90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, November 28, 2016

Fidel Castro May Be Dead, but 90 Miles From Florida, Tyranny Remains in Cuba

Late Friday evening, Cuban state media reported the death of their former leader, Fidel Castro, at age 90. Some will mourn his passing or even glorify his life. But for many others, not even his death will fill the void caused by his life.

For over five decades, Cubans suffered under the tyranny of Fidel and then his brother Raul, now 85. They watched the regime destroy a country and export the same perverted model of social justice throughout the developing world.

My grandfather would often tell us of how he would hide indoors while Fidel’s firing squads would slaughter innocent people nearby.

Religion was criminalized, dissent was violently punished, and Cuban citizens became property of their communist state. Fidel’s rule brought the world to its closest point of nuclear war during those fateful 13 days in 1962. He indoctrinated hate and pushed millions out of...

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

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Students Fed Up with Politically Biased Professors Are Hitting Back with a New Weapon: Professor Watch List

Conservative student organization, Turning Point USA, has released a new project called the Professor WatchList. The website enables students and parents to research professors that have a history of promoting a radical liberal agenda in their classrooms.

The organization and new project is the brainchild of Charlie Kirk, the 23-year-old founder and president of Turning Point USA.

Boasting 1000 plus chapters nationwide and a presence in all 50 states, the four-year-old organization prides itself on developing conservative activists who stand up to big government in and out of their universities. The Professor WatchList is a culmination of years of information gathering from conservative students who...

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