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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Girls With Guns

Liberalism Is A Parasitic Disease That Will Eventually Kill Its Host...

Burning Extra Jet Fuel To Make It Look Good – Climate Hypocrites Obama, Francis Put Theater Ahead Of “Principles”

There’s nothing like some symbolic hypocrisy to reveal a false humanitarian visit for the political propaganda stunt that it is.

Argentine Pope Francis is supposedly visiting the United States to scold us all for being free capitalists and not yet submitting to our assigned role as the worker bees supporting the rest of the world. He sees international obligation as including the redistribution of our wealth. We should willingly supply everyone else with unlimited quantities of the fruits of our labor and success, our honey. He and Obama are playing beekeeper and they’re setting up the smoke screen of climate change to distract and obfuscate. They don’t want us to sting them while they’re helping themselves to the contents of our hive.

Even in the best choreographed stage productions, as this is, sometimes your timing is a little off. Either Pope Francis left Comrade Fidel in Cuba too early, his luxury jet flew too fast, or Obama was too late in arriving at the airport. One can lose track of time when taking selfies of the most irresistible “man” on earth. He just blame the traffic, even though all peasants must wait when his...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Girls With Guns

The "I Just Barfed A Little In My Mouth" Face...

No, America Was Not Founded On Racist Principles

Last week, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., told an audience at Liberty University that the United States was founded “on racist principles.” He added, “That’s a fact. We have come a long way as a nation.”

The principles on which on our country was established are articulated with clarity in the Declaration of Independence. On the matter of race, the Declaration has one simple but profound teaching: “all men are created equal.” That’s it. There are no qualifications or subtractions.

Nowhere does the Declaration or the Constitution, for that matter, classify human beings according to the color of their skin.

Far from the principle of equality being a product of racism, it actually struck at the heart of slavery. By making equality the defining principle of the nation, the Founders hoped to put slavery on the course of its ultimate extinction.

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While some of the Founders held slaves, they all knew that blacks were human beings.

In a rough draft of the Declaration, Jefferson charged King George III with waging “cruel war against human nature itself” by keeping “open a market where men should be bought & sold.” By calling slaves men, Jefferson clearly recognized their humanity.

Not only did the Founders think that blacks were human beings, but they also acknowledged the wrongness of slavery in principle.

Benjamin Franklin succinctly stated his opinion on slavery: “Slavery is…

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