90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, October 2, 2017

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

The MAGA In The Hat Strikes Back!

 Dr. Suess

Suess Prose

4 Year old bartender Sloppy Joe Jr. poses for customers at the famous Sloppy Joes Bar in Havana, Cuba, in 1931.

4 Year old bartender Sloppy Joe Jr. poses for customers at the famous Sloppy Joes Bar in Havana, Cuba, in 1931. After the Cuban Revolution ended in 1959 and Castro took power, Sloppy Joes was abandoned. Pretty much all places frequented by the rich and famous in Cuba were shut down or abandoned in 1959-1960.

Mark Zuckerberg Meets With Humans To Garner Future Votes...

Mark Zuckerberg Simulates Being Human...

Should We Cut Taxes?


More Milton:

Socialists Hate Freedom...

Nobody Spends Somebody Else's Money As Carefully As He Spends His Own...

"The Essential Notion Of A Socialist Society Is Force"

Milton Friedman

The Disgusting Duplicity And Hypocrisy Of The NFL


Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #32

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Loz's magnificent 7-tone fart symphony - the #1 video in the world, for one day in May 2015.

Make sure you watch the entire video...
You deserve to watch this video.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Diamond And Silk​ Rip Librarian a new one for Rejecting The Dr Seuss books sent by Melania Trump​

Girls With Guns


You reap what you sow. Or at least, you used to. Now, apparently, you reap whatever mysteriously and magically falls into your lap – or so the “check your privilege” purveyors would have you believe.

It’s not true. “Privilege,” in today’s popular guilt-ridden forms, is just an illegitimate slur defaming hard work, success, good behavior and the rewards thereof. “Privilege” is what they call innocent reality when they want it to look like a nefarious agenda. “Privileged” is what they call you when they don’t have enough evidence to call you a racist, thieving oppressor, but they want you to feel like one anyway. “Privilege” is a hoax, intentionally or ignorantly conflating equality of opportunity with equality of outcome. At the same time, however, privilege is very real. Some of us have it; some of us don’t. Some of us have more of it than others. There is no sense denying it. The hidden truth, though, is that privilege is not wrong. Privilege is, in fact, fair. It is the natural outcome of effort, ability, choice and time.

The passionate “social justice warriors” tell us that “privilege” is evil and oppressive and needs to be eradicated. They say a person’s “privilege” is unfair, unearned and undeserved – but they’re wrong.

Privilege doesn’t grow on trees. When it is not personally earned, it is often inherited. A child born into an upper-class family did nothing to earn his upper-class status, but his parents did. His parents earned it for him. Parents the world over strive for little more than to give their child a better life than they had and to shelter their child from as many of life’s struggles as they possibly can by giving him a leg up every way they can manage it. What dishonor, what slander it is to call this child’s head start “unearned privilege” when his parents broke their backs to give it to him. The parents who manage this feat are due respect; their children are not due shame.

What about “white privilege”? As “racist” as the critics paint it, this privilege also is earned and deserved. The catch is, much “white privilege” has nothing to do with race, but is actually majority privilege. If you can’t find a Band-Aid in your skin color, that’s called “supply and demand.” Majority privilege means that the majority of goods and services and the majority of entertainment like literature, music and television, will be geared toward supplying the needs of the majority and satisfying the typical interests of the majority. By becoming the majority and staying the majority, the majority has earned and is logically and rightfully due the benefits of being such. This is a universal privilege, seen in countries all over the world, and there is nothing wrong with having it.

The type of privilege more often thought badly of is the “white privilege” of not being eyed as a potential shoplifter, or not being shunned by passersby crossing to the other side of the street at night, or not being noted suspiciously by police. However, this privilege is legitimate as well and can be easily understood by comparing it to what can be called “female privilege.”

We are all aware that women are less likely to commit crimes or to start fights than men are. Therefore, as is obviously logical, women are eyed less cautiously by police, vulnerable passersby, business owners and cashiers. We women benefit from the common perception we’re the more peaceable, “gentler sex.” Our collective behavior over time has...

IFL: Knee Jerks

Muslim Truck Attack Terrorist Tries To Ram Pedestrians In Canada, Stabs Cop...

The Miracles Of Multiculturalism In Canada...

An attack on a police officer, who was stabbed after being rammed by a car with an Islamic State flag on the dashboard, and a high-speed chase that injured four pedestrians Saturday evening in Edmonton, Canada, are being investigated as “acts of terrorism,” police said.

The mayhem began at around 8:15 p.m. when a white Chevrolet Malibu with an IS flag crashed through barricades and rammed an officer who was directing traffic before an Edmonton Eskimos football game, Police Chief Rod Knecht said at a Sunday morning news conference.

