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Sunday, October 7, 2018

Girls With Guns

Democrats Do Not Know Their Head From Their Ass...

This Is Really Gross... Sorry...

Play The Potato Or Amy Schumer Game...

Do Your Part!

Imagine Us Being Into Obama's Economy For 10 years!!

Creepy Joe Isn't Worried About 30 Years From Now....

Mamma's Don't Let Your Babies Go Anywhere Near Joe Biden...

SECRET EMPIRES: Joe Biden’s Son’s Firm Struck Billion-Dollar Deal with the Chinese Government 10 Days After Biden Trip to China


UFC Fighter Nik Lentz took time out of celebrating a victory Saturday night to show support for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was confirmed earlier in the day after a contentious political battle.

“First and foremost, I want to give a shout out to my homie Brett Kavanaugh,” Lentz said. “Way to go, Special K.”

Lentz had just completed a Las Vegas bout in which he defeated Gray Maynard. The mixed martial artist is reportedly a long-time supporter of President Donald Trump.

It is not clear if Kavanaugh has ever been referred to as “Special K” and if the nickname will...

Let's All Drink To Justice Kavanaugh!

When The Media Does All The Propaganda For You, You Can Claim Anything...