90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, January 11, 2013

New Design for latest print of Orwell's 1984

[Designer David] Pearson says that the design went through numerous iterations "to establish just the right amount of print obliteration. Eventually we settled on printing and debossing, as per the Great Ideas series [Why I Write shown, above], with the difference being that the title and author name were then blocked out using matt black foil. This had the effect of partially flattening the debossed letters, leaving just enough of a dent for the title to be determined – though I can't vouch for it's success on Amazon."

Pulp Fiction

Glenn Beck Says 3-D Printers Will Make America Great Again

Front Toward Enemy

Report from the Blogger that Published the Newspaper Staffs Addresses

Keep up the heat – and look who’s got the home address of Cyndee Royle, editor of the Journal-News?

Reader “Jeff” sends along a link to the latest article in the White Plains tabloid, Journal-News, reporting on the hornets nest occasioned by their publication of an interactive map showing the identity and address of all registered gun owners in Westchester County and surrounding areas.
Cyndee Royle
Cyndee Royle in better days, long ago and far way
Editor Cyndee Royle defends her decision and in fact sounds quite smug about it. Her paper is apparently still trying to obtain, and publish, information on how many guns, and their type, are registered to each owner, presumably to make shopping easier for gun thieves. Nothing more disappointing than getting a Remington 870 when you’ve been hoping for a Ruger Mini Thirty.
Let’s keep those cards and letters (and telephone calls, of course) coming.
Miss Royle’s married name is Lambert. She lives in White Plains and here is her Facebook page complete with pictures of her and her kids. Hello Sanctimony.
Cynthia R Lambert
17 Mcbride Ave
White Plains, NY 10603 (914) 948-9388
Work: 914-694-5001
Drives a red convertible:http://s13.postimage.org/k8ffnxuo7/cyndee_royle_aka_cynthia_lambert_red_convertible.jpg
Family photo: http://s7.postimage.org/dkqtytvyj/cyndee_royle_aka_cynthia_lambert_fb_alt_private.jpg
Publisher, Janet Hasson,
3 Gate House Lane, Mamaroneck NY, 10543
(914) 694-5204

Reporter, Dwight R. Worley, 23006 139 Ave
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413
(718) 527-0832
The “Visual Editor” responsible for the map itself is:
Robert F. Rodriguez
(w) Stephanie Azzarone
Home (212) 222-4566
420 Riverside Dr, Apt 7A
New York, NY 10025-7748
Publisher: Janet Hasson (@janhasson on twitter) 3 Gate House Rd, Mamaroneck, NY 10534
Gracia C Martore 728 Springvale Rd Great Falls, VA 22066 (703) 759-5954

The Ministry of Truth Calls Obama Administration policy, "Orwellian"

Oh the Irony.  The unmitigated purveyors of ForwardThought, the Administrations own Ministry of Truth, the official propaganda arm of the Obama Administration, MSNBC with their own pied piper, Rachel Maddow, calls the American secrecy on Drone Strikes "One of the More Orwellian things about being an American Citizen in the twenty first century", this is doublespeak for a "news" outlook unwilling to truly criticize the Obama Administration.

When you consider the withering criticism from the MSNBC Ministry of "Truth" about the Bush Administrations not allowing habeas corpus rights to non-citizen illegal combatants compared to the soft handed, carefully worded mild disagreement with the Judge, Jury and Executioner reality of Drone Warfare carried out by Obama personally selected targets; the hypocrisy is staggering.

Cold Mountain Camp

Butt Butt Butler

I am an Island...a cold, cold Island..