90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Michael Moore calls NRA a ‘terrorist organization’ worse than ISIS

Given a choice between the NRA and the Islamic State, Michael Moore would apparently go with the group known for cutting off the heads of Westerners.

On Friday, the documentary filmmaker labeled the National Rifle Association a “terrorist organization” and called on the media to compare it with ISIS.
The NRA is a terrorist organization. The media should speak of the NRA in the same way they do ISIS. Total ISIS-inspired deaths in US = 79. Thanks to the NRA & the politicians they buy, we’ve had 1.2 MILLION American gun deaths since John Lennon was shot dead in NYC
“The NRA is a terrorist organization,” Moore wrote. “The media should speak of the NRA in the same way they do ISIS. Total ISIS-inspired deaths in US = 79. Thanks to the NRA & the politicians they buy, we’ve had 1.2 MILLION American gun deaths since John Lennon was shot dead in NYC #NRAKillsKids.” 

Moore’s comment was made following the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., which left 17 dead.

The NRA has faced backlash from gun control proponents in the wake of the shooting, with several companies cutting their ties to the Second Amendment advocacy group.

Delta is reaching out to the NRA to let them know we will be ending their contract for discounted rates through our group travel program. We will be requesting that the NRA remove our information from their website.
United is notifying the NRA that we will no longer offer a discounted rate to their annual meeting and we are asking that the NRA remove our information from their website.
Customer feedback has caused us to review our relationship with the NRA. As a result, First National Bank of Omaha will not renew its contract with the National Rifle Association to issue the NRA Visa Card.
According to reports, there were several warning signs that Cruz could become a shooter, but the FBI and local authorities did not take action.

Additionally, the public learned that four deputies with the Broward County Sheriff’s Office hid outside behind police cars while students and teachers were being killed inside the school.

Moore’s comments provoked backlash.

You going to lay off/fire your bodyguards/security detail? Talk to me when you don't rely on guns for your own safety. Hypocrite

7 Deceptions Inside Democrats’ Rebuttal of GOP FISA Memo

NEW YORK — Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee on Saturday released a purported rebuttal to a four-page House Republican memo from earlier this month that alleges abuse of surveillance authority on the part of Obama-era federal agencies.

The Democratic rebuttal contains misleading claims, omits key details, and, perhaps unintentionally, actually proves the FBI and Department of Justice utilized the infamous, largely discredited 35-page anti-Trump dossier to obtain a FISA court warrant to monitor an individual formerly associated with Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Here are seven key problems with the claims made inside the Democrats’ rebuttal memo.

1 – The House Democratic rebuttal opens with a seemingly deceptive statement that Steele’s dossier “did not inform” the FBI’s decision to start its investigation into Trump’s campaign in late July.

This is the first contention in the rebuttal, which relates it is trying to “correct the record.” However, the Republican memo did not assert that the dossier informed the FBI’s decision to launch its investigation in late July or anytime. Instead, the GOP memo documented that Steele’s dossier formed an “essential part” of the FISA court applications submitted by Obama-era federal agencies to monitor the communications of Carter Page, who briefly served as a volunteer foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

Meanwhile, even though House Democrats seem to be rebutting a contention that was not made in the Republican memo, there are possible issues with the rebuttal’s claim that the FBI’s investigative team only received Steele’s “reporting” in mid-September, ostensibly referring to the written dossier. The Democrats entirely ignore that last July, Steele reportedly traveled to Rome, where he met with an FBI contact to supply the agency with alleged information he found during the course of his anti-Trump work. The Washington Post reported that Steele met with the FBI on July 5, 2016. The Democratic memo reveals that the DOJ “accurately informed the court that that the FBI initiated its counterintelligence investigation on July 31, 2016.” That is 26 days after Steele met with the FBI in Rome.

2 – While perhaps not intending to, the Democratic memo actually confirms that the Obama Justice Department did use Steele’s largely discredited dossier for FISA court applications to monitor Page.

The memo contains a sentence stating that “as DOJ informed the court in subsequent renewals”; but the rest of that sentence is redacted. The next sentence states that “Steele’s reporting about Page’s Moscow meeting,” with the remainder of that sentence also redacted. The next sentence states that...

President Trump Delivers Great Speech At CPAC

PHOTO: Deputies Guarding Boynton Home Of Officer “Who Never Went In”

Six Palm Beach County deputies are guarding the Boynton Beach home of the former school resource deputy who failed to engage the shooter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as last week’s massacre unfolded.

We sent @BrianEntin to BSO Deputy Scot Peterson’s Boynton Beach home to try and talk to him about his resignation today. Were met by 6 @PBCountySheriff deputies standing guard outside his home. They prevented us from approaching the house.

