90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, October 31, 2014

Blacks Finally Realizing That Democrats Have Never Helped Them...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Girls With Guns - Natalie Dormer Edition

How The Left Implements Gun Control...

Before Carl Sagan, The Coolest Astronomer Ever Was Tycho Brahe...

More Brahe:

The crazy life and crazier death of Tycho Brahe, history's strangest astronomer

The Modern Day Slavers...

Ring Stuck? Use Dental Floss To Remove It...

I Hate Property Taxes...

One day, in the far, far future, I would like to retire and build an off-grid compound.  I want to provide my own electricity, my own water, my own food, and be completely debt free. 

The one thing that I will probably not be able to avoid is the long, greedy hand of the Government. I am willing to pay my share, but my share does not include wealth re-distribution and that is what taxes have become: theft.

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