90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, December 15, 2017

US Climate Scientists Emigrating to France

Good Riddance!

French government broadcaster France24 claims President Macron’s offer of fifty grants is luring climate scientists away from the US to work in France.

Eighteen climate scientists, 13 of them based in the United States, were on Monday named the first beneficiaries of the research grants linked to French President Macron’s “Make Our Planet Great Again” project, which will see them relocate to France.

“The selected projects are of very high standards and deal with issues that are particularly important,” the jury said in a statement, noting its members had received a total of 1,822 applications, of which 1,123 came from the US. A second round of laureates will be announced “during the course of the spring of 2018”, it said.
In all, a total of 50 research grants will be handed out, lasting a minimum of three years and worth between €1 million and €1.5 million each.

Among Monday’s 18 laureates were senior researchers from prestigious US universities, including Venkatramani Balaji from Princeton, Nuria Teixido from Stanford University and Louis Derry from Cornell University. Although the vast majority of the laureates are currently based in the US, they also include researchers from Canada, India, Italy, Poland and Spain.

I don’t believe most climate research and government sponsored energy projects yield sufficient benefit to justify public funding, but it is possible to oppose public funding, yet still feel sorry for people who are about to lose their jobs.

If France is happy to step into the breach, who are we to argue? The French people set their own priorities. I’m glad US climate scientists on the brink of losing their funding have other options.

US climate scientists worried about their financial future should accept the...

Cologne To Distribute ‘Tolerance’ Wristbands to Combat New Year’s Eve Sex Attacks

OMG Of Course! This Should Definitely Work!

The city of Cologne has announced they will be handing out “respect” wristbands to encourage understanding between individuals on New Year’s Eve and prevent the kind of sex attacks that occurred in 2015.

The wristbands are part of a new campaign called “respect” which is sponsored by the city government and controversial Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker. Many have slammed Reker and the campaign on social media likening it to comments she made shortly after the 2015 attacks calling on women to keep men at “arm’s length”, Kronen Zeitung reports.

At a press conference, Reker said that the campaign would focus on telling people not to sexually attack others or shoot fireworks at individuals, buildings or police. The wristbands themselves are meant to inform others to be respectful when approaching the wearer and prevent potential sex attacks.

On social media, some users reacted to the move with scorn and criticism. One user asked the city of Cologne and Mayor Reker, “What are you doing? Is this appeasement, a gesture of submission or the self-stigmatizing of a culture that is surrendering?”

On New Year’s Eve around 3,000 police are expected to be on duty in Cologne as well as 400 employees from private security firms to maintain order.

Cologne police chief Uwe Jacob said, “We expect a similar occurrence as in the previous year,” and noted that police were prepared for drunken party-goers adding, “I do not care about the nationalities of the revellers, with all due respect. The rules apply to everyone.”

Last year the Cologne police dramatically increased their presence and the level of security around the central Cathedral which led to a rapid decline of sexual and violent...

Trey Gowdy says FBI agents were ‘conspiring’ and ‘plotting’ against Trump being elected

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) reviewed his questioning of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday, adding that it appeared that three FBI officials were “conspiring or plotting” to decide the election.

Here’s what he said:

“This is a really bad fact pattern,” Gowdy said of the revelations about bias at the FBI and Justice Department.

“I hate it for Rod Rosenstein that he’s the one explaining it because he’s not [FBI official] Peter Strzok, and he’s not [Deputy FBI Director] Andy McCabe, and he’s not [former FBI Director] Jim Comey, so he’s having to do a little bit of clean up,” he explained. “But these are really bad facts if you care about an impartial, objective Department of Justice and FBI.”

“I’m still trying to figure out why three FBI agents are discussing politics in the Deputy Director’s office, because you’re not supposed to discuss politics on federal ground and FBI agents aren’t supposed to engage in politics for Hatch Act reasons,” he added.

Gowdy was referring to texts that show Strzok talking about an “insurance policy” against Trump winning the 2015 election. The text was in a trove of interactions obtained by the media and released Tuesday.

Predicts McCabe will be fired

Gowdy went on to say that he would be surprised if Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe were not fired from his position within the week.

“But the notion that three bureau agents would be conspiring or plotting on how to handle the outcome of a presidential election is the opposite of what you want in an objective, dispassionate, neutral FBI,” he explained.
Mueller in a no-win situation of his own making

Gowdy said that although he defended Mueller before, the special counsel has to explain how he hired people who were so biased against Trump. He added that Mueller was in a...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #106

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, December 14, 2017

#NOTNeutrality - A Rant

Girls With Guns

Karma And The Bitch...

How To Defend Against Feminism...

More On Feminism...

