90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Save The Children...

Don't Expect To Build Up The Weak By Pulling Down The Strong...

More Coolidge:

A Government Working As An Instrument Of Tyranny...

Calvin Coolidge On Taxes..

There Used To Be An Organization For Boys Called The "Boy Scouts"

Fuck The Boy Scouts...

What Happens If You Prepare For The Worst And Nothing Happens?

It Is Better To Be A Warrior In A Garden...

Than A Gardener In A War - Sun Tzu

Equip, Practice, Prepare.

Should She Wear A Veil And Be Subservient?

OPEN BORDERS AMERICA: 'Goat rapist' on the prowl in Florida according to woman who says three of her animals have been attacked for months

Will Socialism Work?


More on Socialists, Idiots, Mental Defects and Democrats:

Socialism - Ideas So Good, They Had To Be Made Mandatory...

Don't Claim To Love The U.S.A. While Trying To Make It A Socialist Nation...

Facebook Blocks Links to Free Speech Competitor ‘Minds’

Facebook has started blocking links to free speech-based competitor Minds, claiming the website is “unsecure” and advising users not to promote it.

Attempting to send a link to the social network to friends on Facebook will return users with a “security check” notice, which claims Minds is an “unsecure” website and recommends not to send the link.

“To protect your account, we recommend not posting the link. If you want to share it anyway, you’ll need to complete this security check,” the notice declares, making users complete a CAPTCHA before the link will send.

Follow me on minds: https://www.minds.com/MikeMiles

If users refuse to fill out the CAPTCHA, the message with the link will not send.

“Facebook’s newest effort is a direct attack on one of their largest competitors, Minds.com,” declared Minds in a statement. “Minds is fully encrypted and open source — unlike Facebook — and has never been hacked — something that Facebook can’t claim.”

“The Minds team has attempted to reach out to FB repeatedly to resolve the issue,” the social network continued. “Radio silence.”

In an interview with Breitbart Tech last year, Minds founder Bill Ottman claimed his social network was “non-partisan.”

“Since we launched Minds in alpha in 2012, we have always attracted an audience from across the political spectrum, including progressives, libertarians, centrists, and non-political content creators,” he expressed, while following Facebook’s privacy scandals this year, Ottman declared, “There is no redemption at this point.”

“At the heart of Facebook is a complete and utter lack of transparency and commitment to put users first,” Ottman continued. “It’s time for people to vote with their energy online to empower new social networks that respect freedom from...

Hillary Clinton loses security clearance after server scandal

Hillary Clinton has given up her security clearance in the wake of the scandal over her handling of secret information on her email server, the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed Friday.

Chairman Charles E. Grassley also revealed top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills and four others no longer have clearance.

Mrs. Clinton’s clearance expired at the end of August. The others lost their access privileges in September.

The State Department, in a letter to Mr. Grassley, had said Mrs. Clinton and her aides retained clearance in order to conduct research after she left office.

The names of the four additional aides besides Ms. Mills were redacted from the State Department letter that the committee released.

How To Dodge 1984

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