90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, February 4, 2018

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #157

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, February 3, 2018

WATCH: German Women Launch Campaign Highlighting Increased Violence Against Women as a Result of Mass Migration

A group of German women have launched a campaign called #120db to lend a voice to women who have been physically or sexually attacked as a result of mass migration policies.

The group, which calls itself 120 Decibels after the sound intensity of rape alarms, launched a video this week in which several members list the names of recent victims of violence committed by asylum seekers.

The women in the video reference the recent case of a young girl called Mia, who was stabbed to death by her former asylum seeker boyfriend in the German city of Kandel, as well as Maria Ladenburger, who was raped and killed allegedly by migrant who lied about being underage, and 11-year-old Ebba Akerlund, who was torn in half after being struck by a lorry during the Stockholm terror attack last year.

“They could be me and I could be them,” the women go on to say.”The offenders are everywhere. While jogging in the park, when we come home after work, while we wait for ...

Girls With Guns

I Don't Always Call Another Country A Shithole...

The Value of Calling a Shithole a ‘Shithole’

Register To Vote With This Guide And Online Link:

If you need to register to vote, visit Vote.gov. Depending on your state’s voter registration rules, the site can help you
Register online. This is available for 37 states plus the District of Columbia.

Download the National Mail Voter Registration Form. You can fill it out onscreen and print the completed form, or print the blank form and fill it out by hand. Remember to sign the form before mailing it to the location listed for your state.
Find guidance for states and territories with different registration procedures.

Register to Vote in Person

You can register in person with your state or local election office. If it’s more convenient for you to register elsewhere, you can check with one of these nearby public facilities to see if you can register to vote there:

If you’re a U.S. citizen living outside the U.S., or if you’re a service member, service member’s spouse, or eligible family member, you can register to vote and request an absentee ballot through the Federal Voting Assistance Program.

5 Things To Do Other Than Watch The Superbowl:

Work Out:
Working Out is good for your health, your well being, and your sex life. This is a great time to catch up on your pushups, pullups, crunches and lunges.

Check Your Preps:

Inventory, update and improve on your TEOTWAWKI Preps. Check out your expiration dates and try to use expiring products and make a list of what you need to buy. How are your water purification preps? Air masks?

Catch Up on Sleep:

When was the last time you went to bed early and got a full eight hours sleep? Take a long, hot shower, leave the phone and tablet in the other room, and smile as you lie down to sleep knowing that Crooked Hillary Clinton will never be president.

Go to a Park:

Take your children or just yourself for a hike on local trails or watch your kids as they swing and slide at the neighborhood playground. Take some family members along and bond with the kids. Stop for pizza or ice cream on your way home. Fresh air and exercise will send everybody to bed at an early hour.

Clean Out the Garage:

Or the attic, junk drawer or email inbox. You have plenty of empty hours to fill on Super Bowl Day. Even the undisciplined end up with plenty of free time and no excuse to avoid tackling overdue chores.

Register To Vote

Record And Watch NHL Games
(see user comments below)

The NFL has become an Anti-American organization, don't enrich these leftists.  Their money goes to support leftist causes and to support leftist social justice entities that support the Marxist agenda to divide and conquer America. Just say no.

GOP Reps Seek Criminal Prosecution Of FBI, DOJ Officials For "Full Throated" Illegal Misconduct And "Treason"

Following the release of a four-page memo detailing rampant FISA warrant abuse by the FBI and DOJ, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) announced that he will seek the criminal prosecution of FBI and DOJ officials for the "full throated adoption of this illegal misconduct and abuse of FISA by James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein" who Gosar called "traitors to our nation."

Gosar focuses on the memo's claim that the FBI and DOJ did not mention that Christopher Steele, the ex-MI6 spy who compiled the dossier, was partially funded by the Clinton campaign and the DNC.
"This is third world politics where the official government agencies are used as campaign attack dogs," Gosar said.
The letter reads in part:
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence memorandum on the FBI abuse of FISA warrants and targeting a sitting President is not just evidence of incompetence but clear and convincing evidence of treason....

I will be leading a letter to the Attorney General seeking criminal prosecution against these traitors to our nation."

Meanwhile, Georgia GOP Gubernatorial candidate Sen. Michael Williams is calling for the prosecution of Comey - saying he should be "sent to prison for his crimes":
"The leadership of the FBI and DOJ behaved in a way we would expect of the former Soviet Union, not the United States of America. I applaud Representative Nunes and other Republican members of the House Intel Committee for fighting and exposing corruption. Americans are tired of corrupt bureaucrats and their career politician enablers. If powerful leaders are not held accountable, the American people will never regain faith in the institutions meant to protect us. Former FBI Director James Comey was entrusted with one of the most...

What Difference At This Point Does It Make...