90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, October 27, 2014

The Safety Of The American People: Not The Priority of This President..

More Sowell Food HERE

The Way Things Ought To Be...

Illegal Disease Immigration...

Ebola Aerosolizes in Cold Weather, A Bloody Sneeze Aerosolizes it, One Drop Of Aerosolized Blood Can Kill One Half Million People

From The Journal Of Infectious Diseases:
during the 1989–1990 epizootic of the Reston subtype of Ebola, there was circumstantial evidence of airborne spread of the virus, and supporting observations included suggestive epidemiology in patterns of spread within rooms and between rooms in the quarantine facility, high concentrations of virus in nasal and oropharyngeal secretions, and ultrastructural visualization of abundant virus particles in alveoli [17, 50]. 
..and that occurred in hot weather....

Morning Mistress

How To Throw The Perfect Punch..

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Ricochet

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around

The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Blackmailers Don't Shoot has: Rule 5 Link Around

The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Average Bubba has Rule 5 Friday

More Rule 5 Links HERE

There Is A Planet Inhabited Solely By Robots....

Love It Or Leave It...

Bet That Hurt...

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE

NASA Promotes Muslims And The Department Of Defense Promotes Global Warming...

It's like a Dystopian Novel.  But way too weird to be possible....right?

Last U.S. Marines, British combat forces end Afghan operations, prepare withdrawal

(Reuters) - The last U.S. Marines unit and final British combat troops in Afghanistan officially ended their operations on Sunday as they packed up to leave the country and transferred a massive military base to the Afghan military.

The American and British flags were lowered and folded up for the final time at the regional headquarters of the international military, 13 years after the toppling of the Taliban’s radical Islamist regime launched America's longest war.

The timing of the troops’ withdrawal from the base in the strategic province of Helmand was not released for security reasons.

Camp Leatherneck is the largest U.S. base to be handed over to Afghan control as the coalition ends its combat mission at the end of the year, leaving most of the fight against a resilient Taliban insurgency to Afghan army and police.

British forces transferred the adjacent Camp Bastion at the same time.

Once a teeming compound of some 40,000 personnel, the coalition's Regional Command (Southwest) combined base on Sunday resembled a dust-swept, well-fortified ghost town.

Concrete blast walls and razor wire were left guarding empty sand lots and barracks. Offices were bare, and bulletin boards stripped of photo tributes of fallen American troops.

"It’s empty now – when I got here, it was still bustling, so there were a lot of services around and people around," said Marine Capt. Ryan Steenberge, whose taskforce was overseeing surveillance and security for the withdrawal and will be among the last troops out.

"It’s weird to see different pieces pull away."

The most recent official estimate of combined international troops at the base was 4,500 – and those last few will be gone soon, officials said.

After the withdrawal, the Afghan National Army’s 215th Corps will be headquartered at the 6,500-acre base, leaving almost no foreign military presence in Helmand.

The province, which produces 80-90 percent of the opium that helps finance the Taliban’s insurgency, has seen fierce fighting this year, with Taliban and allied forces seeking to seize the district of Sangin from Afghan army and police.

The battles have raised concerns about whether Afghan forces are truly able to hold off the Taliban without intelligence and air support from the United States and its allies.

Officials with the U.S.-led coalition say the Afghan forces held their own this summer fighting season and did not lose any significant ground.

"I’m cautiously optimistic they will be able to sustain themselves," said ,,,