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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Trump Placed Tariffs On Chinese Solar Panels. China Decides To Build Solar Plant In The U.S.

Donald Trump Was Wrong: I Will Never Get Tired Of WINNING!

Just one week after the Trump administration announced a massive 30% tariff on imported solar panels, one of China's largest solar panel manufacturers announced plans to open a manufacturing plant in the United States.

The company, JinkoSolar, said on Monday that they have received the green light from their board of directors to "finalize planning for the construction of an advanced solar manufacturing facility in the U.S." CNN Money reports:

The statement suggested Jinko's decision was tied to the new tariffs, saying that the company "continues to closely monitor treatment of imports of solar cells and modules under the U.S. trade laws."

"This deal will further solidify our leadership in the U.S. market," said Nigel Cockroft, general manager of Jinko U.S. "An agreement of this magnitude exemplifies JinkoSolar’s commitment to provide our clients with the most reliable products and dependable, regional customer service."

Regarding the huge hike in import tariffs, Trump said last week:

When we do this, a lot of manufacturers will be coming to the United States to build washing machines and also solar. For both solar and washing machines, these executive actions uphold the principle of fair trade and demonstrate to the world that the United States will not be taken advantage of anymore. Our companies will not be taken advantage of anymore.

It appears as though JinkoSolar may not be the only company moving manufacturing operations to the United States to avoid paying the tariff. CNN adds:

There are other indications that foreign solar companies are bringing manufacturing to the U.S.

Documents filed with the local government in Jacksonville, Florida, this month state that a "leading international manufacturer of solar panels and modules" is seeking to invest more than $400 million in building a manufacturing plant in the city.

The facility, code-named "Project Volt," will create 800 jobs between now and ...

Broward College Hate Artist Tricks Students into Stepping on American Flag

Lisa Rockford, a professor at Broward College in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, has come under fire for an “art project” that involved using an American flag as a doormat.

Broward College art professor Lisa Rockford has come under fire for a controversial art piece that involved tricking students into stepping onto an American flag as a camera pointed at their feet snapped a photo.

Rockford painted an American flag with white paint, cut it in half, and placed in high traffic area on campus. “People are stepping on the flag as they enter most of whom don’t realize its an American flag. The artist had a camera set up taking pictures of people stepping on it as part of her artwork,” student Jess Karcher said. “I find this extremely disrespectful and kick in the gut as a veteran. I have lost many friends whose caskets were draped with that same flag.”

Karcher explained that Rockford intended that those who stepped on the flag would do so unwittingly. “I am not sure what the message is they are trying to give, but there was a camera taking pictures of people unknowingly steeping [sic] on it,” Karcher added.

In a statement, Broward College defended Rockford on the basis of the First Amendment. The college did not say that they will ensure that students know that it is an American flag they are stepping on when they pass through that portion of the campus.

Broward College understands that the piece, currently on exhibit, is controversial. The provocative nature of the piece is protected by the artist’s [c]onsitutional rights, specifically the First Amendment right to the Freedom of Speech. The piece represents the opinions of the individual artist and they are not...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #152

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, January 29, 2018

The Absolute State of Ontario

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Monday: Winter Pinups
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Obstruction Of Justice?

One of the first underwater photographs ever made - 1893

This photo required a 30 minute exposure time.

More Amazing Photos HERE


With an announcement that is very interestingly timed, Deputy FBI Director Andrew “Andy” McCabe has formally stepped down as of Monday.

McCabe has been tainted by an extreme bias towards Hillary Clinton as well as the serious conflict of interest of his wife having received hundreds of thousands of donations to her Virginia Senate campaign via a PAC run by Clinton crime family capo Terry McAuliffe.

He is also up to his beady eyeballs in the politicizing of the FBI and the abuse of the FISA surveillance laws to set an impeachment trap for President Trump. This will all but certainly be confirmed once the House Intelligence Committee memo is released to the public.

He is also the “Andy” who was referred to in one of the texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page who cryptically mentioned the existence of an “insurance policy” as well as a “secret society” in the texts that have been made available to Congress.

