90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Girls With Guns

Good Fences...

The Food Police Limiting Your Freedom One Calorie At A Time...

The Master And The Apprentice...

A Moment Of Serenity..

The Viewpoint Of CAIR..

Have I Mentioned Detroit Today?

This is what we fight against.  Democrat "Ideas".

more Detroit fun:

Detroit Addresses Its Biggest Problem: George Zimmerman

Our Education System


How teachers unions reward bad teachers and punish good teachers.

News, Propaganda...Same Thing...

Orwell Called What These Guys Do: Public Relations HERE

Ban The U.N.

Edison Vs. Tesla - DC Vs. AC

Tesla and AC won, Edison behaved poorly, started GE.  GE supports Obama and pays no taxes, STILL behaving badly.

Both were very smart men, but Tesla was a freaking genius.