90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, September 4, 2016

Giuliani: Clinton acted 'with criminal intent'

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani claimed Sunday that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton "acted intentionally and with criminal intent" in regards to her private email server used while secretary of state.

Giuliani, a Donald Trump surrogate and former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said in a statement released by Trump's campaign that Clinton "powerful evidence of criminal intent" was how she deleted 33,000 emails and erased them with "expensive BleachBit software" that he claims is "used by criminals seeking to hide evidence from law enforcement"

"The notes released from Hillary Clinton’s FBI interview make it abundantly clear that she was not only extremely careless in her handling of top secret and confidential government information, but acted intentionally and...

More COLOGNE SEX ATTACKS: Muslim Migrants sexually assault women at German festival

So what’s changed after the mass sexual assaults began in Cologne and other European cities on New Year’s Eve? Nothing. It’s the new normal and music festivals and other outdoor events.

What’s the difference between these sexual attacks and the sex crimes and slavery of the Islamic State? Nothing. It is sanctioned under Islam.

This is Merkel’s legacy to Germany and Europe.

IMMIGRANT men have groped and sexually assaulted a number of women in a German city in copycat attacks of the New Year’s eve sex frenzy in Cologne.

Immigrants have sexually assaulted a number of women in a German city in Cologne copycat attack

Police said the four women who filed complaints after the incidents in Essen late on Friday could be “only the tip of the iceberg.”

Women who may have been attacked at the Essen Original city party have been offered a confidential hotline by officers to contact them.

The police presence at the festival was beefed up over the weekend as a result of the sexual assaults.
All said that men came up to them in groups, danced around them, harassed and groped...

Labor Day--Burgers, Brats and Bolshevism

How’s about some commie ketchup on that burger? It’s extra red. A little Marxist mustard for your dog? What about a pinch of socialist sauerkraut on that bubbling bratwurst?

Didn’t you know? That’s why you get the day off on Monday. That’s what your Labor Day barbecue commemorates: socialism. Delicious, juicy, smoky socialism with a side of potato salad (German, of course) and a game of Cornhole (everyone’s a winner!)—frills made affordable to Americans, American businesses and big government waste-fraud-and-abuse mills by, well, capitalism.

I know, I’m a killjoy, and, call me a hypocrite, but I’m grilling out Monday anyway. Still, fellas, while you’re sweating over that sizzling Weber this three-day weekend, just be sure to tip a stein to old Karl, Vladimir and Josef. Without those genocidal schmendricks, you’d be stuck in your cubical Monday, just like every other day, playing Candy Crush and checking fantasy football.

Just yankin’ your chain. I’m sure you’re a hard worker, and, I mean, isn’t that really what Labor Day is all about? Hard work?

Actually, no. Not at all. Hard work has nothing to do with it. Labor Day is about “labor,” and “labor,” since the 19th century at least, has been, and yet remains, one of the primary “progressive” euphemisms exploited by leftists (aka, Democrats) to further the redistributionist goals of the global socialist movement.

Ah, Labor Day: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need!” “Workers of the world unite!”

And don’t forget to “look for the union label.”

No, I’m not being paranoid. The history of Labor Day is fascinating. And it really is rooted, 100 percent, in socialism.

In 1882 a couple of socialist cats named Matthew Maguire and Peter McGuire, both members of the Socialist Labor Party, proposed an official workers’ holiday in New York to be called...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Girls With Guns

FBI: Clinton Ignored Cybersecurity Threats, Put POTUS at Risk of Being Hacked

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her staff were regularly cautioned on the risks of using unsecured cellphones abroad, but that didn’t stop her from directly contacting President Barack Obama with one, which put him at risk of being hacked.

According to the FBI’s report released Friday detailing the agency’s investigation into Clinton’s use of a personal email server, she sent hundreds of emails — many of them classified — despite knowing that connecting to a local server provided an opportunity “for foreign adversaries to intercept voice and e-mail transmissions.”

While none of the correspondences between her and the commander in chief were marked classified, the president’s information was left vulnerable, as the server was not properly secured.

“On [redacted] occasions while OCONUS (Outside Continental U.S.), Clinton had direct e-mail contact with an e-mail address for President Barack Obama,” the report reads. “Of the [redacted] e-mails between Clinton and President Obama, [redacted] were sent and received [redacted].”

Clinton told investigators she wasn’t provided any information on how she should handle using the president’s email address overseas.

The investigation indicates in addition to Clinton, top aides often used ...

Too Soon? 2nd Place Winner In A Quick Draw Competition...


Sylville Smith: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know