Text-from Peter Strzok to Lisa Page (Andy is Andrew McCabe): "I want to believe the path u threw out 4 consideration in Andy's office-that there's no way he gets elected-but I'm afraid we can't take that risk.It's like an insurance policy in unlikely event u die be4 you're 40"
FBI owes answers abt "insurance policy" against Trump victory...& if nothing to hide, why would senior FBI leaders use secret phones that "cant be traced" to talk Hillary? DOJ needs to give JudicComm full transparency/cooperation 2 restore public trust. FBI CANT BE POLITICAL
So, it looks like Andy is getting the hell out of Dodge before the shit hits the fan and of course, the media is busily portraying him as a victim from the big bad bully Trump who ripped him on Twitter:
BREAKING: Andrew McCabe has stepped down effective today as FBI deputy director, multiple sources familiar with the matter tell @NBCNews - http://NBCNews.com 
McCabe will be exercising his retirement eligibility by using unused leave until his eligibility date, a source tells NBC News, characterizing the move as “stepping aside."
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe stepped down Monday as the agency’s No. 2, multiple sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.
McCabe will remain on the FBI payroll until he is eligible to retire with full benefits in mid-March, the sources said.

One source familiar said McCabe was exercising his...

Photographic Proof That Trump Grabbed A Pussy...

Watching CNN Is Like Watching A Dystopian Science Fiction Movie...

The unreality is strong with this network!

The 5 Key Points Trump Will Talk About in First State of the Union

President Donald Trump hopes to strike a “bipartisan” and “forward-looking” tone when pushing a theme of “Building a Safe, Strong and Proud America,” for his first State of the Union address on Tuesday, a senior administration official said.

The speech will focus on five key issues: seeking to reach an immigration deal in Congress; the strong economy from his first year in office; pushing a $1 trillion infrastructure plan; “fair and reciprocal trade” with other nations; and rebuilding the military, the senior administration official told reporters Friday in a background briefing.

Trump will talk about the economic recovery of 2017, regarding records set in the stock market, increasing wages, millions of new jobs, deregulation, and the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

The White House released an immigration deal that would provide amnesty for 1.8 million young illegal immigrants brought to the country as minors. In exchange for amnesty, the administration would get $25 billion as a down payment for a physical wall and other security along the southern border, and phase out of chain migration and end to the visa lottery program.

The White House proposal would give legal status to more than twice as many illegal immigrants that President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals shielded from deportation.

However, the senior administration official wouldn’t respond directly as to a question about whether amnesty simply encourages more illegal immigration.

“I really won’t get into that. The framework was released [Thursday],” the official told The Daily Signal. “The president cares about American workers, American families, protecting their wages, protecting their opportunities to rise. That will be reflected in the speech.”

Trump has previously said the $1 trillion spending on infrastructure will come from a public-private partnership, in which federal funds would leverage greater private investment. The official on Friday didn’t touch on specifics.

The president will also showcase faces of the opioid crisis and heroes involved in fighting the crisis that has led to millions of deaths, a senior administration official said.

Trump delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress last year, but it was not an official State of the Union.

The preview offered to the media was only a glimpse with reluctance to go into detail. But when asked what headline will come out of the speech, and what the administration would like to see as the headline, the official had a response:

Abra Cadabra Bitch!

Trump White House Preparing To Replace Liberal Supreme Court Justice?

Whispers are rampant throughout D.C. that a vacancy is imminent on the U.S. Supreme Court – one that is currently taken by one of the most liberal members of the Court.

It has the Trump White House giddy over the prospect of potentially and forcefully shifting the balance of power on the Court while Democrats in Congress are said to be warning White House staff of a prolonged and brutal fight should President Trump attempt to replace a liberal Justice with a hardline-conservative nominee.

The reason for the Justice’s alleged departure is said to be “ongoing illness/physical limitations.”

The first on the Court that comes to mind given those clues is 84-year old Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Justice Ginsberg has visibly slowed down a great deal in recent years, and has been prone to falling asleep in public, even when on the bench. Ginsberg’s office has taken to pushing back on rumors of her health issues via a series of left-leaning media publications, but Court watchers have noted Ginsberg’s increasingly limited public schedule of late.

Despite his 79-years, Justice Stephen Bryer’s place on the Court apparently remains secure, but not so with two others – swing-vote Justice Anthony Kennedy, 81, and liberal Justice....