See photo of deputy Peterson here.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School resource officer 54-year-old Scott Peterson resigned yesterday after surveillance video surfaced showing the deputy waiting outside the school instead of taking action to confront the shooter.

Members of the media tried to engage Peterson at his home yesterday but were turned away by several Palm Beach County police officers.

The shooter opened fire with an AR-15 rifle killing 17 people and wounding several others.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel says Peterson was outside the building for roughly four minutes while the shooting in total lasted around six minutes.

Israel said the officer never fired his weapon.

The “New York Times” reported that in February of 2016, the sheriff’s office...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #178

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Did diversionary programs prevent the Florida school shooter from being arrested sooner?

Girls With Guns

Disney Executive Thomas Schumacher Accused Of 'Decades' Of Sexual Misconduct Against Men

Following accusations of sexual misconduct against famed animator John Lasseter, another Disney executive has been accused of "decades" of sexual misconduct.

The Wall Street Journal reports that a number of Disney representatives, including employees, say they witnessed executive Thomas Schumacher, an openly gay man, making sexually explicit remarks to male employees in incidents going all the way back to the 1990s. He also, allegedly, spoke about the “sexual prowess of black men” and “has continued to use sexual language in the past two or three years.”

"Another side of his success as a creative executive has been a harsh demeanor and tendency to cross the boundaries of appropriate workplace behavior, people who have worked with him said," reports The Wall Street Journal. "Mr. Schumacher has offended numerous employees over the years with explicit language and behavior, including comments about subordinates’ sexual attractiveness, discussions about pornography and walking through the office in a bathrobe while boasting he had nothing on underneath, according to people who said they witnessed the episodes."

A close friend of Schumacher told the WSJ that Schumacher denies the accusations made against him, saying that Schumacher “at times acknowledged using inappropriate language, expressed regret, and committed to being more mindful and adhering to company policies going forward."

According to one former Disney employee, Bruce Williams, Disney knew of Schumacher's behavior back in 1994.

“We’ve spoken to Tom and he apologizes,” Williams, now 60, said HR told him at the time, “this time I think he’s heard us.”

WSJ reports that a Disney spokesperson claims the company has no record of Williams' complaint. WSJ corroborated his claims with five former Disney employees.

Jane Buchanan, another former employee, claims that when she brought her bi-racial son to the office, Schumacher “made jokes about the sexual prowess of black men." Buchanan signed a non-disclosure agreement when...


RALEIGH, NC (WRAL) – A Raleigh man charged with breaking into a home and sexually assaulting a child was previously deported as a result of similar charges, officials said Thursday.

Oscar Paez Uribe, 39, of 4623 Vendue Range Drive, is charged with breaking and entering with the intent to terrorize and injure, indecent liberties with a child and first-degree kidnapping.

According to an arrest warrant, Uribe restrained and sexually assaulted the victim at a home on Buffaloe Road n Feb. 17.

Authorities said Uribe was charged with statutory rape and statutory sex offense in Texas on in February 2007 and was immediately deported.

He returned to the country under the alias of Oscar Paez Uribe, and authorities were able to link the two crimes using fingerprints.

Uribe was being held at the Wake County jail under an Immigration and...

Conservative Nonprofit PragerU Is Suing Google For Discrimination

  • Digital media organization PragerU is suing Google
  • The conservative nonprofit alleges YouTube restricted and demonetized 50 videos
  • “Google/YouTube … deemed them inappropriate for younger audiences,” a PragerU employee said

Prager University (PragerU), a conservative nonprofit that creates educational videos, is suing Google for allegedly discriminating against the digital media organization for its fairly moderate ideological slant.

Specifically, PragerU is accusing YouTube, which is owned by Google parent company Alphabet, of restricting or “demonetizing” videos even though they all appear to be innocuous and compliant with the platform’s rules.

PragerU’s videos include: former and current professors and scholars from Stanford, Harvard, and Yale, like Alan Dershowitz; prominent athletes, like Cobi Jones; popular celebrities like Mike Rowe; and influential figures like Steve Forbes. The majority of the people featured — sans political commentator Dinesh D’Souza — are not usually considered exceptionally controversial. Neither are a lot of the topics, some of which are likely studied in classrooms across the country.

Topics include “Is The Death Penalty Moral” and “The Progressive Income Tax.”

“If you’ve seen any of our videos, they’re very educational, and are very appropriate for ‘young viewers,'” said Craig Strazzeri, chief marketing officer for PragerU, addressing accusations from Google.

YouTube’s help page clarifies that videos containing certain “mature content” will be blocked for users who...

