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Monday, January 29, 2018

The 5 Key Points Trump Will Talk About in First State of the Union

President Donald Trump hopes to strike a “bipartisan” and “forward-looking” tone when pushing a theme of “Building a Safe, Strong and Proud America,” for his first State of the Union address on Tuesday, a senior administration official said.

The speech will focus on five key issues: seeking to reach an immigration deal in Congress; the strong economy from his first year in office; pushing a $1 trillion infrastructure plan; “fair and reciprocal trade” with other nations; and rebuilding the military, the senior administration official told reporters Friday in a background briefing.

Trump will talk about the economic recovery of 2017, regarding records set in the stock market, increasing wages, millions of new jobs, deregulation, and the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

The White House released an immigration deal that would provide amnesty for 1.8 million young illegal immigrants brought to the country as minors. In exchange for amnesty, the administration would get $25 billion as a down payment for a physical wall and other security along the southern border, and phase out of chain migration and end to the visa lottery program.

The White House proposal would give legal status to more than twice as many illegal immigrants that President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals shielded from deportation.

However, the senior administration official wouldn’t respond directly as to a question about whether amnesty simply encourages more illegal immigration.

“I really won’t get into that. The framework was released [Thursday],” the official told The Daily Signal. “The president cares about American workers, American families, protecting their wages, protecting their opportunities to rise. That will be reflected in the speech.”

Trump has previously said the $1 trillion spending on infrastructure will come from a public-private partnership, in which federal funds would leverage greater private investment. The official on Friday didn’t touch on specifics.

The president will also showcase faces of the opioid crisis and heroes involved in fighting the crisis that has led to millions of deaths, a senior administration official said.

Trump delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress last year, but it was not an official State of the Union.

The preview offered to the media was only a glimpse with reluctance to go into detail. But when asked what headline will come out of the speech, and what the administration would like to see as the headline, the official had a response:

Abra Cadabra Bitch!

Trump White House Preparing To Replace Liberal Supreme Court Justice?

Whispers are rampant throughout D.C. that a vacancy is imminent on the U.S. Supreme Court – one that is currently taken by one of the most liberal members of the Court.

It has the Trump White House giddy over the prospect of potentially and forcefully shifting the balance of power on the Court while Democrats in Congress are said to be warning White House staff of a prolonged and brutal fight should President Trump attempt to replace a liberal Justice with a hardline-conservative nominee.

The reason for the Justice’s alleged departure is said to be “ongoing illness/physical limitations.”

The first on the Court that comes to mind given those clues is 84-year old Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Justice Ginsberg has visibly slowed down a great deal in recent years, and has been prone to falling asleep in public, even when on the bench. Ginsberg’s office has taken to pushing back on rumors of her health issues via a series of left-leaning media publications, but Court watchers have noted Ginsberg’s increasingly limited public schedule of late.

Despite his 79-years, Justice Stephen Bryer’s place on the Court apparently remains secure, but not so with two others – swing-vote Justice Anthony Kennedy, 81, and liberal Justice....


MEBANE, NC (Fox News 8) – A Mebane man is accused of sexually assaulting a young girl, according to a press release.

On Jan. 25, Alamance County deputies were contacted regarding a runaway juvenile. After the girl was found, she told deputies that she ran away because she had been sexually abused.

The Alamance County Special Victims Unit opened an investigation into the abuse and determined the juvenile had been sexually assaulted by 41-year-old Jose Manuel Estrada Perdomo.

Perdomo is charged with statutory sex offensive with a child by an adult, statutory sex offense with a child less than 15 and two counts of indecent liberties with a child. Two warrants were also found for failure to comply in connection with...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #151

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Jordan Peterson on political polarization & Pepe the Frog