90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Give Me Liberty Or....

More Stossel:

Stossel On The Fuel For All Discovery, Innovation, And Prosperity..

Why Is There The Second Amendment?

Politicizing Your Health Care Records..

Under the guise of expanding Americans’ access to healthcare, “the federal government is planning to quietly enact what could be the largest consolidation of personal data in the history of the republic,” Stephen T. Parente and Paul Howard asserted in a USA Today column. That consolidation is called the Federal Data Services Hub, and it is being assembled as part of ObamaCare’s insurance exchange implementation.

Beginning in 2014, Americans who want to obtain federal subsidies for the purchase of health insurance will have to buy their coverage through state insurance exchanges, most of which will be run by the federal government because the majority of states declined to establish them on their own. As is typical of government programs, the exchanges will be difficult for average Americans to understand, so the Obama administration is planning to hire “tens of thousands” of “navigators” earning “$20 an hour or more” to help guide them to their taxpayer-funded coverage, according to the Washington Examiner.

Why are all mass murderers Democrats?

Now add Elliot Rodger: Lover of “The Young Turks” Show. You liberal fu*ks. Nice going.

- Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Reg­istered Democrat and Muslim.

- Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter

- Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.

- James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occu­py guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.

- Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.

- Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat

- James J. Lee who was the “green activist”/ leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.

- Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter – Leftist, Marxist.

- Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists.

- Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters – families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists.

- Bill Ayers, Weather Underground bomber – Leftist Democrat.

- Lee Harvey Oswald, Socialist, Communist and Democrat – killed Kennedy…


Morning Mistress

Kimye Wedding: Kanye West, Kim Kardashian and the New York Post tie the knot!

Hot Pick Of The Late Night: Graphically Yours..

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Girls With Guns

The Economy, Keep It Away From Obama!

Redefining Goals In AmeriKa..

The Unintended Consequences Of Artificially Raising The Minimum Wage..

Leftist Hollywood Progressive Hypocrites..

PETA gets paid off and Hollywood gets a license to kill.  Typical hypocrite progressives. Do as I say, not as I do.