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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Anime Girls with Guns

Women with Weapons

It's getting hot outside....

When Polygamy becomes a Job

Welcome to the world’s largest family. The Chinese fathers name is Ziona Chan and he has 39 wives, 94 children, and 33 grandchildren. Altogether there are 181 members of this family. The family lives in a four story, 100-room house that is located in the hills of the Baktwang village where Chan’s wives sleep in large communal dormitories.

The Joys of PolygamyThe Joys of Polygamy
The Joys of Polygamy
The Joys of Polygamy
I just want to know what supplements this dude is taking.  He is my hero.

Girls with Guns

Nylons, Cigar and Assault Weapon..just another day at the office...

Women with Weapons


Women with Weapons

Wanna see my Silo?

The Shocking Faces of Meth

Shocking Mug Shots of Meth Addicts
Shocking Mug Shots of Meth Addicts
Shocking Mug Shots of Meth Addicts
Shocking Mug Shots of Meth Addicts
Shocking Mug Shots of Meth Addicts
Devastating effects of methamphetamines...

Hong Kong Skyline

There are eight million stories in the naked city...

A Beautiful Underground World

These are the Jiuxiang Caves situated in China. It has been found that the caves in Jiuxiang are the largest cave group system with the most numerous karst caves in the country. There are plenty of stalactites of different forms, shapes and colors as well as waterfalls, valleys and a large number of natural bridges. All of it creates beautiful underground world.