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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Allowing Our Children And Families To Be Slaughtered Is Not An American Value

Suddenly Democrats, Leftists and Establishment Republicans are concerned about American Values? Allowing Our Children And Families To Be Slaughtered Is Not An American Value. 

We need to be able to vet 8th century Salafists and turn them around so they can slaughter, behead, genitally mutilate, drown, torture, burn and stone people who allow them to do so. Just say NO to Muslim Murder, Mayhem and Misery. NOT HERE, NOT NOW, NOT EVER. Here you get put in jail for carnal relations with goats and we frown on pouring acid on women who disobey you, and when I say frown, I mean shoot.

Here you cannot rape women, beat women, (this means girls too), or treat them like chattel. Stay in your countries where you can do these things and then brag about it to your fellow sadists.

Someone has to protect leftists from themselves, they can criticize common sense all they want, but when the devil is at their door, calling 911 won't help you. The politicians won't care as being dead does not stop you from voting for them.

Another 264,000 American Jobs Given Away To Foreigners By Congressional Servants To The Chamber Of Commerce “Moneyists”

Once again the Congressional Republicans who are wholly owned by the money changer elites are brazenly and callously working against the American people in service to those who line their pockets. They’re not alone in their treachery, Democrats who are also just as treasonous are offering their support where needed in the den of corruption that is the Congress and Washington DC.
Two of the more despicable chronic offenders against the American worker are House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA). Both are deceptive but unmistakable in their zeal for representing their financiers over the less affluent and monetarily insignificant American people.
At issue is a rider in the upcoming funding bill which would permit the replacement of a minimum of 100,000 blue-collar workers and as many as 264,000 through the manipulation of the H-2B visa process.

In addition to the losses incurred by the individual workers, the taxpayers would also be on the hook to provide the social benefits that would be required as a replacement to lost wages. Additionally, the labor glut would force wages down, impacting a wide variety of workers in various industries all across the United States.

Breitbart.com obtained documents which substantiated the push by Republicans to include the legislation in the upcoming...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, December 7, 2015

Girls With Guns

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Could you imagine FDR saying, 'We were attacked yesterday on Pearl Harbor. I really don't want to talk about who did it?' Republicans rip into Obama's tone-deaf terrorism speech

  • His pointed refusal to acknowledge the religion of ISIS and move toward a new strategy for defeating them had 2016 GOP contenders up in arms
  • Republicans competing to replace Obama put his speech in the context of the infamous Japanese attack on the military base in Hawaii 74 years ago 
  • Hillary Clinton said nothing at all; Bernie Sanders agreed with Obama's points on resisting 'fear and division' 
  • Obama pleaded with Americans to treat Muslims with respect 'rather than push them away through suspicion and hate'
President Barack Obama's refusal to mention Islamic terrorism as he made his Oval Office address last night was condemned by leading Republicans today.

They seized on the timing of the address - on the eve of Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - to slam Obama for what one described as a 'partisan speech'.

In the address the Commander in Chief promised that the country would 'overcome' the threat of terrorism and it would destroy the 'thugs and killers', 'and any other organization that tries to harm us.'
His pointed refusal to acknowledge the religion of the radicals had Republicans competing to replace him up in arms once again.

'Could you imagine FDR going before Congress and saying, "We were attacked yesterday on Pearl Harbor. I really don't want to talk about who did it, but you know, we just want to say that they were...

21 Photos of Pearl Harbor and a Day That Will Live in Infamy - Dec. 7, 1941

See The Rest Here

That Terrible Day When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor

Morning Mistress