90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

I Don't Think She Got A Chance To Use The Hammer...

Hong Kong: Muslim Migrants Harass Citizens - They Fight Back

This is the only way to deal with savages.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Caught Speaking In Russian Tongue...

ISIS puts to death a high Russian officer

The Islamic State published on Twitters Tuesday an 11-minute video clip depicting the beheading of a Russian intelligence officer who was taken prisoner. The release was timed for Russia’s Victory Day which commemorates the WWII victory over the Nazis. The victim is identified on the ISIS clip as...

Under Socialism, Even Comedy Has To Be Redistributed...

WATCH: Netanyahu Slams ‘Fake News’ CNN, New York Times Over Hamas Charter

The Hill reports: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu borrowed a line from President Trump on Sunday, referring to CNN, The New York Times and other outlets as “fake news.”

Netanyahu was upset with reporting by the two news groups about a new political document from the Palestinian group Hamas. “Ever wonder what fake news is?” Netanyahu asked in a social media posting. “Last week, headlines in CNN,...

BOMBSHELL: Report says Comey’s testimony that Huma Abedin forwarded emails to Anthony Weiner was not true

One of the biggest headlines out of last week’s testimony by FBI Director James Comey at a Judicial Committee oversight hearing was on how Huma Abedin was allegedly caught forwarding thousands of emails, some of which were classified, to a laptop owned by Anthony Weiner. But according to ProPublica, Comey’s testimony was inaccurate:

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Has France Just Crossed The Rubicon?