90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Look How Quickly China is Building Its Island Bases Out Of Nothing

China isn't just expanding its military reach into the South China Sea, it's rapidly building completely new islands, and as you'd expect, that's generating plenty of anxiety from the other nations in the neighborhood.

China is taking desolate reefs among the Spratly Islands and building them into man-made bases. Some see this as no more than a navigational headache and a regional issue with little impact. Others, however, believe it's a much more subversive activity, giving China the ability to claim a vast economic exclusion zone where it could control shipping, fishing, energy production, and even air travel over one of the busiest transportation corridors in the world.

Some of China's newly built islands are rumored to eventually become highly defended stationary "aircraft carrier battle groups" where they could house fighter aircraft, long range sensors, and missile systems – both of the surface-to-surface and surface-to-air variety. In doing so, China would be in the process of creating a fortress-like network of sea bases where it could project power and literally control the flow of a large portion of the world's shipping.

Currently, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Brunei lay claim to some part of the Spratly Islands. None of these nations recognize...


By: Christie Aschwanden
A few years ago, I decided to take up hunting. This was kind of a big deal, because I’d spent the first decade-plus of my adult life as vegetarian. I became a big game hunter for the same reason I raise chickens — to know where my food comes from and ensure that it’s raised and harvested humanely. I figure if I’m not willing to kill it myself, I have no business eating it.

I quickly learned that hunting red meat is much harder than raising chickens. First of all, I had to acquire a hunter safety card, which required attending a one-day class on firearm safety and hunting regulations. The class included several videos demonstrating what not to do (like shooting from a vehicle or across a road), practice handling firearms and primers on hunting regulations. It ended with a written exam and a trip to the shooting range to fire a .22 rifle.

The next summer, I focused on learning to shoot. It took me multiple trips to the firing range before...

Morning Mistress

Eric Holder Has Yet To Make A Statement On This Racial Violence..

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Vintage Sci-Fi - 1952

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Girls With Guns

Mideast Math..

..and then they came for you..

Modern Art: Punking The Art Snobs...

More Art You Will Never Understand:

Modern Art: Liberalism At Its Finest...

Oh! Bet That Hurt..

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Obama And Valerie Jarrett Are Sitting In A Bar...

How they manage the news: A guy walks in and asks the bartender, "Isn't that Obama and Valerie Jarrett sitting over there?" The bartender says, "Yep, that's them." So the guy walks over and says, "Wow, this is a real honor. What are you guys doing in here?"

Jarrett says, "We're planning on how we will give Iran a nuclear weapon.  And the guy says, "Really? What's going to happen?"

Obama says, "Well, we're going to allow Iran to Nuke Israel out of existence, kill all the Christians in the region and kill one bicycle repairman."

The guy exclaimed, "A bicycle repairman!!! Why kill a bicycle repairman?"

Valerie Jarrett turns to Obama slaps him on the shoulder and says, "See, dummy! I ...

The Nuclear Club

Inviting Iran Into The Nuclear Club: What's The Worst That Can Happen?!?