “2.1 percent black” or “4.2 percent Cherokee Indian.”

However, in the episode, we find our favorite social justice warrior, Randy Marsh, going on a tear by getting South Park elementary to cancel Columbus Day and tears down one Columbus statue while defecating on another. He even recruits his son, Stan, to start calling each and every resident of Columbus, Ohio to say they’re a “racist piece of sh-t” for living in a city named after “ethnic cleansing.”

It gets Stan to call his Dad out saying, “We all get your point, but don’t you think you’re overdoing it?”

To which Randy responds, “You have to overdo it in today’s society, Stan. You can’t be nuanced and subtle anymore or else critics go, ‘Wow, what was the point of all that?'”

While Stan and the kids try to find a way to get their day off from school back, they discover there are several photos on the internet of Randy dressed as Christopher Columbus at different public functions, including Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day, and at a football game.

Randy dismisses the accusations saying he was “younger” and that “everyone was stoked on Columbus back [in 2013].”

Thinking he’ll be exposed as a fraud, a discouraged Randy gives up, until an ad for “DNA and Me” plays while watching television.

In order to show that he can claim Native American victimhood, Randy pays a Native American man $100 to French kiss him. He then takes the DNA mouth swab test. It later reveals he’s a mix of Northern European, Meditteranean, and Southwest Asian, which closely matches the standard Caucasian British person. However, the test revealed that he’s 2.8 percent Neanderthal, which is higher than average.

Randy learns that Neanderthals were a species that was wiped out by Homo sapiens.

“Wiped out? All of my people?” Randy asks.

“Yes, but, you see, because of some cross-breeding some people like you possess Neanderthal DNA. Isn’t that interesting?” The DNA and Me rep responds.

Randy, discovering that he’s now a victim of oppression from Homo sapiens, begins to flips out.

“Cross-breeding? You mean rape. You’re telling me that my ancestors were raped and then...

Who Does The CIA Really Work For?

Jeff Bezos Is Doing Huge Business with the CIA, While Keeping His Washington Post Readers in the Dark

U.S. born Muslims more hostile to America

The source is one of those Pew writeups that is 99 percent spin and 1 percent statistics. I’ll skip on quoting much of it, because it’s largely concerned with promoting claims of Muslim victimhood. But it does show a pattern.

The common pattern in America and Europe is that Muslim settlers born in the host country are actually more negatively disposed to the country than their immigrant parents.

European defenders usually put this down to the classic “failure to integrate.” And their American cousins insisted that we wouldn’t have “no go zones” because we didn’t have that problem. Except it turns out that second-generation immigrants are more likely to have issues with us.

Indeed, just three-in-ten U.S.-born Muslims say the American people are friendly toward Muslim Americans, compared to 73% of immigrants who feel this way.

And U.S.-born Muslims are more likely than their immigrant counterparts to say there is discrimination against Muslims, and to say they have personally experienced at least one of several specific types of discrimination, such as people acting suspicious of them or calling them offensive names, being singled out by airport security or by some other law enforcement, or being physically attacked or threatened.

Nine-in-ten (91%) U.S.-born Muslims say there is a lot of discrimination against Muslims, compared with 65% of immigrants who say this. And six-in-ten U.S.-born Muslims (61%) say that in the past 12 months they have experienced...



Why didn't TV networks show angry, booing NFL fans Sunday or Monday?

With President Donald Trump's comments against protesting NFL players still reverberating, the league's TV partners decided to air live coverage of the national anthem before Week 3 games. Those partners left out a key element of the coverage: crowd shots of angry fans.

Networks typically do not televise the national anthem except for the Super Bowl and other special occasions, but they recognized there would be intense viewer interest this past weekend.

Some fans, if they reacted at all, happily clapped and cheered during protests, but others did not, and they angrily let their home teams know it. The audio mics picked up the boos. Yet the TV networks mostly avoided crowd shots Sunday, so there was never a chance for viewers to see fans jeering players.

A segment of Patriots fans in Foxborough, Mass., for example, nearly booed their own players off the field when some Pats sat or kneeled, with some screaming, "Stand up!"

One behind-the-scenes TV staffer at another stadium told Sporting News that camera operators were ordered to avoid crowd shots in case they showed fans counterprotesting the protests.

NBC Sports, CBS Sports, Fox Sports and ESPN pay billions each year to televise live NFL games. The league saw this weekend's unprecedented anthem coverage as a...

The NFL Has Its Hands Deep in Taxpayer Money

By Michelle Malkin
I’m calling foul on all the leftists rushing to protect the NFL’s protest crusaders from President Donald Trump’s criticism of their national anthem antics.

Their shabby line of defense? The NFL is a “private enterprise” whose “rights” are being violated by those who dare to challenge the league’s political radicalization.

