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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The IRS scandal: it's even worse than we feared

Last week the Heritage Foundation held a lunchtime conference to discuss the latest developments in what it calls 'Taxing the First Amendment: Using the IRS to Censor Speech?'. I'm going to post the entire hour-plus video of the conference below, but I wanted to first highlight five very short excerpts from a post-conference interview provided to the Powerline blog by one of the speakers, Cleta Mitchell. She's an attorney who's represented several clients facing IRS abuse over the past few years. In these short excerpts, she highlights an agency that appears to be completely out of control, and blames both the Democratic and Republican parties for their blind refusal to apply the law to the bureaucrats concerned. The five clips together total less than twelve minutes in length, and are well worth your viewing time.
Video 1 of 5

The Other 4 Videos Are HERE

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The Best Hump Day Picture Is Right HERE

Boom! Trey Gowdy Is In The Room! - Rep. Trey Gowdy challenges Amb. Susan Rice

Here is the link: http://video.foxnews.com/v/2436420893001/rep-trey-gowdy-challenges-amb-susan-rice/

Marco Rubio Eviscerates Democratic Senator Tom Harkin After Harkin Praised Cuba ...

Why do Democrats continue to love countries that destroy freedom of speech and freedom?
Because they don't believe in freedom of speech and freedom when they are in control.

Morning Mistress

After DHS Denial, Local Reporter Finds Evidence Terrorists Crossed The Border

H/T: http://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2014/02/after-dhs-denial-local-reporter-finds.html

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