There Is No War Between Men And Women..

Epiphany: The Realization That You Broke Into The Wrong House...

You Only Have The Rights You Are Willing To Fight For...

The FBI Is Part Of The Leftist Swamp...

Judicial Watch Dumps Explosive New FBI Emails From McCabe's Conflict Review

Halal Is Animal Abuse..

Halal Slaughtermen Charged With 'Systematic' Animal Abuse - Breitbart

How the Left Became So Intolerant

When most people think of intolerance, they imagine a racist taunting a black person. Or they think of the white supremacist who killed a demonstrator in Charlottesville, Virginia.

It seldom occurs to them that intolerance comes in all political shapes and sizes.

A protester storming a stage and refusing to let someone speak is intolerant. So, too, are campus speech codes that restrict freedom of expression. A city official threatening to fine a pastor for declining to marry a gay couple is every bit as intolerant as a right-winger wanting to punish gays with sodomy laws.

There is a word that describes this mentality. It is “illiberal.” For centuries, we have associated the word “liberal” with open-mindedness. Liberals were people who were supposed to be tolerant and fair and who wanted to give all sides a hearing. They cared about everyone, not just their own kind.

By contrast, illiberal people were hardheaded in their opinions and judgmental about others’ behaviors, hoping to control what other people thought and said and to cut off debate. In extreme cases, they would even use violence to maintain political power and exclude certain kinds of people from having a say in their government.

Sadly, the kind of liberalism we used to know is fast disappearing from America. While the intolerance of the far right is well known, its manifestations on the far left are less known and often not fully acknowledged.

All too often, people who call themselves progressive liberals are at the forefront of movements to shut down debates on college campuses and to restrict freedom of speech. They are eager to cut corners, bend the Constitution, make up laws through questionable court rulings, and generally abuse the rules and the Constitution in order to get their way.

They establish “zero tolerance” regimes in schools where young boys are suspended for nibbling breakfast pastries into the shape of a gun. They are supposedly great haters of bigotry but sometimes speak of Christians in the most bigoted manner imaginable, as if...

Help, I've Fallen And...

‘How Many More People Have to Die’ Before Congress Ends ‘Visa Lottery?’

Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” conservative commentator Michelle Malkin slammed Republicans and Democrats in Congress for failing to end the so-called diversity visa lottery program, an immigration policy that’s been under fire for being exploited by foreign terror suspects.

Malkin attacked the GOP-led Congress for not having already ended the visa lottery, where 50,000 visas are randomly given out to foreign nationals from a multitude of countries. Those countries include ones with known terrorist problems, such as Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Yemen, and Uzbekistan.

Partial transcript as follows:
There are millions of people around the world who are clamoring to get in here the right way and the fact that we still do it randomly tells you how much insanity — politically incorrect sanity — has set in. I mean, it was just seven weeks ago with the truck jihadist, who also got in here through the Diversity Visa Lottery and also benefitted from the chain migration insanity that we had people saying ‘Oh yeah, we’ve got to get rid of it! We’ve got to get rid of it!’And I’m so exasperated my friends because I’ve been calling for the end of this program for the last 15 years.

We should value citizenship and entry into this country much more than we have been and both parties have shrugged their shoulders. There have been legislative bills, stand-alone bills, to eliminate the Diversity Visa program for the last 15 years. They’ve gathered dust. The SAFE Act, before the House Judiciary Committee in 2011, just sat there doing nothing. We’ve got the RAISE Act, which is co-sponsored by Tom Cotton and David Perdue, which would have eliminated the...

FBI PLOT AGAINST TRUMP - Government skullduggery rears its ugly head at a congressional hearing.

Two Trump-hating FBI gumshoes investigating Hillary Clinton’s email treachery and alleged Russian interference in last year’s election traded crude, caustic barbs about President Trump while they plotted to undermine him, congressional overseers heard yesterday.

This shouldn’t be all that surprising given that Barack Obama gleefully weaponized the FBI, Department of Justice, and various intelligence agencies, and criminalized political differences in the process. A radical zealot with a desire to fundamentally transform the United States, the 44th president had a limited sense of boundaries. Obama was more Third World caudillo than president and he was never troubled by hijacking governmental powers to hurt his opposition, as the conservative groups targeted by his IRS can attest. His race-obsessed first attorney general, Eric Holder, turned the Justice Department into a virtual arm of the Democratic Party, using the agency to punish the Left’s enemies and let allies run wild. His second attorney general, Loretta Lynch, surreptitiously met with Bill Clinton in an airport hangar, presumably to cut a shady deal to let Hillary Clinton escape punishment for the many crimes she committed in office.

