90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Real Agenda Of The Left...

"This Is Our Last Cry Before Our Eternal Silence",,,

Obama Just Named Navy Warship Something That Infuriated Many – A Big Slap In The Face To Military

Underreported: How Building a Border Wall Changed San Diego

In 1986, the San Diego Border Patrol sector accounted for approximately one-third of all apprehensions along the U.S.-Mexico border. Today, it accounts for only a small fraction.

How did the region go from one of the busiest sectors for illegal border crossings to one of the most secure? In our latest edition of “Underreported,” The Daily Signal visits the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego to find out.

Not All Federal Funding Is Equal...

..And Guess Which One The Establishment Media Supported?

The Roots Of Pope Francis’s Communist Belief System...

After Pope Francis early in his papacy decried capitalism as “trickle-down economics” — a polemical phrase coined by the left during the Reagan years that Francis frequently borrows — radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh commented, “This is just pure Marxism coming out of the mouth of the Pope.” Talk show host Michael Savage called him “Lenin’s pope.” Pope Francis took such comments as a compliment. “I have met many Marxists in my life who are good people, so I don’t feel offended,” he told the Italian press.

Pope Francis grew up in socialist Argentina, an experience that left a deep impression on his thinking. He told the Latin American journalists Javier Camara and Sebastian Pfaffen that as a young man he “read books of the Communist Party that my boss in the laboratory gave me” and that “there was a period where I would wait anxiously for the newspaper La Vanguardia, which was not allowed to be sold with the other newspapers and was brought to us by the socialist militants.”

The “boss” to whom Pope Francis referred is Esther Ballestrino de Careaga. He has described her as a “Paraguayan woman” and a “fervent communist.” He considers her one of his most important mentors. “I owe a huge amount to that great woman,” he has said, saying that she “taught me so much about politics.” (He worked for her as an assistant at Hickethier-Bachmann Laboratory in Buenos Aires.)

“She often read Communist Party texts to me and gave them to me to read. So I also got to know that very materialistic conception. I remember that she also gave me the statement from the American Communists in defense of the Rosenbergs, who had been sentenced to death,” he has said. Learning about communism, he said, “through a courageous and honest person was helpful. I realized a few things, an aspect of the social, which I then found in the social doctrine of the Church.” As the archbishop of Buenos Aires, he took pride in helping her hide the family’s Marxist literature from the authorities who were investigating her. According to the author James Carroll, Bergoglio smuggled her communist books, including Marx’s Das Kapital, into a...

BREAKING: Black @UTAustin Slasher Is White Genocide Reenactor

Kendrex White was taken into custody Monday by police following a machete rampage on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin that left one dead and three injured. In 2012, White, now a student at the university, made a video at his Killeen, Texas home that showed White and classmates reenacting the murders of whites, including with knives.

The grainy, 14-minute video, entitled “Haitian Revolution” shows the 21 year old mass stabbing suspect, who is black, playing Haitian historical figure Dutty Boukman. Boukman was an early revolutionary leader who plotted the mass executions of Haitian whites in...

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