The car sent the officer “flying through the air 15 feet before colliding with the officer’s cruiser” at high speed, he said.

The driver then got out of his vehicle and stabbed the officer multiple times before fleeing.

Knecht said the officer’s wounds are not “critical.”

Around midnight, as a manhunt was underway across the city, officers pulled over a U-Haul truck at a checkpoint. The name of the truck driver was close to the name of the registered owner of the car that hit the officer.

The suspect peeled out with dozens of police cars in pursuit.

The driver “deliberately tried to hit pedestrians in crosswalks and alleys” during the high-speed chase on downtown streets, Knecht said.

“There were people flying and everything,”​ ​eyewitness Kim Anderson told the Edmonton Journal. “I’m shocked ​-​ I just see people flying.”

​Four pedestrians were taken to the hospital after being struck.​ Their conditions are unknown.

​The U-Haul ​eventually overturned near a downtown hotel and police dragged the driver...

BREAKING: Puerto Rican Cop Says San Juan Mayor Is Sabotaging Hurricane Response For Political Reasons

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz is deliberately withholding food and supplies from her hurricane-ravaged city as part of a publicity stunt, according to a bombshell video currently circulating across the internet.

The video features a panicked female voice who identifies herself as a police officer from Guaynabo, a suburb of San Juan, calling into a New York City Hispanic language radio station. The caller accuses Cruz, San Juan’s anti-Trump mayor with a penchant for supporting and befriending convicted terrorists, of staggering negligence and dereliction of duty in the wake of Hurricane Maria:

The police officer begins by pleading with the U.S. Military to go directly to the people of Puerto Rico with its aid, as current efforts to work through Governor Ricardo Rossello and Mayor Cruz are proving futile. “What us Puerto Ricans need is the U.S. Armed Forces to come in and distribute the aid. And that they stop the Governor, Rossello, and the Mayor, Yulin, from continuing on doing what they’re doing. It’s an abuse; it looks like communism, in our...

Italy Broadcasts Footage Of Soros Group Working With Human Traffickers

An Italian TV station has broadcast footage showing members of a Soros-funded organization working alongside human traffickers.

The footage shows members of Soros’ pro-migrant rescue NGO ‘Save the Children’ cooperating with the traffickers.

The television programme, which is hosted on Italian network Canale 5, released the footage which shows what they claim are people smugglers helping a large wooden boat of migrants get to the ship chartered by Save the Children, the Vos Hestia, off the coast of Libya.

The migrants on the boat appear to be clearly Sub-Saharan African, contrasted by the alleged people smugglers who appear to be North African or Arabic. The footage shows one of the men of North African appearance physically beating the individuals on the boat before they are taken to the NGO vessel.

The footage is similar to a case brought against the German NGO Jugend Rettet by the Italian government who are investigating the group for alleged connections to people traffickers. The Italians confiscated their vessel, the Iuventa, in August.

The Italian authorities later released pictures which they claimed was evidence of the NGO workers working with the people smugglers.

The Trapani prosecutor’s office has confirmed it is investigating...

North African Muslim Man In Marseille Slits Throat, Stabs Two Women To Death, Screams ‘Allahu Akbar’

A man at the central train station in Marseille, France, stabbed two women to death Sunday before reportedly shouting “Allahu Akbar.”

The attack, which took place at the St. Charles train station, quickly ended after a French soldier shot and killed the man, BBC reports.

Police sources believe the event is a “likely terrorist act.”

Marseille police have urged the public to keep away from the scene and have cordoned off the area.

In response to the deadly assault, French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb announced he was heading to Marseille.

France has been a central target of Islamic terror in Europe. Terror attacks have resulted in approximately 239 deaths since 2015.

From 2015 to the present, the country has been in a continuous state of emergency, which is the longest since the Algerian War in the 1960s. France declared the state of emergency in the aftermath of ...

BUSTED: Anti-Trump Puerto Rican Mayor Supported Terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera

Carmen Yulin Cruz, the anti-Trump Mayor of San Juan who has used the national spotlight of Hurricane Maria to attack Trump, has a long history of supporting convicted terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera, a Puerto Rican radical who ran a paramilitary group that waged war against the United States.

Since May 29th, 2012, Cruz has used her official Twitter account 49 times to lend support to Lopez, a man arrested by the United States government in May of 1981 for seditious conspiracy against the United States and conspiracy to transport explosives to destroy government property, among other charges. Later that year, Lopez was sentenced to 55 years in jail for his various crimes.