"It’s clear there was a nefarious conspiracy" between federal officials to defeat Trump, Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett told Sean Hannity after the hearing. Jarrett added that when the plot didn’t succeed, the conspirators switched to Plan B, which he described as, “Let’s just say there’s a crime and then we’ll just search for a crime.”

At the House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, Rod Rosenstein, the second-highest-ranking official at the Justice Department and the man who appointed Russia probe-leading Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III, gave a clean bill of health to Mueller’s ongoing witch hunt aimed at reversing last year’s election result.

“I know what he’s doing,” Rosenstein said. “He consults with me about their investigation, within and without the scope.”

The committee’s chairman, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), expressed alarm at the ever-expanding investigation, saying, “We are now beginning to understand the magnitude of this insider bias on Mueller’s team.” As previously reported, there were nine Democrat donors on the team of ...

B-52 drops most bombs ever in one Stratofortress strike while bombing Taliban

A B-52 Stratofortress dropped a record-setting number of precision munitions by a single Stratofortress by using the “conventional rotary launcher” during a strike on Taliban drug labs.

The B-52s from the 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron are the first to be outfitted with the conventional rotary launcher (CRL), allowing it to hold eight additional precision-guided munitions (PGMs) in its weapons bays.

“Combined with PGMs carried on the wing pylons, the CRL allowed the B-52 to carry more PGMs than any previous mission,” Lt. Col. Damien Pickart, a spokesman for U.S. Air Forces Central Command, told the Washington Examiner. “These guided munitions allowed us to effectively destroy the targets while mitigating the risk of collateral damage and civilian casualties.”

Air Force Brigadier Gen. Lance Bunch told Pentagon reporters in a video call from Kabul that destroying Taliban drug facilities in Afghanistan eliminates the Taliban’s drug revenue.

Bunch said that since the new Afghan strategy to target Taliban drug labs on Nov. 20, 25 drug processing labs have...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #105

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Girls With Guns

List Of "Journalists" Who Colluded With The Clinton Campaign...

This Is Why Hollywood Supported Hillary Clinton....

Dying Societies Accumulate Laws Like Dying Men Accumulate Remedies..

More Wrath: 

The Time Is Here When Men Have Gone Mad...

If You Are Not Prepared To Defend Civilization...

Protect The Sanctity Of Your Home And Land..
Make Your Communities And Towns Lovely And Lovable, For Without Love, Who Will They Inspire To Fight For Them?
Politeness Never Defeated An Existential Threat...
You Came To The Wrong Colony...
Should We Sacrifice Our Civilization For Strangers?
Someday, ... Your Kind Will Pray For A Man With A Sword...
Napoleon Smacks Down Obama...
The Inferior Man Argues About His Rights...
He Who Saves His Country Does Not Violate Any Law...


PORTLAND, OR (KOIN) – The suspect accused of stabbing two people on board a Greyhound Bus as it headed to Boise, Idaho is facing a 34-count grand jury indictment.

Roberto Moran-Vasquez is charged with attempted murder, assault and unlawful use of a weapon. He is also charged with 28 counts recklessly endangering.

Detectives with the East Multnomah County Major Crimes Team arrested Moran-Vasquez on Nov. 29 after he tried to take over the bus as it was headed eastbound on I-84, just east of Troutdale.

The bus driver, Clint Lawson, was stabbed in his neck but survived.

The second person stabbed in the incident was Stephen Danca who detectives say stepped up to help protect the...

The Deadliest AR-15 Mod Ever:


US Surgeon, Who Exposed Clinton Foundation Corruption In Haiti, Found Dead

Dr. Dean Lorich, an orthopedic surgeon who volunteered in Haiti and exposed Clinton Foundation corruption and malpractice on the island, has been found dead in New York. He was 54.

Dr. Lorich was found by his 11-year-old daughter on the bathroom floor of his tony Upper East Side apartment with a knife in his chest at around 1pm on Monday.

related: On Stealing Disaster Funds In Haiti...

The knife missed the surgeon’s heart, leaving him to bleed out and be found by his daughter. Despite the fact police were called to the property regarding an “assault“, they instantly registered the death as “suicide” and closed the case.

One of the United States’ leading surgeons, Dr. Lorich was part of the relief effort sent by the U.S. to assist the relief effort led by the Clinton Foundation in Haiti after the devastating 2010 earthquake. However Dr. Lorich was disgusted by the “shameful” Clinton Foundation operation, and voiced his concerns to Hillary Clinton directly.

Unsatisfied with her response, he went public, writing an article published by CNN, accusing the Clinton Foundation of widespread corruption and malpractice in Haiti that cost the lives of thousands of children.