The anti-Trump Democratic Coalition has even filed an ethics complaint alleging that the president’s comments constitute a criminal violation against using government offices “to influence the employment decisions and practices” of a private entity.

Funny. These fair-weather friends of corporate free speech and the First Amendment were nowhere to be found when Boston Mayor Tom Menino and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel were vowing to shut down Chick-Fil-A in their towns as government retaliation against the founders’ private religious beliefs.

As for the NFL’s status as a “private” enterprise? That’s some Super Bowl-sized audacity right there.

I first started tracking publicly subsidized sports boondoggles with my very first watchdog website, Porkwatch, back in 1999. Since then, taxpayers at all levels of government have foot the bill for football stadiums to the tune of an estimated $1 billion every year.

Over the past decade, new tax-supported NFL stadiums rose up for the Indianapolis Colts (the $720 million Lucas Oil Stadium), the Dallas Cowboys (the $1.15 billion AT&T Stadium), the New York Jets and Giants (the $1.6 billion MetLife Stadium), the Minnesota Vikings...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #28

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Will Star Trek & the #NFL SAVE Humanity?

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Yvette Felarca Arrested at Berkeley Protest

Girls With Guns

Can't We Talk About This?


On Patriotism...

Chelsea Manning Inspired Communist West Point Graduate To Infiltrate The Military

Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning, who was sentenced to prison for leaking classified documents and subsequently freed by President Barack Obama, inspired West Point graduate and communist Spenser Rapone to infiltrate the military.

Rapone has come under fire and become the subject of an Army investigation after reports emerged of his open and unabashed support for communism and tweets he made calling for political violence and referring to Secretary of Defense James Mattis as an “evil, vile f***.”

In a Reddit post regarding Manning, Rapone spelled out some of his motivations for remaining in the military and exactly what he wanted to accomplish while serving as a second lieutenant in the 2nd Combat Brigade Team, 10th Mountain Division. Those motivations included Manning’s decision to leak national security documents to WikiLeaks.

Notably, Manning was also part of the 10th Mountain Division.

“I’m currently an infantry officer at Ft. Drum, NY assigned to the same brigade that she was while enlisted,” Rapone wrote in a post. “Every single day I think of the contradictions of being a communist while in this organization, and her courage and tenacity gives me strength to continue the long march through the institutions.”

The “long march” comment refers to a strategy of institutional infiltration and subversion coined by student activist Rudi Dutschke but originally developed by Antonio Gramsci, a Marxist thinker whose thought developed in the wake of the failure of economic determinism to bring about a revolution.

After Rapone posted his comment, another Reddit user warned him not to talk so publicly about where he was stationed.

“I know comrade, but I feel like we should not hide any longer,” Rapone answered.

From his Reddit post and Twitter history, it seems clear Rapone was a dedicated communist and posted about developing a new manual on guerrilla warfare, presumably for use in the U.S.

“I read Che’s Guerrilla Warfare (★★★★) a month or two back,” Rapone said early this year. “An essential text, although, as Che would say, specific to a certain historical context. I’d suggest Marighella’s Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla (★★★★) after finishing Che’s work. I myself need to read Mao’s On Guerrilla Warfare here soon enough. But, I suppose, more than anything else, the task at hand for all of us is to produce our own text on...

President Trump Speaks Common Sense - Politicians Never Do...

Politicians never challenge the leftist media, Donald Trump speaks the common sense that Americans know, but is never reflected in the mainstream media. Donald Trump speaks with honesty about the reality that Americans experience but is purposely distorted in the media. That takes balls. No one has bigger balls than Donald Trump.

AC/DC Big Balls

I'm ever upper class high society, God's gift to ballroom notoriety, I always fill my ballroom (The event is never small) The social pages say I've got The biggest balls of all Oh I've got big balls I've got big balls And they're such big balls Dirty big balls And he's got big balls And she's got big balls But we've got the biggest balls of them all And my balls are always bouncing My ballroom always full And everybody cums and cums again If your name is on the guest list No-one can take you higher Everybody says I've got GREAT BALLS OF FIRE Oh I've got big balls repeat Some balls are held for charity And some for fancy dress But when they're held for pleasure They're the balls that I like best. My balls are always bouncing To the left and to the right It's my belief that my big balls Should be held every night Oh I've got big balls repeat And I'm just itching to tell you about them Oh we had such wonderful fun Seafood cocktail, crabs, crayfish...

Ball sucker

'They were killed in a row. Only eight women, young and beautiful, were allowed to live': Hindu Rohingya reveal how Muslim majority force them to convert or die in refugee camps

  • Hindu Rohingya women say Muslim are forcing them to convert or be killed 
  • Forced conversions are taking place on the way to, or in, refugee camps
  • Women claim their families have been killed by Muslim Rohingya
  • They have then been forced to convert to Islam and marry Muslims 

Hindu Rohingyas who have fled the violence in Myanmar are reportedly being kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam by Muslims of the same ethnicity in refugee camps in Bangladesh.