Moreover, it appears Cruz is more than just a supporter of Rivera’s; she appears to be a personal friend of his. On May 29th, 2016, Cruz posted a tribute to Rivera, and wrote “for a great friend, a great patriot: for you Oscar Lopez Rivera.”:

Indeed, Cruz and Lopez appear to be not just friends, but close friends. Several months after President Obama commuted Rivera’s sentence just before he left office, a decision so bizarre even...

AMBUSHED: U.N. Heads Turn in Stunned Disbelief as PLO Lies Exposed by Palestinian Hero

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #31

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Crowder Takes ‘White Privilege Test’ Live on Air

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Liz Wheeler: What the mainstream media was afraid to tell you this week.

Girls With Guns

Hillary, This Is What We Really Want To Read...

Five days after Hannity moves to prime slot, Rachel Maddow gets TERRIBLE news

The reshuffling that has occurred at Fox News in recent months, from firings, resignations and changes in programming times, is a testament to the power of public opinion and ratings — and the power of management changes.

The network’s most recent move to push Sean Hannity, the staunchest conservative in Fox’s arsenal, back to 9 p.m. against the likes of his far-left MSNBC counterpart, Rachel Maddow, has proven to be a genius move for ratings.

From Politico:
In the first week of the head-to-head battle between Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow, the conservative heavyweight drew significantly higher ratings than his liberal counterpart.
Fox News moved Hannity’s show from 10 p.m. to 9 p.m. as part of a broader shakeup of its prime-time line-up, designed in part to counter a dramatic ratings surge by rival MSNBC, led by Maddow, the biggest ratings winner of the Trump era.
Hannity pulled out all the stops, bringing in Steve Bannon, Bill O’Reilly, Paul Ryan and Rush Limbaugh to boost his numbers. It appears to have worked: The Fox News pundit pulled in an average of 3,498,000 viewers from Monday through Thursday, with 713,000 in the key adult 25-54 demographic, according to early Nielsen figures.
Maddow averaged 2,649,000 viewers, with 599,000 adults 25-54. CNN’s 9 p.m. hour — which usually features Anderson Cooper’s “AC360,” but this week had two special town halls — finished third, with 1,173,000 viewers and 416,000 in the key demographic.
Hannity’s big numbers allow Fox News to...

Empty Stadiums? NFL Ticket Sales Fall Off A Cliff…

On the heels of a 17.9 percent drop in ticket sales from one online reseller, another is reporting numbers that almost double that.

We reported Friday that TickPick, an online reseller of tickets for all sorts of events, recorded a drop of 17.9 percent in Week Four ticket purchases over Week Three.

Now another online broker of tickets, TicketCity, is reporting a drop by a whopping 31 percent over last week, The Blaze is reporting.

At the same time last year, ticket sales dropped, but not nearly by this level.

“We have seen a massive decrease in NFL ticket purchases this past week in comparison to years past. Week 3 seems to usually have less ticket orders than week 2, but this year ticket purchases are down more than 7 percent from this time last year,” said TickPick’s Jack Slingland.

This should really come as no surprise. After a third week of mass protests by the NFL – the teams, the players, and now the entire league – ratings are swirling the toilet bowl.

“There are people who are saying that this is my form of entertainment and I don’t want politics in my entertainment,” said TickPick co-CEO Brett Goldberg, emphasizing that he doesn’t personally share that viewpoint, in an interview.

It’s not just ticket sales that are taking a hit.

Through the first three weeks of the season, viewership for national telecasts of NFL games is down 11 percent compared to last year.

The games averaged 17.63 million viewers for the first three weeks of last season, but have dropped to just 15.65 million this year.

The ratings have bombed because the NFL has politicized the games. People on the right are critical of the demonstrations against the National Anthem, and leftists are angry at the perceived mistreatment of their hero...

No, Russia Didn’t Hack 21 States’ Elections: Intercept’s Greenwald Blasts Media Colleagues for Latest Russia Fake News

The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald, in an article Thursday, took a hammer to widespread reporting over the last week of Russia’s attempts to hack the election systems of 21 American states, the piece arguing for more skepticism on “the Russia story.”

Outlets like the USA Today, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show, and the Associated Press went wild at the Department of Homeland Security’s announcement that they, as Maddow put it, “knew at least by June that 21 states had been targeted by Russian hackers during the election … targeting their election infrastructure.”

In Greenwald’s words, “So what was wrong with this story? Just one small thing: it was false.”

Greenwald goes on to describe the precipitous narrative collapse this entire story suffered Wednesday, as DHS was forced to equivocate and then backtrack on the dubious claim. The election authorities of California and Wisconsin hit back hard at the allegation they had been infiltrated by Russian cyber attacks.

