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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Important Guns in History #1

Hand Cannon, 13th century

China had developed a wide variety of gunpowder weapons known as "fire lances" and "fire dragons," as well as flamethrowers and fireworks, as far back as the 10th century. The first true firearms that used gunpowder to launch a projectile can be dated to the Yuan Dynasty in the 13th century. These included bronze hand cannons, which could be held by one man and touched off by another. The range was short and accuracy poor, but the smoke, fire, and roar must have intimidated opponents of the time.

The Usurper

If the shoe fits......

Women with Weapons

for her mistressness:

Urban Decay Looks Cool!

Perhaps in a Movie or a Video Game...but not in real life.

Unions Are Changing American Schools

Teachers Unions: Destroying the American Dream

Unions: Changing City Skylines

...And Making it Easier for Post-Nuclear Holocaust Video Games to Create Scenery...

PlayStation-Controlled DIY Tank May Be the Wildest Weapon Yet in the Syria War

Syrian rebels, claiming to have spent over a month designing, assembling, and developing a garage-made armored vehicle, debuted the Sham II fighting vehicle near the besieged city of Aleppo earlier today. The Sham II, a reference to ancient Syria (ash-Sham), is a boxy, light armored vehicle built upon a car chassis and is outfitted with a 7.62mm machine gun (which appears to be a Russian-designed PKM) that is controlled from inside the vehicle. The Sham II is also outfitted with five cameras -- three in the front, one mounted on or near the machine gun, and one in the back -- all of which are seemingly controlled by -- a Sony PlayStation remote control. It should be noted that, apparently on the side of caution, Syrian rebels have even outfitted the Sham II with an operable headlight.

Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/threat-matrix/archives/2012/12/syrian_rebels_debut_homemade_f.php#ixzz2EliTrsPI

Unions: We Built This!

Shhhhhh... don't tell the media!