90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

If Socialists Understood Economics, They Wouldn't Be Socialists...

Security Or Liberty?

Disney ABC Embraces Hateful X-Rated Bully in New Prime Time Show

RESTON, VA – Media Research Center (MRC) and Family Research Council (FRC) are launching a joint national campaign to educate the public about a Disney ABC sitcom pilot based on the life of bigoted activist Dan Savage. MRC and FRC contacted Ben Sherwood, president of Disney/ABC Television Group, more than two weeks ago urging him to put a stop to this atrocity but received no response. [Read the full letter] 

A perusal of Dan Savage’s work reveals a career built on advocating violence — even murder — and spewing hatred against people of faith. Savage has spared no one with whom he disagrees from his vitriolic hate speech. Despite his extremism, vulgarity, and unabashed encouragement of dangerous sexual practices, Disney ABC is moving forward with this show, disgustingly titled “Family of the Year.”

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts:

“Disney ABC’s decision to effectively advance Dan Savage’s calls for violence against conservatives and his extremist attacks against people of faith, particularly evangelicals and Catholics, is appalling and outrageous. If hate speech were a crime, this man would be charged with...

Facebook accused of tracking all users even if they delete accounts, ask never to be followed

A new report claims that Facebook secretly installs tracking cookies on users’ computers, allowing them to follow users around the internet even after they've left the website, deleted their account and requested to be no longer followed.

Academic researchers said that the report showed that the company was breaking European law with its tracking policies. The law requires that users are told if their computers are receiving cookies except for specific circumstances.

Facebook’s tracking — which it does so that it can tailor advertising — involves putting cookies or small pieces of software on users’ computers, so that they can then be followed around the internet. Such technology is used by almost every website, but European law requires that users are told if they are being given cookies or being tracked. Companies don’t have to tell users if the cookies are required to connect to a service or if they are needed to give the user information that they have specifically requested.

But Facebook’s tracking policy allows it to track users if they have simply been to a page on the company’s domain, even if they weren't logged in. That includes pages for...

Morning Mistress

Obama, Clinton Charged in Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Girls With Guns

Brigitte Bardot Is On Trial For Hate Speech For Loving Her Country...

Liberal Fairness..

