90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, February 3, 2013


We now live in the dystopic future we used to read about.

Science Fiction - Vintage Ad

Everyone knows Isaac Asimov, But few know Clifford D Simak, he was my favorite Sci Fi author when I was a boy.  I checked out every book he wrote from the library, which was quite a few, he even wrote a fantasy novel, I forget the name, that was my first introduction to fantasy without out even knowing it was a genre...

Scary Car Accident

Never Forget.

Debt Perspective

Every Iraqi Family is allowed to keep a FULLY AUTOMATIC Weapon

 What could they possibly be planning?

The time is now.

America after 8 Long Years of Obamanomics

Look, that electricity up ahead or just something else on fire?

Hey Obama,

Fuck you.  Watch what this guy does with your Zombie followers...

What is Your Flavor of Socialism?

Silent Death

Hey Jack Ass