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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Girls With Guns

False Prophet

The Difference is Obvious, The One On The Right Loves Her Country...

Pathological Liar, Whiner and a Sociopath

In Law, Plaintiffs have an “obligation to reduce damages”. This means that they should take steps to reduce or avoid any further damages that might be connected to any incident. This President is intentionally inflicting as much damage as he can. He is a Pathological Liar, a whiner and a Sociopath.

Ever Wonder Why The Approval Rating For Congress Is So Low?

It's not rocket science, Rand Paul Lays out some of the issues in an effective concise speech before the Senate here.

Girls With Guns

Should Pelosi and Biden Be Ex-Communicated?

Before he became Pope Francis, the Argentine cardinal’s doctrine would have excluded Vice President Joe Biden and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi from Communion. Father Shenan J. Boquet president of Human Life International explains:
While we cannot know what is truly in someone’s heart, all too often political or other high-profile figures who profess to be members of the Catholic faith give rise to scandal when they publicly promote intrinsic evils such as abortion, euthanasia, the redefinition of marriage, and contraception–several of which have been championed by Vice President Biden and Rep. Pelosi throughout their political careers.

Obama, Uncle Sam Has An Appendage To Show You....
