90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, February 3, 2013


We now live in the dystopic future we used to read about.

Science Fiction - Vintage Ad

Everyone knows Isaac Asimov, But few know Clifford D Simak, he was my favorite Sci Fi author when I was a boy.  I checked out every book he wrote from the library, which was quite a few, he even wrote a fantasy novel, I forget the name, that was my first introduction to fantasy without out even knowing it was a genre...

Scary Car Accident

Never Forget.

Debt Perspective

Every Iraqi Family is allowed to keep a FULLY AUTOMATIC Weapon

 What could they possibly be planning?

The time is now.

America after 8 Long Years of Obamanomics

Look, that electricity up ahead or just something else on fire?

Hey Obama,

Fuck you.  Watch what this guy does with your Zombie followers...