90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, December 31, 2012

And the Gun Salesman of the Year Goes To....

The Usurper: Obama

Archeologists Discover first known case of Liberalism

It is a very infectious Disease!

Things You Didn't Know About Scientology

Ridiculous Things You Didnt Know About Scientology (1 pic)

EMP: A Terrorists Dream

An American Nightmare

Hot Girls with Guns - Rule 5 Girls

The NAACP serves only the Democratic Party

Apparently there are several Black American groups that are starting to see the light about the NAACP and the Democratic Party.  I get the feeling that they still allow them to be deceived by the lies of the left however and I have not heard of any mass defections and sign ups to the party of Lincoln.  The ideals of the right would serve them better than the fifty years they have been wandering in the leftist desert.
News Here from:
Anti-NAACP Demonstration, February 1
Hundreds are expected to picket the NAACP Image Awards ceremonies on February 1, in Los Angeles, according to Rev. Edward Pinkney, a former president of the civil rights organization’s Benton Harbor, Michigan, chapter. “They no longer fight for civil rights, and we’ve got to hold the NAACP accountable for their actions and inactions,” said Pinkney, who charged the organization with selling out to corporate interests. “We give other Black people a free pass, and that’s why we’re in such a compromised position, today.”
NAACP in Democrats’ Pockets, Says Former Chapter President
“We all know for a fact that” the NAACP is “a political machine for the Democratic Party,” said David Lowrey, former president of the group’s Chicago South Suburban chapter. Lowrey is circulating a petition to have the NAACP’s non-profit status revoked for acting as a “political advocacy arm” of the Democratic Party. Except for getting out the Black vote for Democrats, the NAACP has become “a big social club,” said Lowrey. “They rake in millions of dollars from all of these sponsors,” then “look the other way on major issues like racial murders and police brutality.”

The Ugly, Hateful Sister

This is the second most admired woman in the United States.  The one who has never been proud of her country.  The one who hates everything her country used to stand for.  We have a lot of work do do my fellow Americans.

Search Engine Optimization

Visualizing SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Music from the Cloud

Music in the cloud

Hey Obama,

Fuck you.
I still have my 1st amendment rights and
I still have my second amendent rights to protect them.

Support Social Justice, Support Bad Luck

I guess I get fixated on topics and have a need to attack it in many directions.  Currently I am fixated on the topic of "Social Justice" another word for communism and apparently on Robert Heinlein.  I combine both here with a quote from Heinlein that serves as the basis from my latest attempt at graphic artistry.  I am no artist but I dabble, if anyone would like to create a better version of this idea/quote, send it to me and I will post it up. 

See Here:
Social Justice: Code for Communism
And Here:
Does The YMCA Promote Socialist Ideas?
And here:
Support Social Justice, Support Bad Luck
And Here:
The Truth about Social Justice