90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Which Is Better?

Giant Mosquitoes Are Invading Florida

And where am I going on Vacation Soon?  Central Florida of Course.  My entire life seems to be dedicated to feeding parasites...  (that refers to government..)

Giant mosquitoes the size of a quarter are invading central Florida and officials are warning residents to beware of the 'notoriously aggressive' bloodsuckers.

Read all about it here:

Two Tricky Dicks

Unions Find Potentially Costly Flaw In Affordable Care Act

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — With just months to go before the Affordable Care Act takes effect, unions that provide health care for members are facing a potentially damaging problem. Their health plans aren’t eligible for all the law’s benefits.

The Act requires employers to provide insurance for full-time workers, or pay a penalty. Workers whose employers choose to pay the fine and part-time workers will be able to get insurance through exchanges and low-wage workers will be eligible for subsidies. But union plans, which cover many low-wage and part-time workers, aren’t eligible for the subsidies. Union officials such as Wendell Young of the U-F-C-W say that’s not fair.

“It’s excluding memberslike our (members) from qualifying for subsidies that they would otherwise be qualified for,” Young says.

Young is among those pressing for rule changes. He says the law was intended to level the playing field for employers who offer health coverage, including those who contribute to union plans — but that will only be possible if the plans get all the benefits of the law.


ACLU on Obama’s NSA Snooping on Verizon Customers: ‘It Is Beyond Orwellian’

“From a civil liberties perspective, the program could hardly be any more alarming. It’s a program in which some untold number of innocent people have been put under the constant surveillance of government agents,” Jameel Jaffer, the ACLU’s deputy legal director, said in a statement.

Read More Here:

The Liar In Chief

Prepping - How To Purify Water With Chlorine

More Prepping:

Prepping: How To Grow 100 Pounds Of Potatoes In 4 Square Feet..

Independent Prosecutor:

Because a special prosecutor would report to Eric Holder.  Eric Holder is a liar, a criminal and therefore a dishonest man.  An Independent Prosecutor reports to no one and will find answers....

More Of A Lady Than Michelle Obama...

More Of A Man Than Barack Obama...