NRA's Dana Loesch: Liberals 'Call Trump a Tyrant’ But Want Him to Confiscate Our Firearms – ‘Figure That One Out!'

In her speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday, conservative author, radio host, and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch noted that in many criminal incidents, including the horrific school shooting in Parkland, Fla., "the government has proven that they cannot keep you safe."

Ironically, she added, the same people who "call Trump a tyrant " also want to confiscate our firearms. Try to figure that one out!"

“I want to make this super obvious point," said Loesch. "The government has proven that they cannot keep you safe, and yet some people want all of us to disarm. You heard that town hall [on CNN] last night -- they cheered the confiscation of firearms, and it was 5,000 people."

"I had to have a security detail to get out," she said. "I wouldn’t have been able to exit that if I did not have a private security detail. There were people rushing the stage and screaming ‘burn her.’ I came there to talk solutions and I am going to continue to talk solutions as the NRA’s been doing since...

A Socialist Is Just A Communist With Patience..

Socialist Venezuela Collapses Into Starvation & Bloodshed – Media Ignores

Report: Four of Sheriff Scott Israel’s Deputies Waited Outside Douglas High During School Shooting

A report released Friday claims four of Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel’s deputies waited outside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School while the attack was occurring.

On February 22 Breitbart News reported that one deputy resigned after it was learned that he was on scene but failed to control Nikolas Cruz. Sheriff Israel told ABC 13 that video shows the deputy, Scott Peterson, “arrive at the west side of Building 12” and “take a position” outside the school — but never go inside. The sheriff’s office moved to suspend Peterson, who resigned before the suspension could take place.

Now CNN reports that the Coral Springs police officers claim three other Broward County deputies were outside the school but failed to go inside as well. They quote “Coral Springs sources” who said the three “deputies had their pistols drawn and were behind their vehicles” when Coral Springs officers arrived. They said “not one of [the deputies] had gone into the school.”

The sources indicate other Broward County deputies arrived on scene, and two of those new arrivals joined with Coral Springs officers and entered the building.

The sources said, “Coral Springs police were stunned and upset that the four original Broward County Sheriff’s deputies who were first on the scene did not appear to join them as they entered the school.”

Coral Springs Police Department public information officer Sgt. Carla Kmiotek would not comment on what Broward County deputies did or did not do. Rather, “The Coral Springs Police Department will speak on behalf of our officers and their response in that incident,” she said. “We will not speak on...

She Died Because Democrats Need Votes...

GOP Lawmakers Push Obama Administration to Get Tough on Sanctuary Cities After San Francisco Killing

#BoycottSanFrancisco takes off after Steinle case acquittal

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #177

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, February 23, 2018

Girls With Guns

Getting Rich On The Backs Of The Poor...

Few Things In This World Are Most Disgusting Than The Clintons...

Yo Mama So Dumb...

She Fights ISIS While These Cowards Flee To Europe?

Few Things Are Scarier Than Gas Station Crashes...

More Great Gifs!


Mexican Gun Control Ensures Cartels Outgun the Good Guys

2017 may have been the worst year for homicide in Mexico since the government began keeping track in the 1990s.

It's a safe bet that the homicide rate isn't coming anywhere near what it was in the years surrounding the revolution 100 years ago. But it may be the worst rate in several decades.

German news site DW reports:
The Interior Ministry said authorities across Mexico opened 29,168 murder cases, saying that it put the country's homicide rate at 20.5 per 100,000 inhabitants.

The highest figure ever recorded in Mexico before last year was in 2011, during the peak of the Mexican government's war on drugs. That year, authorities recorded 22,409 homicides.

Unfortunately, some observers think the Mexican state is fudging the numbers:

However, experts have cast doubt on the latest figures, saying the homicide rate is likely much higher.

Mexican security analysts Alejandro Hope told AP news agency that the figure is based on the number of murder investigations opened last year, not the number of victims.

Hope added that it also doesn't take into account that a killing may result in more than one victim. He placed the homicide rate closer to 24 per 100,000 inhabitants.
According to the official stats in recent years, the homicide rate in Mexico hit 22.6 per 100,000 in 2011, and then declined after that. If critics are right, and the current rate is near 24 per 100,000, that would be a new peak.1

By comparison, the homicide rate in the United States was 5.3 per 100,000 in 2016 (the most recent data available) ranging from 1.3 per 100,000 in New Hampshire to 11 per 100,000 in Louisiana.

Homicide rates vary far more wildly in Mexico, with rates ranging from...

What About His Kids?

The Mueller Investigation In A Nutshell...

Any Guesses Who Could Have Ordered Comey To Spy On Trump?


Revealed: Why The FBI Missed All The Warning Signs...