90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

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Monday, July 18, 2016

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

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Mattress Vs. Motorcycle...

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This Mugger Messed With The Wrong Woman...

The Tragedy Of Alcohol Abuse...

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE

Animated Gif Collection #2 HERE

Five Words for Black Lives Matter

For far too long, the United States of America have been plagued by that grotesque mockery of “civil rights activism” known as Black Lives Matter. This group, along with allied Afrofascist groups like the New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam (i.e. the Black Muslims), proclaimed itself to be dedicated to addressing supposed targeting of black American by the police. However, due to the influence of other more well-established radical groups, BLM has since branched out into a more broad spectrum sort of anti-capitalism, anti-law and order, anti-white, anti-America in general movement. As a result, BLM has lost what little credibility it originally may have had, and has joined the ranks of being just another fear-mongering left-wing agitation group. The main distinction between it and other left-wing noise generators is the lengths to which it is willing to go to inconvenience and threaten everyone it comes into contact with. Because of this, it’s time for the decent people of this country to stop playing along with BLM’s delusions, and simply tell them these five little words:
Sit down and shut up.

That’s it. Nothing more needs to be said to the BLM “movement” other than this. They do not deserve any efforts to engage them rationally. They have shown no willingness to be rational in the first place. They don’t deserve any “yes, but…” caveats. They are nothing but a menace and an annoyance to the civilized people who are left in this country.

To begin with, their entire raison d’etre for existing - which is to address the rampant police brutality represented in the vastly disproportionate shooting of black Americans by the police—is completely bogus. As in, it doesn’t exist. As it turns out, in 2015, of the 990 people who were killed by police officers in the US, 258 were black, which is 26%. Now, while blacks only make up 13% of the American population, they were 22% of those who committed violent crimes of all types. For comparison, whites made up 494 of the 990 people killed by the police (50%), despite committing only 43% of violent crimes. So while...

Obama's Leftist Lens...

Reeling from Falling Polls, Paul Ryan Floods District with Mailers on Border Security After Funding Every Obama Open Borders Initiative

Following a new primary election poll showing that House Speaker Paul Ryan has plummeted to well below 50 percent in his home district, Ryan is out with new mailers assuring Wisconsin voters of his desire to secure the border, and urging them to support him in his contentious August 9th primary election.

The new mailers touting Ryan’s support for border security is interesting given that just last year, Ryan championed a spending bill that fully funded President Obama’s open borders agenda– including funding sanctuary cities, executive amnesty, and the release of criminal aliens. The mailers also come amid new reports indicating that, one month after his election, Ryan plans to bring up “criminal sentencing” measures that could release thousands of criminal illegal aliens from prison onto the streets.