MEBANE, NC (Fox News 8) – A Mebane man is accused of sexually assaulting a young girl, according to a press release.

On Jan. 25, Alamance County deputies were contacted regarding a runaway juvenile. After the girl was found, she told deputies that she ran away because she had been sexually abused.

The Alamance County Special Victims Unit opened an investigation into the abuse and determined the juvenile had been sexually assaulted by 41-year-old Jose Manuel Estrada Perdomo.

Perdomo is charged with statutory sex offensive with a child by an adult, statutory sex offense with a child less than 15 and two counts of indecent liberties with a child. Two warrants were also found for failure to comply in connection with...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #151

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Katie Hopkins: Why I'm going to South Africa

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Jordan Peterson on political polarization & Pepe the Frog

Girls With Guns

True Media Malpractice...


THREE POINTS, AZ (Fox News) – Border Patrol agents in Arizona arrested an illegal immigrant who had been deported after he was convicted of sex crimes against children.

Casa Grande Border Patrol agents arrested 51-year-old Alex Lopez Garcia Tuesday in a remote area as he tried to re-enter the country illegally. He is a convicted child sex offender in California and served five years in prison.

The Salvadoran national was with a group of six other illegal immigrants when he was tracked and apprehended by the agents on all-terrain vehicles west of Three Points, near Tucson.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a news release that an Air and Marine Operations helicopter assisted in the apprehension.

“After the group was arrested, processing agents learned Lopez was a repeat sex offender in Fairfield, California, with several convictions of sexual offenses against children for which he was...

Tom Fitton: There Is Enough Evidence To Arrest Hillary Clinton Now

President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton says there is now enough evidence to arrest and successfully convict Hillary Clinton.

According to Fitton, the evidence against Clinton’s mishandling of classified information is overwhelming, as is the evidence of decades worth of criminal corruption.

Thegatewaypundit.com reports: Fitton spoke about Hillary’s classified information being found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Weiner’s wife and Hillary aide Huma Abedin transmitted classified information and passwords on her Yahoo email accounts.

There are 2,800 government emails on Weiner’s laptop which the State Department is slowly releasing to the public. More emails found on Weiner’s laptop will be released Friday.

Fitton says the Justice Department needs to launch a serious investigation and prosecute Hillary and Huma.

Tom Fitton referred to Comey’s investigation into Hillary Clinton a “sham”.

“You got a Russia scandal, you’ve gotta Bahrain scandal, you got...

If The Classified Memo Is Released, Here’s What It Might Show

When the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence votes to release the classified intelligence memo, according to one journalist, it will be because the committee found such disconcerting practices by intelligence officials that the public has a right to know.

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway — a senior editor at The Federalist and Fox News contributor who spoke with The Daily Caller New Foundation — discussed how the media narrative is collapsing with new facts showing the misbehavior of certain FBI officials. Besides not showing any collusion, we can now look back to see “inappropriate” briefings by intelligence officials of the Congress using this discredited information.

Hemingway calls the use of the dossier to obtain surveillance on Trump administration officials a “scandal of epic proportions.” In addition, America is also learning of the post-election whisper campaign to delegitimize President Donald Trump.

As for the state of American journalism, Hemingway discussed the public’s reasonable impression of a herd who seemed to think former President Barack Obama could do no wrong, and they were protectively fawning. Trump, on the other hand, seems unable to do anything right, with reflexive hostility always aimed in his direction. Public trust in journalism is eroding with this obvious bias on display, Hemingway said.

Groups like Fusion GPS are coming into newsrooms with packaged campaigns to help journalists tell a story that does their work for them. It is tempting to use such packages in an environment of budget-cutting and downsizing, Hemingway said.

To Hemingway, Trump is a surprisingly conservative politician. As for the reluctance of other Republicans to support him, she believes they should figure out that “people want leaders to courageously stand up to social justice warriors and ...

President Trump Decreases the Debt to GDP Ratio in His First Year in Office – First Time in More than 50 Years!

The higher a country’s debt to GDP ratio, the less healthy the country’s economy. With the GDP numbers released yesterday, President 
Trump’s policies have officially decreased the Debt to GDP ratio by 1.2% in the President’s first year in office.

