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Friday, July 5, 2013

14 Most Helpful YouTube Comments Ever Written

Gaming The Traffic Police...

Ex-Russian spy Anna Chapman proposes marriage to Edward Snowden

The rest of the world may not want him, but NSA leaker Edward Snowden has at least one potential taker: Anna Chapman. The ex-spy tweeted yesterday, “Snowden, will you marry me?!”

The former Russian spy may have sympathy for the man who spilled top-secret documents. Chapman, after all, is no stranger to run-ins with government authorities.

The 31-year-old had been posing as a real-estate agent in the United States in 2010 when she was accused of gathering intel for Russia. She and nine others were deported back to Russia in a prisoner swap.

Now the ex-secret agent has become a celebrity in her homeland, most recently as host of the TV show, “Secrets of the World.”

Snowden may have caught Chapman’s attention since he landed at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport to seek refuge. “@nsa will you look after our children?” She posted later.
But Snowden seems to be unavailable at the moment -- and may be rejected by Russia as well. After 11 days, the AP reports that “Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Russia had received no request for political asylum from Snowden and he had to solve his problems himself.”

The NSA contractor has been on the run since he spilled secrets on the classified NSA surveillance programs to the press. He has been in diplomatic limbo since having his passport revoked, and has had countless requests for asylum refused.



The beautiful ballerina girlfriend whistleblower Ed Snowden was set to wed before he left her in Hawaii and fled to Hong Kong to leak NSA secrets. Now she says she feels ‘adrift’


Where is Obama's condemnation? There is none. Instead, just days before the protests, the Obama administration asked the Coptic Pope to urge the Copts in Egypt not to protest-supporting sharia subjugation of Christians.

And yet when Muslims allege they are being persecuted, Obama jumps at their back and call (ie Burma where the Buddhists are fighting back against jihad.) Obama has all but abandoned religious minorities living under the sharia. It is despicable.

Read More About Obama's Chosen people:

Well Played, Product Placement Guy. Well Played.....

Obama's Jobs Plan For Peeping Toms And Perverts....

Board Of Education Beat-down: Democrat Councilwoman Beats Down Two Octogenarians: An 84 Year Old And An 82 Year Old In Epic Reverse Discrimination And Racist Struggle

All Democratic Town Committee Chairwoman Amanda Brown wanted to do was to reserve all of the Board Of Education positions for her political cronies properly credentialed candidates in order to properly make sure that children were indoctrinated educated in the proper education camps way.  She never accounted for the two evil octogenarians......
Former Norwalk Common Councilman Bill Krummel suffers serious eye injury Tuesday after an altercation with Norwalk Democratic Town Committee Chairwoman Amanda Brown Monday night in the City Hall parking lot. 

The vicious octogenarians accosted her in the most brutal of ways: by waving printed emails at her and pointing with crooked fingers.

Democrats are so fun, they are everything that they accuse everyone else of being:  Political cronies, racist, intolerant and violent.

When the evil eighty year old democrats started hurling racial slurs at her like "you arrogant black bitch", it was too much for the Democrat Chair woman to handle, she got in the face of the old lady and the old lady pushed back, causing the Democrat Chairwoman to hurl the octogenarian across the pavement...it is a tawdry tale indeed.... but how did Bill Krummel get that nasty shiner you ask?  Well here is an account of the incident from the original report:

NORWALK, Conn. – An altercation Monday night between Norwalk Democratic Town Committee Chairwoman Amanda Brown, former Norwalk Common Councilman Bill Krummel and Regina Krummel drew Norwalk Police and paramedics to City Hall parking lot, but charges are not likely to be filed, Norwalk Police Chief Thomas Kulhawik said.

Mrs. Krummel said Brown was too close to her and yelling. She tried to push Brown away from her, she said. Brown pushed back, she said. Mr. Krummel described this as “a pushing match.”
Mrs. Krummel said that Brown pushed her and she flew 10 feet before hitting the pavement. Her glasses went flying, she said.
She broke her fall with her elbow.
Mr. Krummel said he was getting out of the car and he saw his wife on the ground. Mrs. Krummel has had two hip replacements, he said. She has also suffered hip dislocations, which, he said, causes paralyzing pain.
He said he saw her on the ground and worried that her hip was dislocated again. He exchanged words with Brown and slapped her, he said. Brown, who he said had keys in her hand, balled her fist around the keys and punched him, he said.

You get the government you deserve right?

Inspired by this article: http://www.nancyonnorwalk.com/2013/07/letter-former-norwalk-councilman-has-been-intimidating/

French Exceptionalism...

Illustrated Art: Girls With Guns

Bug Out Location Porn..

Liberty Interrupted....

1960's College Girls