90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Leno On The Dear Leader...

Obama Logic..

Why Does The Left Demonize The Koch Brothers? Because They Promote More Freedom And Less Government..

In his article in the Wall Street Journal, Charles Koch lays out his Libertarian vision of America.  Why is the left so afraid of Libertarianism?  Because Socialism depends on force to exist, Libertarianism is the opposite of force, it is free will and choice.

An except of Charles Koch's article:

I have devoted most of my life to understanding the principles that enable people to improve their lives. It is those principles—the principles of a free society—that have shaped my life, my family, our company and America itself.

Unfortunately, the fundamental concepts of dignity, respect, equality before the law and personal freedom are under attack by the nation's own government. That's why, if we want to restore a free society and create greater well-being and opportunity for all Americans, we have no choice but to fight for those principles. I have been doing so for more than 50 years, primarily through educational efforts. It was only in the past decade that I realized the need to also engage in the political process.

A truly free society is based on a vision of respect for people and what they value. In a truly free society, any business that disrespects its customers will fail, and deserves to do so. The same should be true of any government that disrespects its citizens. The central belief and fatal conceit of the current administration is that you are incapable of running your own life, but those in power are capable of running it for you. This is the essence of big government and collectivism.

Read The Rest Of The Article HERE

How To Successfully Coexist..

The California Senator that lived the life of a Grand Theft Auto character....

A politician honored for his gun control efforts is arrested for attempted arms smuggling. He held press conferences denouncing violent video games and helped pass legislation in California prohibiting sales of such games to minors. And yet, secretly, he was living the life of a Grand Theft Auto character.

The downfall of Calif. State Sen. Leland Yee of San Francisco should be an utterly captivating, fascinating story, and the national media should be sinking its teeth into the details. I joked when Yee was first arrested about how he is destined to be parodied in Grand Theft Auto. That was before the FBI’s report was even released. Now, I’m convinced the report could be the outline for an entire Grand Theft Auto installment (have they set a game in a parody of San Francisco yet?). Yee’s story of corruption, attempted gun-running and accusations of vote-selling (an undercover FBI agent posing as a medical marijuana clinic owner wanted him to support legislation introducing new barriers to entry for potential competition) is actually just a small part of a larger story about the crime scene in San Francisco. Beyond Lee’s role, the whole story (pdf) is full of drug transactions, stolen booze fencing, a home invasion by apparently Mexican gangsters, what appears to be counterfeit credit cards supplied by a Russian hacker, and more. It has everything. There’s even a money-laundering scene that takes place inside a massage parlor. It’s part FBI report, part Hollywood pitch.

And yet, it has not captured as much national media 

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Girls With Guns

Barack Obama Is A Sociopath..

The Difference Leadership Makes..

7.1 Million Lies

There is a lot that we do not know about Barack Hussein
Obama.  One thing we know for sure about him is that he is a pathological liar.  Barack Obama has filled his cabinet with loyalists and ideologues, people that believe in their agenda so completely that lying is in their minds merely a means to an end, an end that results in Socialism and the loss of freedoms for us. As Mr. Obama stood in front of cameras and time after time knowingly lied when he said if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, he knew that the corrupt, agenda driven media would give him a pass by ignoring and not reporting his lies. 

Mr. Obama is lying about the 7.1 million Obamacare signups as well. First of all, it is the most convenient number ever as he knew he needed to get to the 7 million mark by March 31. This congenital liar and his lying sycophantic administration will do anything to score a victory now because they know that when we find out later it was all a lie, the tyrants wet dream of a compliant media will simply ignore and treat it as old news. It is truly an April Fools joke and the joke is on the backs of struggling, working Americans everywhere bearing the burdens of a crony Socialistic Government, picking and choosing winners and losers. Guess which one you are? 

What Happens When Our Freedom Is In Jeopardy?