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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Dad Whose Son Was Killed By One Of Obama’s Illegal Aliens Demands An Explanation, Again

Don Rosenberg’s son Drew was killed in 2010 when he was involved in a motorcycle accident at low
speed. It was not the crash that killed his son. It was the subsequent effort to flee by the unlicensed illegal alien who struck him, in which he ran over him twice more and eventually stopped with his vehicle resting on Drew’s abdomen that killed him. Drew is on the left in the picture above, with his dad Don and brother Evan.

The illegal alien, Roberto Galo, served 43 days for his crime and was released, in accordance with the Obama regime’s preference for illegal alien offenders, he was not deported. He was simply released back out onto the streets of America. His charges were reduced from vehicular homicide to vehicular manslaughter.

In explaining the release, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services said that since Galo had only committed one crime of moral turpitude, or only killed one person, there was no reason to deport him. He eventually was deported as a result of Rosenberg’s doggedness in 2012.

Rosenberg wrote a letter to Hussein Obama in August of this year in which he urged Hussein Obama to visit the grave of his son and convince him that open borders and illegal amnesty are good for Americans.

In August he wrote:...

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Girls With Guns

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