90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Let's Make Sure They Never See This Again...

Here’s the Pentagon’s response to California teacher that bashed the military

The Pentagon responded to comments made by a California high school teacher that can be heard on video slamming the men and women who serve in the U.S. military.

Pentagon Spokeswoman Amber Smith said the comments made by El Rancho High School teacher and city council member Gregory Salcido were “uninformed.”

“I have seen maybe a few things that he said that were very uninformed, and I think that’s an excellent example of who we would like to connect with, and inform them with an accurate image of those who are serving and why they serve,” Smith said, The Washington Examiner reported.

Salcido’s comments stemmed from seeing a student wearing a Marines sweatshirt in class. A student in the classroom recorded the teacher’s rant on their phone and the video has now reached more than 6.7 million views.

“Think about the people you know who are over there. Your freakin’ stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They’re dumb sh*ts. They’re not high-level bankers. They’re not academic people. They’re not intellectual people. They’re the lowest of the low. They’re not talented people,” the teacher says in the video.

In the videos, the male teacher goes on a rant for several minutes. He says he doesn’t know how anyone ends up joining the military.

“It’s because you have no other options,” the teacher says.

While constantly berating the military and those who serve, the teacher also asks why anyone would “wear something you can’t even support.”

“Don’t you ever bring the military into this again,” he says. “We don’t let pimps into school. Is anyone interested in being a hoe? … They’re going to lie to you.”

American Military News spoke to the student’s mother, who confirmed that her son took videos of the teacher’s rant during class.

His mother’s friend, Kimberlie Flauto, posted the videos to Facebook asking the community to help them go viral.

The student who was wearing the Marine sweatshirt in the classroom said he was called out in class to find out why he was interested in joining the Marine Corps.

“And I told him it was a family tradition,” the student said, ABC News reported. “My dad’s done it, my two uncles have done it. And I just wanted to continue that tradition because it’s also something I wanted to do as a kid. And he said so if it was a family tradition to beat women, would you continue it too?”

Salcido has been removed from all committees on the Pico Rivera City Council, according to a local CBS station in Los Angeles.

“The city Council and residents of Pico Riviera are steadfast in the recognition that the contributions by those who have served or are currently serving our country via military service are respected and we are grateful for...

The Boyz Who Cry Wolf...

Release The MEMO!

Would the political class be trying so hard to discredit the Nunes memo if it didn’t terrify them?

There’s getting to be a backlash among certain conservatives, mainly of the #NeverTrump variety, against the idea that there’s really a serious matter to be uncovered in the case of the FISA wiretap application for Carter Page, and in the attempts to cover up the documents related to it.

The thinking goes like this: Paranoid Trump superfans see some sinister deep state conspiracy in everything! Missing text messages! Unreleased memos! These nutcases are so off the rails, they’re convinced they’re going to find something “worse than Watergate”! What fruitcakes.

I’ve been using the term “worse than Watergate” for months in reference to this, and apparently that’s now being turned against me and people like me by those on the right who never liked Trump to begin with and want to remain acceptable in polite society.

Let’s be clear about what “worse than Watergate” means and why it’s been used by me and others: The Watergate scandal was about people associated with the Nixon re-election campaign breaking into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee and planting listening devices in the hope they could get some useful information to wield against George McGovern in the 1972 presidential campaign. The commission of a burglary against your presidential opponent so you could plant a listening device is obviously a crime and a massive scandal. The ensuing attempts to Nixon and others to cover it up only made the scandal worse.

Now, let’s fast-forward: We know that in 2016, during the Obama Administration, the FBI applied for a FISA warrant to wiretap Carter Page, who was an official of the Trump presidential campaign. There are multiple indications that the primary evidence presented as probable cause in this application was a dossier prepared by Christopher Steele, who was working for an outfit called Fusion GPS, which was being paid - albeit indirectly - by the Clinton campaign. It also appears that almost all the information in this dossier was unverified, and that much of it was false, and that the FBI made no attempt to verify any of it before using it in the FISA application.

If all this is true, I believe that is worse than Watergate for this reason: While the Nixon campaign used private citizens to commit a crime, and that’s a very bad thing, the scenario laid out above would mean that the Obama Administration, via the Justice Department and specifically the FBI, abused a law enforcement mechanism of the federal government - feeding it false information to obtain...

Trump Placed Tariffs On Chinese Solar Panels. China Decides To Build Solar Plant In The U.S.

Donald Trump Was Wrong: I Will Never Get Tired Of WINNING!

Just one week after the Trump administration announced a massive 30% tariff on imported solar panels, one of China's largest solar panel manufacturers announced plans to open a manufacturing plant in the United States.

The company, JinkoSolar, said on Monday that they have received the green light from their board of directors to "finalize planning for the construction of an advanced solar manufacturing facility in the U.S." CNN Money reports:

The statement suggested Jinko's decision was tied to the new tariffs, saying that the company "continues to closely monitor treatment of imports of solar cells and modules under the U.S. trade laws."

"This deal will further solidify our leadership in the U.S. market," said Nigel Cockroft, general manager of Jinko U.S. "An agreement of this magnitude exemplifies JinkoSolar’s commitment to provide our clients with the most reliable products and dependable, regional customer service."

Regarding the huge hike in import tariffs, Trump said last week:

When we do this, a lot of manufacturers will be coming to the United States to build washing machines and also solar. For both solar and washing machines, these executive actions uphold the principle of fair trade and demonstrate to the world that the United States will not be taken advantage of anymore. Our companies will not be taken advantage of anymore.

It appears as though JinkoSolar may not be the only company moving manufacturing operations to the United States to avoid paying the tariff. CNN adds:

There are other indications that foreign solar companies are bringing manufacturing to the U.S.

Documents filed with the local government in Jacksonville, Florida, this month state that a "leading international manufacturer of solar panels and modules" is seeking to invest more than $400 million in building a manufacturing plant in the city.

The facility, code-named "Project Volt," will create 800 jobs between now and ...

Broward College Hate Artist Tricks Students into Stepping on American Flag

Lisa Rockford, a professor at Broward College in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, has come under fire for an “art project” that involved using an American flag as a doormat.

Broward College art professor Lisa Rockford has come under fire for a controversial art piece that involved tricking students into stepping onto an American flag as a camera pointed at their feet snapped a photo.

Rockford painted an American flag with white paint, cut it in half, and placed in high traffic area on campus. “People are stepping on the flag as they enter most of whom don’t realize its an American flag. The artist had a camera set up taking pictures of people stepping on it as part of her artwork,” student Jess Karcher said. “I find this extremely disrespectful and kick in the gut as a veteran. I have lost many friends whose caskets were draped with that same flag.”

Karcher explained that Rockford intended that those who stepped on the flag would do so unwittingly. “I am not sure what the message is they are trying to give, but there was a camera taking pictures of people unknowingly steeping [sic] on it,” Karcher added.

In a statement, Broward College defended Rockford on the basis of the First Amendment. The college did not say that they will ensure that students know that it is an American flag they are stepping on when they pass through that portion of the campus.

Broward College understands that the piece, currently on exhibit, is controversial. The provocative nature of the piece is protected by the artist’s [c]onsitutional rights, specifically the First Amendment right to the Freedom of Speech. The piece represents the opinions of the individual artist and they are not...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #152

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.