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Friday, May 20, 2016

Expanded Health Benefits for Illegal Alien Kids in California

On Monday, California began covering health care for poor illegal aliens under the age of 19.

State enrollment estimates in the first year are expected to hit 185,000 of the 250,000 eligible minors, say state officials cited by the Associated Press. Legislative analysis of SB 4, the follow-up bill to shore up implementation of an earlier illegal alien public health care expansion bill, SB 75, details a budget allocation of $40 million toward the expansion. “Ongoing annual costs are estimated at $132 million General Fund.”

Among supporters of SB 4 were California’s most powerful unions and immigrant activist organizations. including the National Council of La Raza, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, the California Teachers Association and SEIU California.

Enrollment coordinator Claudia Carolina is working with schools in Los Angeles to publicize the program. The AP noted that outside the state Capitol, “health care and immigrant rights advocates celebrating the expansion turned their attention to their next goals. They want Medi-Cal – the state’s version of Medicaid – to cover income-eligible adults who migrated illegally …”.

An online KCRA 3 News poll via Facebook asked, “Should minors brought illegally to the U.S. be allowed to sign up for state-funded health care?” Respondents overwhelmingly said no: 62 percent rejected the idea, compared to...

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Girls With Guns

News We Always Knew: Facebook Is Biased...

Mark Zuckerberg is an open borders totalitarian, with an army of armed goons guarding his compound walls.

Truck Vs. Train...

More Unbelievably Good Animated Gifs:

Bet You've Never Had A Day This Bad...

All These Pansy Asses Need Someone To Call Bullshit On Their Bullshit...

Six Aspects Of Donald Trump’s Pro-Gun Push

Trump Is A Flashlight


Or Comply?

How To Successfully Coexist..

Hillary Gets Pillaged On Twitter...

More Gun Grabber Hillary:

Six Parts of Hillary Clinton’s Plan to Disarm Citizens

Trump Leaps Ahead In Latest Fox News poll: Trump 45, Crooked Hillary 42

I guess our distraught #NeverTrump friends aren’t as influential as they are emotional. Or maybe #CrookedHillary is just that bad. Of course, as Trump himself points out, there is something different about Fox News polls:

But even Fox had Hillary up 48-41 a month ago. What changed? Nate Silver himself sort of tries to explain it away by pointing out that Trump may have gotten a bump from wrapping up the nomination. But since when has any candidate’s wrapping up of the nomination come with such hysterical negativity as has greeted Trump’s win?

Here’s how Fox breaks down the new poll, which now has Trump up 45-42:

Trump's Excellent Supreme Court Picks Win Immediate Praise...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday released a list of 11 potential picks to replace Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court, a mix of federal and state judges that appeared tailored to win over conservatives still skeptical of his candidacy.

The decision to release such a list is highly unusual for a presidential candidate, and comes as Trump is working to unite a Republican Party fractured by his candidacy and assuage still-skeptical establishment Republicans who question his ability to win a general election.

"I have a lot of people that are conservative that really like me, love everything I stand for, but they really would like to know my view," Trump said Wednesday in an interview with Fox News, "because perhaps outside of the defense of our country, perhaps the single most important thing the next president is going to have to do is pick Supreme Court justices."

The list, which featured several prominent names floated repeatedly on conservative wish lists to replace Scalia, won immediate praise from those Trump is trying to win over.

"This list ought to be encouraging to anyone who prioritizes the rule of law, and I congratulate Mr. Trump on making a very significant policy statement about his desire to prioritize the future of the Supreme Court," said....