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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Women With Weapons

Teach Your Daughter To Shoot...

Detroit - Built By Unions...

Marches Planned Today To Protest The Lack Of Freedom To Beat Down Self Identifying Hispanics With Impunity

Apparently cultural differences are not allowing black males to get high on purple drank and beat down self identifying hispanics with impunity.

Cultural imperialists insist on smothering their values on black males earnestly trying to prove their gangsta cred.  Who are we to judge?

The justice system is flawed when they allow hispanics to defend themselves against brutal attacks.  Most attack victims get taken to the emergency room in a luxury ambulance, get free time off of work and get to see relatives they have not seen in months or years.  This works out for everyone.  Now occasionally someone does die...well people die every day, a meteor could come down and kill you, or a lighting bolt, or a race rio...errr... a tiger.

Look at the pictures of Reginald Denny on the right, he recovered nicely, got famous and got free time off from work.


Is Democratic Congressman Bobby Rush Clinically a Retard?

“Train wreck” has become so synonymous with Obamacare that it’s strange to hear it applied to anything else, but Rep. Bobby Rush’s appearance on “Hannity” tonight alongside Rep. Steve King really couldn’t be described any other way. Rush, who famously wore a hoodie on the House floor to make a speech against racial profiling, couldn’t provide any evidence to prove that Trayvon Martin was racially profiled, but — “There is evidence that he’s dead,” Rush clarified.


Give Him Time...

...A Good First Step...

12 Year Old White Girl Brutally Attacked By African Refugees For Not Becoming Their Girl Friend

Manchester, NH. 12 year old white girl doesn't wanna be their girlfriend so black boys destroy her jaw and knock her teeth out: "...My (White) 12 year old daughter brutally attacked by (African) refugee boys at school
The arguments between my daughter and these boys started with a couple of the boys asking Morgan to be their girlfriend. When Morgan turned them down, they retaliated by calling her names like "fat ho, lesbian b**ch, c**t, etc..." this goes on for about a month before the first assault on the bus occurs. The boys are refugees brought over from Kenya and Ethiopia. Morgan was brutally attacked. First elbowed in the face, followed by 6 to 7 punches knocking her front teeth out and leaving her with a concussion. It took four teachers to get one of the boys off her..."

Look how they carefully avoid the racial issue in the news report and the fact that all of the attackers were black(Kenyan, Somalian immigrants - asylum seekers), they call it simply "bullying". If the roles were reversed then it would be on national TV.

Her mother is outraged by the lack of response from school officials and opened her own blog


Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=376_1331591213#ys2VqLdvgQTxw97V.99

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Late Night Ladies

Strange Creatures In The Sky..