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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Girls With Guns


At the point of a gun.

At The Expense Of Another...

More Frederic Bastiat:

On The Wisdom Of Our Masters...

"Free" from the Government...

I Wonder How Much Of His Face Is Left....

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE
Animated Gif Collection #2 HERE

Cost Vs. Results In Public Schools

Public schools do not work.
They exist only as a political and enrichment tool for the left.
Uneducated children are a guaranteed voting block for the left.
It is time to allow competition and choice in our education system.

The One Place Democrats Are Willing To Drill...

Sandy Hook Commission Gun Ban Ignores Constitution

Second Amendment: The Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, formed in the wake of the school
shooting tragedy in the Connecticut town, wants restrictive gun laws that do nothing and are in fact unconstitutional.

At Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14, 2012, 27-year-old teacher Victoria Soto bravely hid students in a restroom or closet, then died trying to protect them from shooter Adam Lanza. If she, the principal or any of the other adults in the school had access to a firearm, things might have turned out differently. As it was, 20 students and six teachers were killed that day.

The lesson of the folly of gun-free zones, where only predators are armed as they hunt down their victims, is one that repeatedly is lost on gun-control advocates. They simply ignore the lives saved when armed citizens can fire back in self-defense. From Virginia Tech to a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., to the school in Newtown, mass shootings are often in venues declaring themselves gun-free zones.

Before the Newtown shooting, a gunman walked into a shopping mall on Dec. 11, 2012, in Clackamas, Ore., with the intention of killing as many as possible. He managed to kill two before being confronted by Nick Meli, an armed citizen with a concealed-carry permit who refused to be a victim. Meli prevented another mass tragedy and saved countless lives.

Gun-control advocates conveniently forget that the Aurora shooter had a choice of seven movie theaters within a 20-mile drive of his home that were showing the "Batman" movie he was obsessed with. The Cinemark Theater he chose wasn't the closest, but it was the only one that banned customers from carrying their guns inside, otherwise allowed under Colorado law.

Undaunted by such evidence that guns save lives, Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy's Sandy Hook Advisory Commission agreed Friday to include in its final report a....