Billions of dollars were raised by the Clinton Foundation to help the Haitians, but the vast bulk of this money was funneled to Clinton friends and associates, according to Dr. Lorich, who described in harrowing detail what this meant for the children of Haiti.

Dr. Lorich argued that, in essence, Clinton greed left Haitian children to die painful deaths:

REVEALED: Garbage Truck 1957 Vs. Garbage Truck 2017

More Angst over Trump Administration's Improved Vetting of H-1B Applications

A new op-ed in the News India Times highlights the growing angst in India over the Trump Administration's improved vetting of H-1B visa applications. The purpose of the new vetting procedures is to reduce some of the abuses within the program that allow foreign workers to fill jobs that could instead go to high-skilled American workers.

The op-ed's author, Sujeet Rajan, is one of the publication's leading columnists. He writes that the Administration's effort on H-1Bs "threatens to upend and dismantle the work visa program that benefits Indian workers the most, without any reforms."

Reports say that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is now delaying issuing the H-1B visa in the tens of thousands, to not only those who got through the lottery system for the 85,000 annual visas, but also to those who have filed for extension of the visa.

The result is panic amongst foreign workers and American companies alike.

As a result of President Trump's "Buy American, Hire American" executive order, the Administration has taken steps to:
  • make it easier for American workers to report fraud within the H-1B program by establishing an email and toll-free number;
  • begin re-screening renewal applications instead of automatically approving them, and in some cases, re-interviewing visa holders;
  • detect vague or missing information on H-1B visa applications and return them to the applicant for additional verification; and
  • consider an end to an Obama-era rule that allows the spouses of H-1B workers on the H-4 visa to obtain work permits

Rajan obviously sees it differently, but he advocates on behalf of Indian tech workers and the businesses that rely on them to keep wages low and boost profits. Anyone who believes that immigration policy should put the interests of American workers first believes that the steps taken by the Administration thus far are steps in the right direction.

Rajan calls the Trump Administration's policies an "assault" on the H-1B visa, but that's exactly what American tech-workers need. For too long, they've faced increased job competition and age discrimination as a result of...

Sorry, We Can't Reveal Our "Anonymous" Sources.....

Tips For Reading Washington Post Stories About Trump Based On Anonymous Leaks


SAN FRANCISCO, CA (Fox News) – An illegal immigrant from Vietnam faces life in prison after being convicted Monday in the 2012 hammer-killing of a family of five after losing money at a casino earlier in the evening.

Binh Thai Luc, who had a violent criminal history and was supposed to be deported in 2006, was found guilty in the murders of a family of Chinese immigrants. He was also found guilty of five counts of attempted robbery and two counts of burglary.

Luc, who was in debt and served an eviction notice, killed the family during a robbery after he lost money at a casino on March 23, 2012.

Prosecutors said the family kept thousands of dollars in cash in the San Francisco home. Luc had more than $6,500 with him during his arrest. The jury was told that Luc settled his debt after the killings.

“This was a very gruesome, brutal murder, and we’re pleased we’re getting some accountability for the family and for...

Liberals Love Lynch Mob ‘Justice’

Apparently, you can’t teach an old dog a new trick. This is why, in every era of history, the elites who run the Democratic Party have always promoted and exploited lynch mob “justice” for political gain.

No matter how many times Republicans have stressed the importance of due process, the rule of law, and not rushing to condemn people based on their skin color or gender (e.g., by abolishing slavery, championing women’s right to voteand terminating the Democrats’ reign of racial segregation and terror known as Jim Crow), Democratic elites always find new ways to manipulate voters by appealing to their emotions and playing the race (or gender) card. The recent, cynical maneuvering of Democratic politicians in response to unproven allegations of “groping” or sexual misconduct provide yet another example of how Democrats rush to make judgments based on emotions — and the race and/or gender of the accused — instead of respecting the hallowed principle that everyone should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise.

Last week, Democrats forced two of their own (Senator Al Franken and Rep. John Conyers) to walk the plank in response to mere allegations of wrongdoing, in a transparent attempt to position their party to try to score political pointsagainst President Trump and the GOP. In neither case did a court of law determine that the two politicians had engaged in wrongdoing. Nor did a congressional ethics panel take testimony, gather evidence or make findings. Instead, to appease the appetites of a rabid liberal mob (and out of political expediency), Democrats stripped two of their colleagues of their right to a fair hearing and forced them to resign under a cloud of shame.

Now, I admit to enjoying a feeling of schadenfreude while watching the pretentious Al Franken get knifed in the back by...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #104

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Girls With Guns

Birds Of A Feather...

Pale Face Speaks With Forked Tongue...

Elizabeth Warren’s Endorsement of Hillary Clinton PROVES SHE’S A FRAUD