Some 480,000 Rohingya, mostly Muslim but also Hindu, have taken shelter in Bangladeshi refugee camps in the past month, leaving aid groups scrambling for provisions to help them.

Several women are reporting that Muslim Rohingya are murdering Hindu men and taking the women as wives, forcing them to convert to Islam - or be killed.

The Rohingya are a stateless ethnic group that has been living mainly in Myanmar's Rakhine state for centuries. A majority of them are Muslim, but there is a small minority who are Hindu.

Since violence broke out in Rakhine a month ago....

Is Mark Zuckerberg Prepping For A Run For President?

Mark Zuckerberg Simulates Being Human...

Zuck vs. Trump: The Real Issue Is Immigration

Looks like deep state bureaucrats are blabbing to the New York Times on refugee ceiling issue

The NYT will never tell you that Hartke’s
Lutherans are paid by the head to
 resettle refugees and that her organization is
96-97% funded by you, the taxpayer.
If Donald Trump continues to make no move to replace the top levels in the US State Department with people supportive of him, he has more than three years of this c*** ahead of him.

Here are some snips from the New York Times yesterday:

President Trump plans to cap refugee admissions at 45,000 over the next year, according to current and former government officials briefed on the decision, setting a historically low limit on the number of people who can resettle in the United States after fleeing persecution in their own countries.
Anonymous Sources: 
Administration officials plan to inform senior lawmakers of the decision on Wednesday, according to the officials, who insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to pre-empt a formal announcement.

Mr. Trump’s decision follows a fierce internal debate among senior members of his administration. Military and foreign policy officials pressed for resettling more refugees as a national security and moral imperative, while other top officials, led by Stephen Miller, his top policy adviser, and backed by John F. Kelly, his chief of staff and former secretary of homeland security, advocated slashing the number to as low as 15,000 based on concerns about cost and safety.

But Rex W. Tillerson, the secretary of state, ultimately lowered his recommended limit to 45,000, the people said, and that was the number presented to Mr. Trump.

The White House declined to comment on the decision or on the deliberations surrounding it.

Refugee assistance groups reacted with outrage to the anticipated cap, calling it a departure from the American tradition of welcoming immigrants in times of need. I’ve been telling you, the refugee contractors are going to scream bloody murder over 45,000, so Trump should have gone for some really significant number—heck, even zero!

Partner! Partner! (grrrrr!) Does the NYT intentionally lie or are their reporters just lazy?


“Today a dark shadow has passed across the great American legacy and promise of protecting refugees,” said Linda Hartke, the president of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, one of nine agencies — most of them faith-based — that partner with the United States government to resettle refugees. “The threat of a drastically low ceiling on refugee arrivals in the U.S. is contrary to American values and the spirit of generosity in American churches and communities.”

Just when I think I can’t do this anymore, I see the NYT write this deception (by omission) about the contractors and it energizes me to continue to get the truth out to you.

Here is the latest financial information on the refugee agencies (federal contractors) whosebudgets are based on the number of refugees (aka “clients”) admitted each year. As the numbers decline, so too do their federally-funded budgets!
BTW, the outraged Hartke is pulling down a salary/benefits/related income package of over $300,000 a year—doing very well by doing good!

(That is a government-funded salary larger than a US Senator or a Supreme Court Justice makes annually!)

Finally, here, toward the end of the article, is the PR stunt letter...

Bookstores Now Have A Self-Pity Section...

From spying on Trump to journalists, look at the government patterns

Many in the media are diving deeply into minutiae in order to discredit any notion that President Trump might have been onto something in March when he fired off a series of tweets claiming President Obama had “tapped” “wires” in Trump Tower just before the election.

According to media reports this week, the FBI did indeed “wiretap” the former head of Trump’s campaign, Paul Manafort, both before and after Trump was elected. If Trump officials — or Trump himself — communicated with Manafort during the wiretaps, they would have been recorded, too.

But we’re missing the bigger story.

If these reports are accurate, it means U.S. intelligence agencies secretly surveilled at least a half dozen Trump associates. And those are just the ones we know about.

Besides Manafort, the officials include former Trump advisers Carter Page and Michael Flynn. Last week, we discovered multiple Trump “transition officials” were “incidentally” captured during government surveillance of a foreign official. We know this because former Obama adviser Susan Rice reportedly admitted “unmasking,” or asking to know the identities of, the officials. Spying on U.S. citizens is considered so sensitive, their names are supposed to be...