In contrast, President Obama increased the US Debt to GDP ratio his first year in office by 14.5%. Obama increased the rate a total of 37% over his 8 years in office.

Since his inauguration President Trump has focused his efforts on the security of the country and on the prosperity of its economy. The results of his actions are taking shape.
The US GDP has increased each quarter in 2017 with the 4th Quarter GDP increasing to $19.739 trillion – the highest GDP for any country in world history.

On the other hand, the President has curtailed US spending. The result is that the US Debt to GDP ratio decreased in 2017 from 105% to...

Ronald Reagan’s Biggest Regret Was Granting Amnesty and Trusting Congress on Border Security

“President Reagan’s biggest regret as president was granting amnesty and then trusting Congress to deliver on border security,” said 2018 Republican Senate candidate Kelli Ward, expressing opposition to the White House’s recently released amnesty proposal.

Ward’s comments came in an interview with Breitbart News’s Washington Political Editor Matt Boyle on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday.

“We have to learn from our history,” advised Ward. “In 1986, Ronald Reagan–great president, amazing conservative, lover of liberty and of America–granted amnesty; and Ed Rollins, who is helping me with my campaign, told me that President Reagan’s biggest regret as president was granting amnesty and then trusting Congress to deliver on border security. It didn’t happen then, and it’s not going to happen now if we do this in the wrong order.”

Amnesty advocates seek to mislead Americans with the euphemisms “permanent solution” and “comprehensive immigration reform” as rhetorical rebrandings of amnesty, said Ward.

“A ‘permanent solution’ is amnesty,” said Ward. “Just the same way that ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ is code for amnesty, so is ‘permanent solution.’”

Ward noted her primary Republican opponent, Martha McSally, holding a “D” rating with NumbersUSA, an immigration-focused organization pursuing an end to chain migration, the visa lottery, and the issuance of employment-based visas for foreign workers of “non-extraordinary” skills already available within the American labor force.

“Look at her NumbersUSA score. She is down at 27 or 28 percent. You don’t get a score of 27 or 28 out of 100 on immigration if you are for border security, building the wall, stopping illegal immigration, limiting chain migration if that’s truly who you are. … She’s in the D- to F-rated senator class at every conservative rating across the board. I don’t want another D- or F-rated senator like John McCain or Jeff Flake, and neither do the people of Arizona.”

Martha McSally is “Jeff Flake 2.0” and an “establishment politician,” said Ward. “Her voting record is clear, she’s voted nine times for amnesty.” “She’s been in the mold of the GOP establishment, you know, Mitch McConnell is behind this effort to get another Jeff Flake … into the United States Senate. We in Arizona have to stop it.”

Ward advised President Donald Trump to maintain his previously stated commitments to reject amnesty proposals.

“This is the issue that largely got President Trump elected, this immigration and border security issue,” said Ward. “I know if he stands firm on the promises that he made to...


FORT EDWARD, NY (The Olean Times-Herald) – A farm worker who is in the U.S. illegally pleaded guilty Friday in Washington County Court for sexually assaulting a young girl in Salem last summer.

Ricardo Barajas-Suarez, 33, pleaded guilty to third-degree criminal sexual act, a felony, in connection with sexual assaults of a 14-year-old girl last July.

He agreed to a plea deal that includes a three-year state prison term to be followed by 10 years on parole. The guilty plea came just days before a jury trial was to start.

Washington County District Attorney Tony Jordan praised the girl’s courage in cooperating with police and prosecutors.

“Thankfully she was a brave young girl and with the work of the State Police and Washington County dispatchers, we were able to hold him accountable without her having to testify again,” he said.

The teen testified before the grand jury that indicted Barajas-Suarez.

Barajas-Suarez’ lawyer, Washington County Public Defender Michael Mercure, could not be reached for comment Friday.

Barajas-Suarez was working at a farm in southern Washington County and was accused of forcing the teen to have sexual contact at a home off the farm property where he had been staying, police said.

State Police were called after the girl, with whom the defendant was acquainted, ran from her bedroom screaming about the attack, alerting others in the home, authorities said. She suffered....