90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Women with Weapons

Women with Weapons

The Beachhead is secured...

Women with Weapons

I see you got a leg up over your opponent....

Women with Weapons

      I promise I'm coming back...

Women with Weapons

Friday, December 7, 2012

Girls with Guns

Women with Weapons

I usually load my gun AFTER my first cup of coffee...

Fighting the Progressive News Machine

Has anyone ever noticed how the major technology blogs have a liberal bias?  Well I have and it is more than obvious; for instance, today on Wired, they have another effusive article on Stephen Colbert, they clearly have metro-sexual crushes on him.  Another article today on Wired is about Occupy Comics, which is devoted to the themes and ideas of the Occupy movement.  Now I consider the Occupy movement to be degenerate scum, parasites feeding off of the entrails of a dying superpower, a meme for progressive unthought; foul public poopers and pabulum processors that posses puny putrid protesting pacifist principles.  But I digress.

I did a search on Wired for "Stephen Colbert" dozens and dozens of loving articles appeared.  So my snarky self did a search for "Bill O'Reilly", dozens and dozens of negative articles appeared.  This is a technology blog engaging in partisan politics.  It is clear that on all levels of information that we receive, the progressive left are engaging in indoctrination of us and our children.  Well I say it is time to put our sunglasses on and reveal the slimy reptiles for what they are, we must join the battle!

If we non-leftists (and I use this term to describe all free market individualists), are to win, we need to fight the ubiquitous reach of the left, we need media that will compete and win against the leftist media machine that is U.S. media today.  We need this media on every level: sports, technology, fashion, culture, news, etc.  For the sake of freedom and liberty in the world, we non-leftists need to create this alternative media and we need to win, to dominate on every level. 

The things that entertain us, make us laugh, are the same.  Today's leftist media gets to choose what is important, what becomes news.  It is we that need to make these decisions in order to promote free market ideals, freedom and anti-socialism.  Many who read this are already bloggers, we need to up our game, support our own and conquer and dominate the media; we must fight the indoctrination with a devastating campaign of information from a free market perspective.  If not us, who?

 Mike Miles - Ninety Miles

Parrot Drives His Own Electric Car!

(via Jalopnik)
If you had an African Grey Parrot that shrieked and screamed so often it was driving you to the brink of madness, what would you do? Take drugs? Seal your earholes with wax? Murder the parrot in a fit of rage and then grill and eat the evidence? If you're Andrew Gray, you'll build the parrot a robotic car. I mean, duh.
See, Pepper, the parrot, won't fucking stop screaming, though he does it less when he's close to Andrew, a computer engineering grad student at the University of Florida. So, after experimenting with robotic anti-scream squirt guns (Pepper ended up liking the water spray), Andrew built Pepper a little car so that he could effectively follow him around the house, keeping him calm and relatively scream-free.
The car (called the BirdBuggy) is electric, with the forward wheels powered and casters at the rear. The parrot has a perch, and controls the car with a four-way joystick that moves the car forward and backward, and turns it left and right. In addition to the beak-operated stick, the car can be placed in a robotic mode to seek out its charging station via camera-based computer vision. Also, the car has bump sensors and an infrared collision avoidance system, since birds aren't exactly terrific drivers
One huge innovation I think will eventually find its way into mainstream vehicles is a special holder below the perch for newspaper, to allow for more hygienic shitting while driving. Who wouldn't love a feature like that in your own car? You'd save a fortune on floor mats.