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Thursday, May 4, 2017

America First!!

America First Is Simply Enlightened Self Interest...

Adam Smith On Enlightened Self Interest...

It Is Clearly Written in the Quran: Non-Muslims Must Be Killed.

Muslim Migrants Open Hookah Shop and Keep Sex Slave in the Basement

Climate Alarmists Wrong Again...

Why and How the IPCC Demonized CO2 with Manufactured Information

The Ninth Circuit Court Puts Leftist Ideology Against American Interests..

Andrew Napolitano: 9th Circuit Ruling ‘Intellectually Dishonest’

Former UN Consultant Whitewashes Female Genital Mutilation As ‘Gender-Egalitarian Surgeries’

An anthropologist who worked as a consultant for the United Nations and previously worked for the federal government whitewashed the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) as “gender-egalitarian surgeries” in an appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Wednesday night.

Dr. Fuambai Ahmadu compared the brutal practice to male circumcision and complained that FGM opponents have “conflated” minor operations — which she referred to as a “nick” — with the most severe cases of female genital mutilation.

Ahmadu insisted that she does “not defend FGM,” explaining, “I don’t identify with the term FGM, with the term ‘mutilation.’ I don’t know anyone in my family who does or my community, and from over 25 years of research I have done in the field, I say the great majority of women who are affected by what I call...

Court Charges Teacher with Having Sex with Student, Buying Gun for Robberies

Police arrested a high school teacher from Indianapolis and charged her with multiple counts, including having an improper sexual relation with a student and being involved in a conspiracy to plan a robbery.

Teacher Kathryn Hagan, 38, was arrested after Franklin Township Community School Corporation received a tip early in April from a parent concerned about a relationship with a student, Fox 59 reported.

Court documents charge that Hagan, who only started teaching on January 3, targeted a student, giving him Xanax on one occasion and on another occasion initiating a sexual relationship.

Police next found a ten-second video of the teacher and the teen naked in bed being passed around among the school’s students. As the investigators continued to look into the case, they found that some students were even using the video as leverage to force Hagan to give them better grades.

Hagan had also been found to have bought a gun that police say she wanted a student to use to force others to delete the incriminating video on their cell phones.

According to court records, Hagan texted another student, urging him to use the gun she was buying to rob students of their cell phones to cover the task of deleting the incriminating video.

“You want me to buy a gun, give it to you and then you...

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