90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Avoiding Tyranny..


Democrats: No Prerequisites For Knowledge, Critical Thinking Or Common Sense..

I Support A Woman's Right To Choose...

...Whichever Gun She Wants...

Real Leadership Would Require...

Repeat Until It Comes True..

Are We Evil?

No, Cultural Marxists Are Evil.

More On This:

The New Thought Police

Kayaker Finds 110-Year-Old Ghost Ship in the Ohio River

These kayakers came across an abandoned 110-year-old ghost ship in a tributary just off the Ohio River. The photos are cool, but what’s more incredible is the history of this ship, and the things it has seen before it’s current resting place! Scroll down to see for yourself…

One day, this kayaker and some friends came across what looked like an old ship-wreck in a tributary of the Ohio River…

Getting closer, they decided to get out and have a look around…

The ship turned out to be 110 years old, but still structurally sound enough to explore…

Plant life was growing up through the base of the ship…

There was some kind of engine machinery still on board…

Morning Mistress