With no evidence to support the original claims, DHS retracted them. In Wisconsin’s case, a Russian hacking attempt of the state’s election infrastructure became a “scan” of a state agency totally unrelated to the election. Like Russia stories before it, the 21 vulnerable state election authorities slide down the memory hole.

Greenwald works to establish the pattern of these stories, picked up with abandon by a news media and #resistance movement so eager for “Russia” content. He points to CNN’s demonstrably fake reporting of ten-day White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci’s profiting from a Russian-government tied investment fund that led to the resignation of three CNN employees. He brings up the Washington Post’s equally fake story about Russia’s hacking of the... 

Where was CNN on this story? President Trump delays flight to talk to black officer injured in his motorcade

As the mainstream media goons continue to look for racist narrative to pin on President Donald Trump for the disaster in Puerto Rico, it appears it missed a story.

On Wednesday, as the president was headed to the Indianapolis International Airport to fly back to Washington D.C., an officer who was escorting him crashed his motorcycle on I-70, according to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department who expressed gratitude on social media.

The officer, Robert Turner, suffered a broken ankle, a possible concussion and cuts and bruises. he was taken to the hospital as the president’s motorcade continued on its journey.

But that was not the end of it for President Trump.

The president would not allow his flight to take off until he spoke to Chief Bryan Roach and the injured officer.

“#BREAKING: Thank you to @POTUS for delaying wheels up to speak with injured Officer Turner. #ThankYou,” it wrote on Twitter.

“On behalf of the IMPD, we would like to take an opportunity to thank President Donald J. Trump for his thoughtful act in delaying his departure in Air Force One until he...

Victim Olympics...

This Is What They Are Teaching Children In Skoolz...

Colin Kaepernick donated $25,000 to group named after convicted cop killer and former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur who broke out of jail and fled to Cuba

  •  Colin Kaepernick's foundation made the donation to Assata's Daughters in April
  • The Chicago-based charity is named in honor of cop killer Assata Shakur
  • Shakur was convicted in the 1973 shooting death of a New Jersey state trooper
  • The Black Liberation Army member escaped from prison and lives in Cuba
  • She was godmother to rapper Tupac Shakur, whose stepfather aided the escape
  • Charity is a 'collective of radical Black women' affiliated with Black Lives Matter
Colin Kaepernick's $25,000 donation to a charitable group honoring a convicted cop killer has been revealed.

Kaepernick's foundation made the donation to Chicago-based Assata's Daughter's, named after former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur, in April as part of a $1million charitable pledge.

Shakur was convicted of first-degree murder in the 1973 shooting death of New Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster and sentenced to life in prison, but staged a daring jailbreak and now lives as a fugitive in Cuba.

Convicted Murderer Assata Shakur

Murdered state trooper Werner Foerster 

Kaepernick, who is well known for his protests against police during the national anthem as a former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, made the donation as part of his pledge to donate $100,000 a month for 10 months to 'organizations working in oppressed communities'.

Assata's Daughters was founded in 2015 to 'develop and train young people, ages 4-19, in the Black queer feminist tradition and in the spirit of...

Black Student Group Complains Ivy League School Is Letting In Too Many African Students

Cornell University’s Black Students United demanded the university start recruiting more black American students because the campus has too many African and Caribbean students Wednesday.

Black Students United, a group for students identifying with the African diaspora, handed the university president a list of twelve demands, with one of them dealing with the disproportionate representation of African students compared to black students on the campus.

“We demand that Cornell Admissions to come up with a plan to actively increase the presence of underrepresented Black students on this campus. We define underrepresented Black students as Black Americans who have several generations (more than two) in this country,” the group stated in their demands.

Black Students United takes issue with the fact that there are more African and Caribbean students on campus when compared to black students. The group defines black students as those who come from black families that have lived in America for two or more generations. While the group said it doesn’t mind the university trying to recruit African students, they want the college to pay more attention to black students whose families have been affected by years of white supremacy.

“The Black student population at Cornell disproportionately represents international or first-generation African or Caribbean students. While these students have a right to flourish at Cornell, there is a lack of investment in Black students whose families were affected directly by the African Holocaust in America. Cornell must work to actively support students whose families have been impacted for generations by white supremacy and...

UNDERCOVER IN ANTIFA: Their Tactics and Media Support Exposed!

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #30

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, September 29, 2017

Walking around Hollywood with a Trump MAGA Hat

Girls With Guns

The REAL Dreamers...

NFL - Not For Long

De-fund The NFL
Don't Buy Merchandise
Don't Buy Tickets
Don't Watch Games
Don't Buy From Advertisers That Sponsor This Leftist Hate Of America

Why didn't TV networks show angry, booing NFL fans Sunday or Monday?